
Posts by solomon2day

  • Restructuring and the Quest for Igbo Presidency

    In 1998, the apex Igbo socio-cultural organization,Ohaneze Ndigbo restructured, 12 months after, the structure became a platform to campaign for Igbo presidency.

    Again,in 2004, the socio-cultural organization restructured,even though the general elections came up in 2007. Nigerians were of the opinion that  the presidency was for all Nigerians.

    Their arguments were hinged on the fact that no section of the country,was excluded from aspiring to the highest position in the land.

    Indeed,there has never been and there is  still no constitutional provision or clause that allows for the exclusion of any tribe to vie for the presidency.

    Interestingly, Ohaneze, is a South East Geo-Political zone based socio-cultural organization, which projects the interests of Ndigbo in particular, and the rest of Nigeria in general.

    Although, at a particular point in time the organization was accused of been elitist. 

    The objective, according to a cross section of those who are members of the organization, is to ensure that the ordinary  man in the street is a  member.

    However,they  argue that anybody who is Igbo or of Igbo extraction,within Igboland or in Diaspora,is considered a member of Ohaneze. Such individuals, according the organization can attend  meetings without a third party making introduction.

    'You can come to an Ohaneze meeting without anybody introducing you. If there is any need to introduce yourself, you get up and tell them who you are'', they stated.

    Sadly, this is not the situation in the diaspora, including Oyo state.

    In an interview in 2004, the President of the Anambra state chapter of Ohaneze, Dozie Ikedife,had insisted then, that restructuring was on course, irrespective of any presidential election.

    'If it happens that no Igbo man is installed as President this time around, Ohaneze will still play its role to ensure that a President is installed in this country and that things move on peacefully with a sense of equity, fair play,justice and enhancement of the sense of belonging for all'', Ikedife had declared.

    The then President of Ohaneze, Prof. Joe Irukwu was consistent in advocating for Igbo presidency, even though the hidden ambitions of his kith and  kin at home and in diaspora militated against his advocacy.

    However,  a one time Governor of old Anambra state, Chief Christian Onoh,once observed that state Governors of the South-East geo-political zone have always worked at cross purposes, when it involved the Igbo Presidential project.

    'We should tell ourselves the home truth-our Governors are not united',Chief Onoh had noted.

    Sadly, some members of the political class in Igboland, project Igbo Presidency in broad day light, while vigorously facilitating an agenda at variance with the collective interests and aspirations of Ndigbo,under the cover of darkness, 'when NEPA don take light'.

    Since no tribe or ethnic group has been excluded from Nigeria, the debate about who occupy the number one seat in 2019 and beyond,should be for all and sundry. Perhaps

  • Kenya : Busia Governor, Two Others Arraigned for Fraud

    Busia Governor, Sospeter Ojaamong and three County Ministers  were on Wednesday arraigned before the Milimani, Nairobi, Anti-Corruption Court on a 7 count charge of corruption.

    Before now the accused persons had been detained at the Integrity Centre -the headquarters of the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC).

     Others arraigned alongside the Governor are Mr Bernard Yaite, Mr Allan Ekweny and Mr Samuel Ombui, who are County Ministers.

    Charges against them include defrauding the County of Sh 8 million.

    Other charges are abuse of office, conspiracy to commit an economic crime and engaging in a project without proper planning.


    Also, they were charged for  willful failure to comply with the law relating to management of public funds and fraudulent acquisition of public property.

    The accused persons peladed not guilty to the charges.



  • National Identity, Ethnic Thoughts and Nation Building

    The financial greed of political exposed persons in Nigeria is a major problem of nation building.

    Indeed, when Chief(Dr.)Olusegun obasanjo was the President, the then Inspector General of Police, Tafa Balogun, his kinsman, was put forward as a model to discourage financial crimes.

    Till date, the Former Inspector General's travails is a talking point.

    Nigerians are laready exhibiting intolerant behaviour,perhaps, in violation of the 1999 amended constitution, to oppose a second term presidency for President Muahammadu Buhari. Why ? The anti-corruption fight in this dispensation has not been impressive among other neglected aspects of governance. The former Secetary to the Government of the Federation  and several other high profile public office holders remain credible reference points.

    As mediocrity becomes the popular choice for political office holders at the Federal, State and Local Government levels, hitherto  vibrant institutions have been weakened to damaging and ridiculous levels.

    The President's constitutional breaches have come under the heavy 'fire power' of moral indignation by milions of Nigerians, with the President's media handlers reacting feebly and unconvincingly.

    Interestingly, Nigerians have interpreted the statement creditied to the Director General of the National Identity Card Management Commission(NIMC) that embarrassment awaits Nigerians who have not registered for the Nationa Identity Number(NIN), as an open threat and subtle intimidation.

    The Commission had earlier in the year, lamented that lack of funds was limiting the commission's plans to produce the National Identity cards for Nigerians. Why the sudden desperation to ensure that Nigerians obtain the NIN ?

    Part of the answer lies in the statement by the then Deputy Speaker of the Delta state House of Assembly, Pius Ewherido in 2005, ''Looking for an ethnic plaform, I think negates the entire concept of Democracy''.

    Also of worry, is the alarm raised by the Independent Natonal Electoral Commssion(INEC) that the  Permanent Voters Cards(PVC) are been cloned, this is coming on the heels of reports that desperate politicians are already purchasing the PVCs from uninformed Nigerians at the grass roots.

    The situation is made more confusing, with the satement of the Minister of Communications, Barrister Adebayo Shittu, that there are threats to the country's cyberspace. How ? And why is it coming at a time that elections are coming up in Ekiti and Osun states, while the 2019 general elections is alos around the corner. Perhaps, Government is stll hiding a lot from Nigerians.

  • Private Security Initiatives can only Thrive When State Governors and Other Stakeholders Cooperate-Aare Onakakanfo

    The Aare Kakanfo of Yorubaland, Aare Gani Adams has asserted private security could only thrive when Governors in the 36 states of the Federation and other stakeholders provide necessary support and cooperation.

    Aare Adams made this assertion in during an  interview session in a private radio station in the South West Geo-Political zone of Nigeria.

    '' Private security organizations can only succeed when state Governors, Traditional Rulers, Landlords and Tenants Associations and other stakeholders in the security sector support and cooperate with the private security organizations '', he stated.

    He also lamented that in saner climes such as South Africa, the Government encouraged and supported private security inititiatives, adding ''that is why the crime rate there is under control. But here , the Police want  private security organizatons to  become community police and the police is not ready to give them anything. In South Africa, private security organizatons assist the police in intelligence gathering and they are compensated with 10 per cent of what the police earn''.

    ''Communities who engage members of the Oodua Peoples Congress pay them peanuts. The service conditions of private security guards are not well coordinated. As Aare Onakakanfo, I have to consult widely before I take decisions. Nobody can take decisions alone''.

    ''The Army, Navy, Airforce, Directorate of State Security  and other security agencies are in place to address the herdsmen issue. I am now a statesman, it is their responsibility. When your status changes, you have to exhibit behaviour in line with your new status, if not, you wll run into trouble'', Aare Adams noted.

    He also called on President Muhammadu Buhari  to without delay implement the 2014  National conference report, as a step towards addressing the country's challenges.

    ''About 496 delegates participated in th 2014 National conference and former President Goodluck Jonathan did not waste money on the national conference, however, it would be a waste of financial resources if President Buhari does not implement the report, even if he implements 70 per cent of the recommendations, it is alright, Nigerians are not saying he should implement everything'', Aare Adams concluded

  • Govt has withheld June salaries of Workers to Frustrate July 2 Sit At Home Action-AWC

    The All Workers Convergence(AWC) has raised that alarm that the Federal Government has with held salaries of workers nationwide for the month of June, to frustrate the one day sit-at-home action of the workers on Monday July 2.

    According to the National Coordinator of the AWC, Comrade Andrew Emelieze, who made this disclosure, in a chat with People, the workers will go ahead with the action.

    ''In fact Government is trying to frustrate the one day sit-at-home national strike. Government has refused to pay workers their June salaries, just to frustrate the one day national sit-at-home action. To this end, we call on workers natiowide to sit at home on Monday July 2, 2018, in protest gaainst the denila of the rights of existence of the Nigerian workers by Government''.

    ''Any worker that is not comfortable with the N18,000 minimum wage should sit at home on that day. We are appealing to the conscience of all Nigerian workers to make it succeed. An it shall succeed'', Comrade Emelieze asserted.

    Howevr, the Chairman of the Oyo state council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also the Chairman Joint Negotiating Council(JNC) in the state, Comrade Emmanuel Ogundiran disclosed that there was no directive from the Labour centres in Abuja to that effect.

    ''There is nothing like that, I have no directive, no letter to that effect, in respect of the sit-at-home action, as leaders of organized Trade unions in the state, we will not do anything that would jeopardize or prejudice the negotiation, whatever we cannot defend we will not go into it. Any worker that abides by the directive and is absent without leave, the consequence is summary dismissal, and they cannot call us to defend them because we did not call them out'', Comrade Ogundiran warned.

    In a related development workers in the a siazble number of  Local Governments of Oyo state have insisted that the state Government was yet to pay them for a number of months, just as they stressed that the N9 billion the state Government claimed to have released, only covered payment of  salaries for two months.

    In his reaction, the state President of the National Union of Local Government Employess (NULGE), Comrade Tititlola Sodo said that the over N9.7 billion released by the state Government was used to pay two months salaries of Primary School Teachers.

    ''The N9.7 billion the state Government released was a allocation for March and April, 2018, including 10 per cent Internally Generated Revenue(IGR), no gratuity was paid About N3.6 billion was used to pay the two months salaries of Primary School Teachers and another N1.3 billion was used to pay leave bonus. Salaries for workers at the newly created Local Council Development Areas(LCDAs) are still paid at the mother Local Governments. 2o Local Goverments are up to date in the payment of  salaries, quite a few still have salary arrears outstanding, ranging from one to six months''.

    Comrade Sodo urged the workers to still have confidence in their union leaders, saying ''we have come this far, workers should not lose hope, they should rely on their unions ''.


  • Prices of Local Sugar Go Up in Kenya

    As the Kenyan Government intensifies its clampdown on contraband products, traders have increased the prices of local sugar.

     A kilo of sugar  in western Kenya now sells for between Sh10 and Sh20.

    Consumers now avoid brands from factories that have links with  the controversial importation of sugar. A 50kg bag of Sony sugar now goes for Sh5,500, up from Sh4,300.

     The Government had two weeks ago, seized a consignment of contraband sugar  in a warehouse in Eastleigh, Nairobi.


  • Women Farmers in Imo Protest Herdsmen Attacks

    Women farmers from Amakohi-ubi community in Owerri West Local Government Area  of Imo state have staged a peaceful protest to the state Government house to appeal for government intervention in the incessant destruction of their farmlands by herdsmen.

    The hundreds of palcard carrying protesters lamented the losses they are incurred as a result of the persistent attacks.

    The spokesperson of the protesters, Betty Uneze disclosed that they had no option but to bring their predicament to the notice of the state government.

    “We are in Imo State Government House to tell our Governor, Rochas Okorocha that Fulani herdsmen have destroyed our farms. This is not the first time it is happening.

    “Our farms have been destroyed and we do not know when this suffering will end. As we are talking to you now, the herdsmen are still in our farms. Please, we want them to leave.

    “If our grievances are not proactively addressed now that it has not gotten to a dangerous point, is it when we are physically attacked and killed that the government will come to our rescue?” Uneze opined.

  • The different Tales Of The Lagos/Ibadan Expressway

    Travelers now spend almost the entire journey engaging in prayers for God’s protection while traveling in commercial vehicles and trucks along the Lagos\Ibadan expressway.They pray fervently not to be involved in  ghastly motor accidents that  have now characterized the expressway,among other tales of woe.

    Bashed vehicles,blood stains and personal belongings of accident victims littering the road,are now sign posts of the daily tragedy that occurs along the road.

    Not long ago,three occupants of a sleek new model black Honda Accord car with Lagos registration number had a collision with a truck.The car somersaulted several times before coming to a halt,while a middle aged man,clad in brown native attire survived the accident with serious bruises,the other two occupants,a lady and another man died instantly.

    On the same day,at another spot along the road,some hundreds of meters to Ogere,a town along the expressway,two towing trucks made spirited efforts to rescue another truck,which found its way into a very deep pit,beside the expressway.

    Curiously, investigations reveal that it is always celebration time for residents of villages along the road,when trucks conveying consumable and valuable products are involved in accidents.

    One of such incidents,was when a petrol tanker fully loaded with petroleum products got involved in a ghastly accident which resulted in the spillage of its contents. Inhabitants of the villages near the scene trooped out in their hundreds to scoop fuel.

    Sadly,although the regular and anti-riot policemen are noticeable at different spots on the road,their presence might be to fulfill personal desires, rather than get involved in rescue operations for accident victims and the  arrest of looters at accident spots.

    A resident of Sapade,Moshood Ariyo,insists that the poverty in the land has driven a lot of Nigerians into contriving ways of survival.”A number of accidents along the road involving trailers conveying goods,are the handiwork of people with intentions to steal the goods.In the case of accidents involving other vehicles,the thieves rob the victims”,Ariyo disclosed.

    He,however called on the law enforcement agencies to check the trend,before it becomes institutionalized.

    Investigations also reveal that  trailer and tanker drivers have for a long time now,converted the expressway to garages.Instances abound at Ogere and the Ibafo axis of the road. This, to a great extent has contributed to the road carnage.

    Also,the reckless nature of commercial bus drivers already high on intoxicants,has sent the drivers and countless number of passengers to their early graves.

    When this magazine visited a number of motor parks including the one at Ojota,Lagos and Iwo road,Ibadan,the urgent need to be intoxicated before embarking on any journey appears to be a major consideration.

    This has resulted in passengers continuously controlling the driving style of the drivers all through the journey.

    Sadly,the activities of kidnappers and ritualists have contributed a great deal to the almost helpless situation. With their focus on passengers,who cannot afford the transport fares at the various parks,they lower theirs to attract people hanging along the expressway.

    Once inside the vehicle,the unsuspecting passengers are driven to unknown destinations,after they might have been hypnotized.Therehave been several reported cases of abduction for ritual purposes along the expressway.

    While some have been fortunate to escape,others have never been seen again,after their abduction.

    With the situation already becoming worrisome and frightening, even though the repair work on the expressway has gone a long way to reduce accidents on the road,,it is the hope that the law enforcement agencies would live up to expectation,while passengers look on to God for protection.

  • Three Journalists injured as explosion Rock Rally in Zimbabwe

    Three Journalists were injured when  an explosion disrupted last Saturday's  ZANU-PF  political rally at the Bulawayo White Stadium in Zimbabwe.

    The political rally had in attendance President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was there to campaign, ahead of the July 30 general elections in the country.

    The three Journalists who were injured work for the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation(ZBC), they are Cameraman Coster Thole, Technician Chipo Five, and Producer Forget Tsododo.

    Although President Mnangagwa escaped unhurt, the source of the blast has not yet been uncovered, while security agencies step up investigations


  • Workers of Zimbabwe's Revenue Authority Picket Work Place Today


    Workers of the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority(ZIMRA) will today(Friday) embark on  protests over issues revolving on poor  welfare and working conditions.

    The notice of the strike is contained in a letter addressed to the Officer in Charge of Harare central of ZIMRA.

     According to the Secretary General of Zimbabwe Revenue Authority and Allied Workers Trade Union (ZIMRATU) General secretary, Mr. Lovemore Ngwarati, the workers have notified the management and the Zimbabwe Republic Police of their intention to picket the authority's head office  in Central Harare, starting from 1230hrs until 1400hrs.

    The workers lamented that since 2003 the managemtn had embarked on 'costly job evaluation exercises'' without impelmenting the results.

    They expressed reservations over the award of 

     "lucrative" three-year fixed term contracts "renewable without advertisement or equal opportunity" to the authroity's managers  while the 2500 strong workforce is "languishing in poverty".



  • The Other Side of Safeguarding the Lives and Property of Nigerians

    In July 2005, the then Inspector General of Police Mr. Sunday Ehindero put in place committee to investigate the circumstances that led to the alleged killing of five Igbo traders and their female friend by some policemen at the Apo  mechanic village, Abuja on June 7 of the same year.

    However, the committee was  headed by, Mike Okiro, then a Deputy Inspector General  of Police was dissolved by the then President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo.

    The President hinged his decision on the fact that the Police could not be a Judge in its own case. In addition, the President's action was predicated on the testimonies of a  photographer, hired by the Police in the Federal Capital Territory(FCT) to take photographs of the lifeless bodies of the six Nigerians sent to their untimely graves. 

    The photographer confessed that the police were responsible for the crime, as he stated that he saw the police bring guns and placed  by the side of the corpses of the six, to make them look like armed robbers, after which, the police ordered him to take their photographs.

    The photographer further stated that, he could not believe his eyes, when he saw the Commissioner of Police of the Command, explaining to Nigerians that those killed were armed robbers, while making particular reference to the photographs. Such instances abound till today.

    This development emboldened the President to put a stop to the Police investigation, to avert a situation whereby the outcome of the investigation would favour the Police.

    Without hesitation, the President set up a Judicial Commission  of Inquiry to find out how the six were killed and the role of the police in the incident. 

    Nigerians now realized that the action of the President, was an indication that he lacked confidence in the competence of  Ehindero, as Inspector General of Police.

    Complainants are converted to accused persons at Police stations, when money exchange hands, just as criminals boast of their cordial relationships with compromised officers and rank and file of the force.

    Corruption and inefficiency have become recurring decimals in the Nigeria Police Force, this has affected almost all senior officers, who have occupied the position OF inspector General OF Police.

    In this dispensation, Nigerians heaved a sigh of relief, when Ibrahim Idris assumed office as the Police Boss. They thought that they would soon begin to sleep with their two eyes closed This is not the situation, considering the manner the Police has handled the  Senator Dino Melaye case.

    Sadly, for several years, there has been a disconnect between the IGP's office and the 36 state commands. This informed the establishment of special task forces by successive Inspectors General of Police to tackle crime nationwide.

    Accusation of deprivation of funds and counter accusation of mismanagement of funds have characterized the relationship between the IGP's  office and the 36 state Police Commands.

    Indeed, on issues bothering on corruption, the Police cannot be a Judge in its own case. The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(EFCC) is an anti-graft agency, with a number of policemen involved.

    Indeed, the question of funding of the police still remains in the circle of administrative bottlenecks and the late release of funds by the Federal Government. Sabotage is now the order of the day. The insecurity in land addresses the question.

    Of worry, is the communication lag between the office of the IGP and the Police Service Commission(PSC). The PSC is  not responsible for the appointment of the IGP.

    Successive occupants of the IGP's seat have always been suspicious of any suggestion or advice emanating from  the commission.

    Interestingly, some state governments, which are vigorously agitating for the establishment of state police, have taken advantage of the insecurity in the land.

    However, state police cannot fly, in an environment filled with political office holders bereft of ideology and principles.

    Nigerians should not be deceived by the activities of some selfish and greed-driven citizens, who continuously discredit the present  centralization of the  police structure, in favour of sectional interests and design.


  • Lagos Govt Abolishes Career Progression Based Promotion for Workers

    Civil servants

    The Lagos state Government has abolished the 50 year old practice of promoting civil servants based on their progression in their various careers.

    The  state government hinged its decision on the need to ensure effective service delivery in the state.

    This disclosure was made by the state Head of Service, Mrs. Folashade Adesoye at a news  conference to commence the2018 Civil service week in the state, at the state secretariat, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos.

    “To this extent, all government officers now have clearly defined job schedules against which their performances will be assessed. This approach is based on the perception that governance must be open, timely, effective and efficient”, Mrs Adesoye disclosed.


  • Online Betting : Stakeholders in Oyo Shun Interactive Forum with Gaming Board

    Stakeholders in the betting industry, last Wednesday, shunned an interactive forum organized by the newly reconstituted Oyo state aming Board.

    The stakeholders hinged their action  on the fact that the intention of the board might not be in line with their battles fr survival in te industry, considringthe tax regime in the state.

    They lamented that the business environment in the state was unfriendly, harsh and hostile,just as they warned that any attempt to introduceaother category in te mulitple taxe regime, currently operating in the state, will force several operators to close down.

    A few of the operators were, however, cited at the forum. 

    In his remarks of the board, Mr. Lekan Abari, opined ''this is a stepping stone to so many things that is going to be done. There are over 50 operators in the state less than 10 are in attendance''.

    One of the stakeholders, who was in attedance, Mr. Michael Nwogu, the Cheif Executive of Celcon Limited, a platform provider, appealed to the board to protect operators, adding ''of all the stkeholers, only  those in sports betting are online and none of them are using ocal platforms, they all have to pay their subscriptons in foreign exchange, what is the board doing ?''.

    Similarly, the Secretary of the Pools Promoters Asociation in Oyo state, Mr. Gbenga Ogungbenle drew the attention of the board to the fact that the business environment n Lagos varied from that  of badan, while lamenting  that the state governmen did not cary them along when it decided to make changes in the nomenclature of the board.

    ''What is applicable in Lagos cannot be applicable in Ibadan. We didn't know whe the sat government inaugurated the state Gaming board, there is little or no difference from the  pools beeting board we usd to know. We are not online, Why the change ? We don't know, all of us in the industry are passig through hard times'', Mr. Ogungbenle disclosed.

    In response, the Chairman of th state Internal Revenue Board, Mr. Bisi Alli declared that the sanitizaton of the  revenue process by the revolved on mutula benefit.

    ''We are sanitizing the rvenue process in the state. Govenment must render service and you mus pay. Our state must be in line with what obtains in all other parts of the world. The essence of embracing technology  is to assist operators.

    It makes your operations very easy and lesscumbersome. The cost of compliance becomes cheap, it reduces as transaction increases. It knocks down the cost of compliance. Those who operate illegally cannot come o our platform. More importantly, you need the government, the government needs you. If you don't partner with government, if you don't pay  your contribution, it might be difficult'', Mr Alli warned.

    Sadly, jobless youths and secondary school students, form the bulk of those who patronize the betting centres, who also include market me nd women.

    These category of people spend valuable time discussing, analyzing and projecting  winning prospects

  • The Mindset of the the Government Worker in Nigeria

    In the present time, in Nigeria only a handful of civil and public servants take their duties seriously and wholeheartedly.

    Their attitude is directly related to the position of government  in the three tiers on issues of workers' welfare and conditions of service.

    Indeed, the  focus of those on government payroll in any given line of duty  or assignment is what is in it  to gain  and not what is ought to be done. In other words, selfless devotion to duty is no longer there.

    Assigned  tasks in the  Ministries, Departments and Agencies are no longer done properly and promptly. A sizable number of  workers, no longer possess senses of responsibility. Who is to blame ?

    For several years now, the monster of indiscipline has continued to fester. with due process as the major casuality. The struggle for ''power'' among government workers  is the most prominent activity going on in most offices.

    Sharp practices are the order of the day, this is partly as a result of the  sectional Democracy in vogue today.

    At the Federal , State and Local government levels, workers, who are co-opted to generate revenue  for government, make good use  of the opportunity to protect their future .

    The source of inspiration for these category,  of workers include stories of government  workers who retired in 2010 and are yet to be paid their gratuities.

    The popular discussion in most government  offices is the backlog of salary arrears owed workers, even though Comrades Ibrahim Yinsua Olayiwola and Adejare Ahmed of the Oyo state branch of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria(ASCSN) are of the opinion that workers should be devoted and committed to duty, to avoid  negative reports from their superiors.

    The worrisome question everywhere at present  is : has the insensitive attitude of government  ensured workers devotion and commitment  to duty ?

  • The Position of the State and the Killing of its Citizens

    Adolf Hitler labelled the extermination of the Jews in Europe, '' the final solution'', while the military dictatorship in Argentina which embarked on an unprecedented killing of its citizens code named same ''The process of National Integration''.

    The activities of insurgents and armed  herdsmen which have claimed thousands of livers are similar to the above mentioned/

    Between 1976 and 1983 millions of citizens lost their lives in Argentina. Death squads operating under secret circumstance and the cover of the state murdered about 11, 000 people, which are now described as ''The Disappeared''.

    Two million people escaped persecution, while hundreds of babies born to ''The Disappeared'', were either sold, bartered or murdered.

    Indeed, happenings in several states of Nigeria, including Benue, Taraba, Plateau, Kogi, Nasarawa and Kaduna, indicate that government is fully aware of the insecurity, even as the killings continue. This calls for concern.

    On March, 23, 1976, General Jourge Videla, Head of the Argentine Army overthrew the government of Isabelita Peron, a former night club dancer. No civilian government had completed its tenure, excerpt for Juan Peron's first term in office.

    General Videla hinged his action on the chronic inflation and high rate of unemployment that trailed Isabelita's government.

    However, in Nigeria, a retired Army General calls the shots, even though the country still experiences symptoms of economic recession, mass unemployment, corruption and insecurity.

    The Ejecrcito Revolcionario del Pueblo(ERP) and the Montotneros, took to kidnapping and killings. This plunged Argentina into crisis, in Nigeria, kidnapping and killings have gone on unabated. Political pundits put the blame at the door step of the present administration.

    Nigerians are worried that the government has done nothing noticeable to ensure that the country does not slip into anarchy.

    In 2009, the Defense Minister of Madagascar, Cecile Manorantha resigned  her appointment on the grounds that she  would not continue to be a part of a government that kills its people.

    Also, the people of Madagascar vigorously opposed the attempts by President Marc Ravalomanana to lease one million acres of their land in the South of the country to a Korean firm, Daewoo for intensive farming/ The people have deep ties with their land and consequently view the President's action as a betrayal.

    The same scenario is playing out in Nigeria.

    The insecurity in the land has made foreign investment impossible, while  the disenfranchised and poor majority look in the gloomy future for reprieve.

  • Nigerian Workers Worry over Fruitless Strike Actions

    The recently suspended nationwide strike action embarked upon by health workers in Nigeria has exposed how the Federal Government has destroyed the essence of trade unionism in the country.

    Some days before the strike was called off, the management of the University College Hospital(UCH) Ibadan, had issued a circular directing all workers in the hospital to resume within 48 hours or risk dismissal. This, it was gathered, was with the knowledge of some union leaders in the hospital.

    Indeed, workers in Nigeria have for long called to question the sincerity of their union leaders, in representing their interests, transparently.

    Not long ago, Non Academic Staff in Nigerian universities suspended their industrial action.

    According to the Chairman of the University of Ibadan, branch of the Non Academic Staff of Union, Comrade Oluwasegun Arojo, although the government threatened to invoke the ''No work No Pay rule'', the workers were paid for the duration they were on strike.

    ''Government was threatening not to pay us, but after the whole threats, the matter was resolved amicably. And government decided to pay our members for all the period that they downed tools. Even though our major demands have not been met, we hope that the government will change its style of leadership and do the needful'', Comrade Arojo disclosed.

    Interestingly, a circular issued by the Head of Hospital Administration, Dr. J.O Amedu, for the Minister of Health, Prof. Isaac Adewole, announced that all salaries would not be paid to those who embarked on strike. The circular referred to the provision of section 43 of the Trade Dispute Act CAP 18, Law of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004 and  International Labour Organization's principles concerning employers' rights during strike in essential services, to justify its action.

    However, the National Coordinator of the All Workers Convergence(AWC)Comrade Andrew Emelieze opines that workers have the right to go on strike.

    ''To the issue of the pronouncement that workers' salaries, who went on strike would not be paid for the period that the strike lasted, this is an aberration, more of an abnormality, especially when the labour act allows for legitimate strikes been a tool for negotiation. Workers have the right to get paid. Even in line with the International Labour Organization's position, strikes are legitimate, it is a legal tool to make demands and encourage productivity''.

    ''Hence, as such workers pay within that period is guaranteed. More so, government was the cause of the strike and should be held accountable for all the shortcomings concerning the lock out, whereby government refused to meet the demands of the workers, thereby making it impossible for them to be at work. On this note, government must pay their salaries or else government should be ready for another dispute'', Comrade Emelieze concluded.

    Interestingly, workers of the UCH, Ibadan are yet to be paid for April and May, according to the  Chairman Joint Health Sector Union(JOHESU) of the hospital, Comrade Olusegun  Sotiloye.

    ''The circular issued by the UCH management was not enough to scare us, right now we are yet to receive the April and May salaries, while we wait patiently for the intervention of the Senate President, as he promised. Workers should remain calm, while we wait for the dividends of the strike'',.Comrade Sotiloye stated.

    Sadly, health workers in Oyo state insist that thy are at a lose, over why the strike was suspended. 

    ''We have a number of demands that are yet to be met by the Oyo state Government, and yet we are back to work'', they lamented.

    They also argue that their union leaders have been compromised by the state  government, that was why there has not been an headway in the agitation for their demands to be met.

    ''The routine is becoming monotonous, our leaders will call us out on strike and after sometime, such strikes are suspended, without meeting our demands. If Nigerians are saying our leaders have been compromised, they are correct'', the workers speaking incognito revealed.

    However, an attempt to get the response of the JOHESU Chairperson, Comrade R.A. Afonja met a brick wall at the unions secretariat at Yemetu, in Ibadan, as the Chairperson's response was '' is it by force to speak, please excuse us''.

    The coming days and weeks, would only serve to outline how the some officials of the present administration and union leaders in the country have systematically destroyed trade unionism and hope for an improved and efficient workforce.