
Posts by solomon2day

  • Justice and Righteousness

    Better life revolves around justice and righteousness

    Joshua 20

    ''The LORD also spake unto Joshua, saying,

    2 Speak to the children of Israel, saying, Appoint out for you cities of refuge, whereof I spake unto you by the hand of Moses:

    3 That the slayer that killeth any person unawares and unwittingly may flee thither: and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood.

    4 And when he that doth flee unto one of those cities shall stand at the entering of the gate of the city, and shall declare his cause in the ears of the elders of that city, they shall take him into the city unto them, and give him a place, that he may dwell among them.

    5 And if the avenger of blood pursue after him, then they shall not deliver the slayer up into his hand; because he smote his neighbour unwittingly, and hated him not beforetime.

    6 And he shall dwell in that city, until he stand before the congregation for judgment, and until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days: then shall the slayer return, and come unto his own city, and unto his own house, unto the city from whence he fled.

    7 And they appointed Kedesh in Galilee in mount Naphtali, and Shechem in mount Ephraim, and Kirjatharba, which is Hebron, in the mountain of Judah.

    8 And on the other side Jordan by Jericho eastward, they assigned Bezer in the wilderness upon the plain out of the tribe of Reuben, and Ramoth in Gilead out of the tribe of Gad, and Golan in Bashan out of the tribe of Manasseh.

    9 These were the cities appointed for all the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them, that whosoever killeth any person at unawares might flee thither, and not die by the hand of the avenger of blood, until he stood before the congregation.''

  • The Infrastructure Legacies

    Infrastructure development is key to the potential economic development of Nigeria.

    This has been proven by advanced countries of the world.

    However, Those-in-Power at all levels of government hide under the guise of promoting infrastructure development to embark on activities that are very far from transparency and accountability.

    Of worry, is the fact that it is doubtful if there exists any legal and regulatory framework for the financing of infrastructure projects at all levels.

    Indeed, the quality of infrastructure in different parts of the country expresses the absence of satisfactory processes of monitoring and evaluation. Of course, the scary infrastructure deficit is a major source of discomfort for Those-in-Power.

    It ought not to be their legacy.Perhaps. Indeed, policy documents highlighting, most of the time, the infrastructure expansion, inter-sectoral integration and environmentally friendly conditions, if in place, may contribute positively to the attraction of urgently needed investments in critical sectors of the economy. Sadly, major investors are already divesting from Nigeria. Note- Agents of destruction are on the prowl everywhere. Watch what you eat and drink. In addition, be cautious of the people you relate with, because the heart of man is desperately wicked.

  • Persons with Disabilities (PWD) : The need for participation in Development by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof.Disability is yet to be seen as a developmental issue in Nigeria because it is grossly under-represented in legislative processes and outcomes.

    Instead, it has become a political weapon of campaign driven by social sympathy rather than empathy in our institutional arranegments.

    The Joint National Associations of Persons with Disabilities(JONAPWD) with many advocayc groups under it has been equally influenced by the usual charity/welfare model approach to disability.

    There is a need for all to develop a cultural oreintation of creating a world where the fundamental human rights of persons with disabilities including that of access is guranteed under the law and the need to create awareness on the promotion of creativity for PWDs to strenghten the voice of Persons With Disabilities through advocacy, capacity building and development networking.

    This will facitiliate their participation in the political process of the nation.

    Records show that some of the PWDs have been actively participating in Voter Education programs-election monitoring and observation.

    They also engage in the  mobilization of people living with disabilities toward participating in partisan politics through dialogue with political parties as well as in the cause of women realizing the 35 per cent affirnmative action on representation in decision making cadre through political appointments as well as having capacity and support through the elective process into positions of power.

  • The Adventures of the Powerful

    The action and inaction of State Governors in Nigeria have for long being trailed by a plethora of promises.

    Even though a number of them are not foundation members of the parties in question, they were given the opportunity to ascend the exalted position.

    Sadly, they have destroyed these political parties.

    The results of the ward, Local Government and State Primaries were manipulated to satisfy the self-centered interests of these State Governors. Interestingly, consensus has replaced election, to the chagrin of the people.

    This abnormality revolves around greed.

    Indeed, in the present time, the party leadership is now vested in the affected State Governors while the party Chairmen have since become ceremonial heads.

    These State Governors are now in full control of the structures in the national, State, Local Government and ward levels. Most of the political parties have been decapitated, while delegates who elected candidates for various political offices were strictly the choice of the powerful.


    Nigerians have continued to fall victims of criminals, who dispossess them of their landed properties in connivance with certain corrupt officials in the Executive and the Judiciary

  • Statement of U.S. Attorney Nick Brown regarding voter intimidation or threats

    Seattle – U.S. Attorney Nick Brown today issued the following statement as Western Washington voters mark their primary ballots and prepare to use ballot drop boxes throughout the Western District of Washington.

    “Voter intimidation is a federal crime and any attempt to harass or discourage citizens from voting at our state’s secure election drop boxes will be investigated and prosecuted in federal court, said U.S. Attorney Brown.  “We recognize and revere the First Amendment right to free speech and political debate.  But there is a time when protected speech turns into acts of intimidation or threats of violence.  We will work with our law enforcement partners to investigate threats of violence, hate crimes, and any effort to intimidate voters or those tasked with ensuring free and fair elections in our state.”

    Under federal law, it is a felony to intimidate or threaten other persons to discourage them from voting or for assisting others in voting.  This crime is punishable by up to five years in prison.  Federal law also prohibits bribing voters, buying and selling votes, impersonating voters, altering vote tallies, stuffing ballot boxes, and marking ballots for voters against their wishes or without their input.  It also contains special protections for the rights of voters and provides that they can vote free from acts that intimidate or harass them.  Further, federal law protects the right of voters to mark their own ballot or to be assisted by a person of their choice (where voters need assistance because of disability or illiteracy).

    Through the primary and general election periods, the U.S. Attorney’s Office will have District Election Officer Seth Wilkinson working with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to investigate and respond to any reports of voter intimidation or threats. Assistant United States Attorney Wilkinson can be reached at (206) 553-7970 and ask to leave a message with the Civil Rights complaint hotline.  The local FBI field office can be reached by the public at (206) 622-0460. 

  • Teaching Hospitals Decay-We Trust Our Representatives to do the right thing-NUAHP

    Nigerians rely on their elected representatives to salvage the University Teaching Hospitals from total collapse.

    This assertion was made on Monday by the Chairman of the Oyo State Council of the Nigeria Union of Allied Health Professionals (NUAHP), who also doubles as the Chairman of the union at the University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan, Nigeria, Comrade Oladayo Olabampe.

    Presently, there is a Bill before the Federal House of Representatives for the amendment of the University
    Teaching Hospital (Reconstitution of Boards etc.) Act CAP U15 LFN 2004  sponsored by
    Honourable Bamidele Salam representing Ede North/Ede South /Egbedore/Ejigbo Federal
    Constituency of Osun State.
    The Bill, seeks to curtail the unending acrimony among professionals in the teaching hospitals by ensuring that all critical stakeholders are involved in the composition of the boards of Teaching Hospitals, with a view to making them more vibrant and efficient.

    "Nigerians rely so much on their representatives that we trust them. We trust them to do the right thing. The bill has passed second reading and is now for public hearing. Come the 27th of this month, we don't have to doubt them, we should rather appreciate them for rising up to the challenge. It is because we were not ready in the last 37 years, now that we arewake I know that the bill will be given final assent, "

    ''Our faictilities are collapsing, but the leaders in the health sector are only interested in how to make money rather than providing equipment for the hospitals. The hospitals are deteriorating. If the foundation be destroyed what can the righteous do? Thanks to Hon. Bamidele Salam, we were treating signs and symptoms, but the case is different. The amended Act will correct ou past error,''Comrade Olabampe concluded.

  • Glorious Home Call

    Queen besty 2A statement signed by HRH Eze(Dr.) Alex Anozie(Ezeigbo, Ezxechukwujiegosioluebube nala, Ibadan and Oyo state) disclosed that she slept in the Lord on the 7th April, 2022 at the University College Hospital(UCH),Ibadan, after a brief illness, while noting that ''My joy is that her soul is already resting in the bossom of the Almighty God, for everlasting.''

  • High Cost of Food-Kenyan Principals send SOS to Govt

    Living 1Principals in secondary schools in Kenya have sent a Save Our Soul appeal to the National Cereal and Produce Board (NCPB) as a result of the prohibitive cost of living in the country.

    Earn extra income here

    Their SOS is contained in a letter to the Ministry of Education requesting that schools be supplied with enough grains at affordable prices. This disclosure was made by the Chairperson of the Kenya Secondary School Heads Association(KSSHA),Indimuli Kahi, during a news briefing.

    Kahi stated that the intervention would go a long way to salvage the worrisome situation in the schools, saying,''As it stands, various learning institutions are unable to run effectively due to the cash constraints that have pushed their budgets beyond limits.''

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt

    -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Learning from Living Examples

    Leadership 9Nigerians have persistently failed to learn from history.
    There are a number of living examples who attained higher heights through the efforts of others. And in the process of consolidation, side tracked all those who were responsible for their ascendency.

    Read this-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt
    The living examples have now become part of history.
    Sadly, the present occupiers of the higher heights have continually introduced artificial crises to justify  the billions of Naira that have been frittered away under the guise of securing lives and property, on a monthly basis.

    -Legalizing Crime and Criminality
    Contracts  for the supply of vehicles were facilitated without due process, while such vehicles are not worth the value attached to them. Who are the contractors?                                                               Profit from this
    The poor state of infrastructure, particularly roads, contradicts the humongous amount reported to have been committed to fixing the roads. In addition, hunger, poverty and the high rate of unemployment are now policies the government at all levels apply in governance.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality
    Several shuttles abroad are yet to attract meaningful development. However, such trips have depleted the dwindling funds in the treasuries at all levels of government.
    Indeed, questionable spending and bloated figures on contracts awarded litter balance sheets, just as the high debt profile has now become a source of concern and worry for all and sundry.

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach                                   -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • FBI Deputy Director Meets With Five Eyes Partners on Shared Crime and Security Threats

    FBI Deputy Director Paul M. Abbate traveled to Sydney, Australia, this past week for meetings with the Five Eyes Law Enforcement Group (FELEG). The international gathering brought together law enforcement leaders from the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United Kingdom. The partners discussed mutual challenges in countering global crime and national security threats.

    Raymond P. Duda, assistant director of the FBI’s International Operations Division, also participated in the FELEG discussions.

    Throughout the meetings, Deputy Director Abbate emphasized the commitment of the law enforcement partners to share information and expertise and the importance of maintaining and further developing these essential relationships to better protect citizens in all five nations and around the world.


    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt

    -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Three Indicted for Kidnapping FBI Employee

    Trio from South Dakota and Colorado Federally Indicted for Kidnapping, Carjacking, and Firearm Offense Against FBI Employee

    United States Attorney Alison J. Ramsdell announced that three individuals, one who resides in South Dakota and two who reside in Colorado, have been indicted by a federal grand jury for Kidnapping, Carjacking, and Using, Carrying, and Brandishing a Firearm During and in Relation to a Crime of Violence.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt

    Juan Francisco Alvarez-Soto, age 23 and originally from El Salvador; Deyvin Morales, age 27 and originally from Guatemala; and Lourdes Alondra Bonilla, age 23 and originally from Colorado, were indicted on May 19, 2022.  The defendants appeared before a magistrate judge in the District of Colorado, and each defendant pleaded not guilty to the Indictment.  The three defendants will be transported to the District of South Dakota for further court proceedings.

    -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    The maximum term of imprisonment upon conviction for each count is as follows: up to life for Kidnapping; up to fifteen (15) years for Carjacking; and a mandatory minimum of seven (7) years up to life for Using, Carrying, and Brandishing a Firearm During and in Relation to a Crime of Violence.  Each count also has a maximum fine of $250,000. 

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    According to the indictment, on or about May 6, 2022, near Red Shirt, in the District of South Dakota, the defendants, Juan Francisco Alvarez-Sorto, a/k/a Juan Francisco Alvarez, a/k/a “Juanito R.,” a/k/a “Juan Jr.,”  Deyvin Morales, a/k/a Deyvin Eliabid Escriba Morales, a/k/a Deybi Eleabit Escriba Morales, a/k/a “Guate,” a/k/a “Watay,” a/k/a “Chapine,” and Lourdes Alondra Bonilla, a/k/a “Bhabie Doze,” a/k/a “Princess_Doze,” did willfully and knowingly kidnap and abduct a victim.  At the time, the victim was engaged in the performance of their official duties as a professional support employee with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  The defendants also took the victim’s vehicle, with force, violence, and intimidation, and brandished a rifle during the commission of the charged criminal conduct.  It is alleged that the defendants aided and abetted each other in committing the charges set forth in the indictment.

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    The charges are merely accusations, and each defendant is presumed innocent until and unless proven guilty. 

    The investigation is being conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.  Assistant U.S. Attorney Jeremy R. Jehangiri is prosecuting the case.   

    The defendants were all detained pending further court proceedings in South Dakota.  A trial date has not been set.

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Vote Wisely

    Most of those in the political class have never protected the interests of Nigerian workers. Every worker must take this into consideration  when deciding in the 2023 General Elections. Vote Wisely.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt                                                            -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality                 -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • National Labor Organization Employee Sentenced to Prison for Embezzling More Than $270,000 from Union

                                                                                Press Release

    WASHINGTON – Donnell Owens, a former employee of the American Federation of Government Employees, was sentenced today to 15 months in prison for an embezzlement scheme in which he stole more than $270,000 from the labor union.

                The announcement was made by U.S. Attorney Matthew M. Graves, Wayne A. Jacobs, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Washington Field Office Criminal Division, and Mark Wheeler, Director of the Washington District Office of the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Labor-Management Standards.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt

                Owens, 34, of District Heights, Maryland, pleaded guilty in October 2021, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, to one count of embezzlement and theft of labor union assets. He was sentenced by the Honorable Reggie B. Walton. Following his prison term, Owens will be placed on three years of supervised release. He also must pay $273,745 in restitution and an equal amount in a forfeiture money judgment.

    -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                According to the statement of offense submitted to the Court and admitted by Owens, from October 2014 through June 2018, Owens worked as a Secretary to the Director of Communications at the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), a labor organization headquartered in Washington, D.C. which represents workers in various functions of the private sector and the government affecting commerce throughout the United States and overseas.  During this period, Owens embezzled more than $270,000 in AFGE funds for his use and the use of others. 

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                As detailed in court documents, throughout the scheme Owens abused and misused his position and employment at AFGE in order to seek and obtain illegal monetary gains at the expense of the labor organization.  For example, Owens submitted false and fraudulent check requests for payments related to services, such as photography and videography, that were purportedly provided by alleged vendors.  As a result of these submissions, AFGE funds were subsequently disbursed.  These check requests listed fictitious dollar amounts for fake work assignments supposedly performed by vendors, who were not actually hired by AFGE.  In fact, the purported vendors who allegedly performed the fake work assignments were really friends and associates of Owens, who he recruited as part of his illegal scheme. 

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                As Secretary to the Director of Communications, Owens also had access to an Amazon account and a union credit card linked to it. During the scheme, Owens also used this account and linked credit card to embezzle items and make dozens of unauthorized personal purchases, including clothing, shoes, jewelry, and party supplies.  Additionally, Owens used union credit cards to purchase items from other online retailers for personal use, including T-shirts for his online business, microphones, and flowers. 

                To avoid detection and cover up the fraud, Owens provided falsified signatures, fraudulent expense vouchers, and altered receipts for these items.  However, the investigation revealed photos of Owens, his family members, and associates wearing the clothing purchased on Amazon with the union credit card on social media accounts belonging to the defendant. 

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

                This investigation was conducted by the FBI’s Washington Field Office and the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Labor-Management Standards.  The prosecution is being handled by Assistant U.S. Attorney Anne P. McNamara of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia. Assistance was provided by Assistant U.S. Attorney Emily A. Miller and Paralegal Specialists Amanda Rohde and Mariela Andrade.


  • Make School Environment Conducive to teaching and Learning-Prof. Olagoke to Govt

    Prof.Primary and Secondary schools have resumed for the third term and stakeholders in the education sector are expressing optimism that there shall be an improvement in the academic performances of pupils and students. In this interview the Founder, Spiritual Head, and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke advises the Government and teachers to be upright. Excerpts :
    What is your advice to the government and teachers as the third term gets underway nationwide?

    The third term is a decisive segment of the session in the lives of the students and teachers in every educational institution across the federation.
    This is the period when students are evaluated through different examination bodies-internal and external.
    The success rate in this term is a measure of the work done by the teachers. Teachers must be up and doing to ensure that the results of the students are satisfactory.
    The Government on its part must ensure that the term runs smoothly without any disruption.

    Education 10
    The Government is also expected to provide the necessary assistance needed by the schools in preparing and getting the students ready for their different external examinations.
    The Government should also ensure the school environment is conducive to learning by providing good structures for the use of the students. The environment should also be enabling for teaching and learning.
    Above all, discipline should be an integral part of any school administration to be able to check the excesses of the students and teachers.
    Furthermore, the teachers need to be encouraged and appreciated as and when due to boost their morale.
    The prompt payment of salaries and other related incentives.
    It is very imperative for the government to adequately fund the education sector even beyond the stipulated benchmark of 26 per  cent of the annual budget as obtains in countries such as Ghana and other progressive nations in the world. These countires have been able to achieve outstanding student performances to the level of the expected quality and standard.
    The third term is underwayalready, students and teachers must be committed to the cause of very high sucess rates in theri various examinations through adequate preparations for it knowing fully well that the focus of all teachers and learners in the world today is on competitiveness in the global market.


  • Senior Police Officer Defrauded in Kenya

    Fraud 1A senior Police Officer in Kenya has recounted how he was defrauded of Ksh 597, 100 by syndicate via sim card swap.
     Commanding Police Division (OCPD), Peter Mwanzo, testified against one of the members of the syndicate , one Gideon Mark before a magistrate’s court in Milimani, Nairobi, where the latter was accused of stealing Ksh597,100 in a sim-swap fraud.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt                                                           -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    He stated that  at about  6.45 pm he received a phone call from a private number but he did not pick up although the caller kept bugging his phone. He put the phone in flight mode to avoid further disturbance.
    He deactivated the flight mode at 6.50pm, but his mobile phone failed to pick up the signal. Mwanzo rechecked his phone at 9 pm but it had not yet picked network.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality
    Mwanzo stated that after the problem persisted, he visited a sim card outlet in the neighbourhood to get assistance. The attendant, he narrated, informed him that his sim card had failed and advised him to do a replacement.
    The senior police officer continues :
    “She could not tell how I lost the sim card but I did the replacement and it was reactivated. Upon turning on my phone, I was surprised by the messages that started coming in.

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    "I tried to purchase airtime and send money but the transaction failed and got a message that I had exceeded my limits,” the senior police officer told the court.
    “I was shocked that I had even registered a loan and a mobile money account. I had never applied for any loan or registered with the subscriber,” Mwanzo recalled.
    He told the court that he does not know how and where the fraudsters obtained his private information to carry out the bank transactions.

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate
    The statements indicated that the money was moved in four batches. The police boss noted that although the scammers were in Donholm, Nairobi, the money that was stolen from his account was withdrawn by a third party in Bomet.
    Mwanzo  requested his mobile money and bank account statements to confirm the alleged transactions.

    “To my surprise, on that night, I had transacted from a bank account to mobile money about Ksh597,100,” he stated.
    “Someone used my sim card remotely. This is madness and it seemed easy for the third party to use my sim card.” the senior police officer lamented.



  • Self-Realization for Religious Adherents by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof.The religious aspect of society is in place to sanitize our environment, reform the people for necessary transformation and to also regulate and control happenings.

    In the 21st century, why should we remain so conservative and dogmatic in politicizing religion to the detriment of appreciating democracy to advance the cause of justice and equity for society?

    It is high time, that religious leaders and followers realize the consequences of their actions and inactions by teaching the scripture correctly and also following the tenets of the content to promote peaceful co-existence, good behavior, credible leadership, and good governance. The Holy Bible, Romans 12: 1-2 warns us vehemently to avoid future calamities. ''I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

    2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.''

    The Holy Quran 22: 35 also corroborates the Holy Bible on this. Teaching by this time must be based on facts and respect for the point of view of others to restore the goal of the essence of living by principle to the fundamental Human Rights charter.

    Religious people, therefore, must not be found wanting in knowledge, wisdom, and the power of a discerning mind, if they want to be respected as true adherents of their religion. This is because the Almighty Allah invigorates socially and spiritually true adherents to be right goal-getters in their socio-spiritual pursuit while alive.

    The Holy Quran admonition on this must be taken with all seriousness as our daily meditation.

    The Holy Quran 22: 35 refers, '' To those whose hearts when Allah is mentioned, are filled with fear, who show patient perseverance over their afflictions keep up regular prayer and spend in charity out of what We have bestowed on them.''

    The striking note in the above is as follows: the fear of God, patience, perseverance even in adversity, and living by the concept of philanthropy.

    Always meditate on the number of people you have positively impacted daily. Avoid putting others in difficult situations in life. Offer your creator unconditional just worship through love for Him and humanity.

    This is the only way by which religion can be relevant and beneficial to humanity in this 21st century.

  • Trade Unionism in Nigeria has been Monetized-Unionist

    Trade 1The monetization and politicization of trade unionism in Nigeria has impacted negatively on workers in the country.
    This assertion was made by a member of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria(ASCSN)(Federal, Oyo state chapter), Comrade Olaniyi Ajibosho.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt                                          -Legalizing Crime and Criminality
    The union as a whole has been monetized and politicized.  The main purpose of the union is to protect the interest of cheated Nigerian workers. Most Labor leaders believe in political patronage rather than  protecting the interests of impoverished workers. The way forward is for there to be a continous sensitzation and education of workers on the need for them to support credible personalities who will never compromise and sell out, '' Comrade Ajibosho stated.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • The Learning Process

    Learning 1Education revolves around persons, society, things and ideas. It is majorly concerned with the individual in his or her social, physical and spiritual environment.
    In teaching and learning, the above mentioned play significant roles in the molding of a person's character.

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt                                                        -Legalizing Crime and Criminality
    The mindset of those who take up the responsibility of teaching goes a long way in shaping the education of learners.
    In addition, the quality and direction of the work of those who are involved in teaching is hinged on their spiritual and moral environment.

    Sadly, nobody knows how the present crop of teachers were recruited into government service in a number of states.
    It is not possible to brainwash the entire population. Perhaps.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality
    Threats to kill and other  uncouth words is now common among young and old Nigerians, who express this evil intentions in their native languages.

                                                                                                        -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach
    This is very strange, as ritual killings continue unabated in different parts of the country.
    This development has to do with the mindset of the  leadership, teachers and learners.
    The suggestion is that those who ought to impart knowledge and those who ought to learn aspire to take up heinous, grievous and violent crimes as means to ends.

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate



  • The Quest to Protect Self-Interests in 2023 and Beyond

    Self 7The hundreds of uncollected Permanent Voters Cards(PVC) in the offices of the Independent National Commission(INEC) across Nigeria are reflections of the fact that Nigerians have lost faith in the electoral system.
    Millions of Nigerians are impoverished and disillusioned, to the extent that they now live on handouts given by men and women; who by whatever means get into political offices.

    The suspicious deaths of unspecified number of Nigerians under unexplainable circumstances, is an indication that Those-in-Charge are evil

    Read-Helplessness in the Face of Dirt                                                      Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality
    In a bid to meet the crumb requirements in their constituencies and senatorial districts, these men and women resort to corrupt and fraudulent practices.
    The unclear ways those in power represent their constituencies and senatorial districts have put a high premium on attaining power for self-interest.

    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality                  -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach
    The suggestion is that the present administration in the country has been overwhelmed by known evil forces; that is why it seeks to influence who takes over power in 2023, to ensure that its secret deals and self-centered interests are protected.
    The total goodwill and support that heralded the coming of the present administration in 2015 have evaporated and in its place are frustrations and complaints.

    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate