

Events, People and Places

  • Zimbabwe Govt Withholds Labour leaders Salaries As They Call on Workers not to be Deterred

    • On 08/05/2019
    • In News

    The Zimbabwe Government has for the past four months withheld  the salaries of three leaders of the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ), who led protests against the  Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube's austerity policies in January.

    The union leaders and others who  were  arrested in Macheke and charged with criminal nuisance, appeared in court in Marondera before their case was referred to Harare.

    Before they could appear in court they were again arrested in Ruwa just 40km outside the capital, however the court  ordered their release.

    Zimabawe 2President of the Amalgamated Rural Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (ARTUZ), secretary general Robson Chere and Mashonaland West chairperson Munyaradzi Ndawana, have however, called on workers not to be deterred by the latest action of government.

    "This so-called new dispensation is using every trick in the book to curtail trade unionism in Zimbabwe, the freezing of salaries is a desperate attempt to silence our membership. We will not be cowed into submission by such cowardly acts on an anti-worker establishment, we demand salaries in US dollars or market equivalent.  Austerity measures are killing the working class and benefiting the ruling elite, we call upon the working class to rise and crush austerity.

    Zimbabwe 5

    "We are surviving on handouts from well-wishers. It's a difficult situation and cannot even afford paying school fees for our children'' they said.

    While other unions seem to have adopted a different tact choosing to negotiate with government, Masaraure and his group have taken the authorities head on.

  • We Have All It Takes to Perform But......-Oyo Fire Service

    • On 07/05/2019
    • In News

    The Oyo State Fire Service has insisted that even though it has all the requirements to perform its primary functions,  it is  looking  up to the incoming administration for more assistance.

    The position of the the Service was made know by its Deputy Director, Mr. Moshood Adewuyi in a chat with People.

    Oyo state 4

    ''We are  always ready in terms of safety. Everyone grows old, so does equipment, we are looking forward to the new administration to take care of our needs. We carry out routine inspection annually. My people are at First Bank premises. The objective is to assess, recommend and implement. We also visit industrial premises, petrol stations, Media houses and several others because their compliance might be 60 per cent. We have been experiencing a reduction in fire incidents, Mr. Adewuyi noted.

    He advised members of the public to always be safety conscious saying, ''Keep matches out of reach of children. Making use of handsets in petrol stations should be discourage. We are friends with the public, we are here to save lives and property. We expect  maximum cooperation whenever there are incidents, not fighting''.

  • President Should not make the Appointment of Labor Minister An All Comers Affair-AWC

    • On 07/05/2019
    • In News

    The All Workers Convergence(AWC) has advised President Muhammadu Buhari to appoint a qualified person with vast experience in labour matters as Minister of Labor.

    The AWC gave this advice through its National Coordinator, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.

    ‘’What is expected from authentic leadership is to put the right persons in the right positions. People who are professionals in their particular fields, who possess not just academic qualifications but also practical experiences.’’

    ‘’Our expectation is that President Muhammadu Buhari will search for someone who is knowledgeable in the field of industrial relations and other related courses. President Buhari should not resort to political patronage as far as the Ministry of Labor is concerned. The Ministry of Labor should not be an all comers affair as we have seen in the outgoing dispensation, where a Medical Doctor is saddled with the responsibility of industrial relations.’’

    Labour 1‘’Though while giving this advice we know that the President might have his own personal views and approach to such issues, which of course had led to the delay in the appointment of Ministers in this dispensation and we have seen the results. Therefore if the President does not take to popular advice, one might not expect anything extraordinary in terms of performance from his new Ministers. After all, despite all the noticeable shortcomings and non performance of the Ministers, President Buhari was unable to change his cabinet for four years’’, Comrade Emelieze concluded

  • Laminated Papers As National Identity Cards

    On Wednesday, 28 September 2011, the Federal Executive Council approved N30.066 billion for the accelerated implementation of the ‘back-end’ component of the National Identity Management System(NIMS).

    The delivery date of the NIMS was December, 2013.

    It should be noted that the National Identity Management Commission(NIMC) was to receive a sum of N23.074 billion, in the last quarter of 2011, for the procurement of the redesigned multi-application National Identity Card.

    Before this time, the National Identity Card Scheme executed by SAGEM was a failure.

    NigeriaThe NIMC Act №23 of 2007 mandated the NIMC to establish a reliable, secure and ‘scalable’ identity management system that makes use of advance Bio-metrics technologies to identify every individual in Nigeria in unique ways.

    Despite the colossal amount government has expended on the project, most Nigerians, who have registered have only laminated papers to present where necessary.

    Although choice brand of papers serve the same purpose, on a condition that negotiated payments are made to the relevant officials.

    The insinuation is that the laminated papers are just open cover ups for the failed project.

    The expectations of Nigerians were that , upon completion of registration, physical cards would be issued. This is not the case.

    Nigeria 1At the NIMC registration center at the University College Hospital(UCH)Ibadan, Nigerians are made to pay N100.00 for the registration form, while N500.00 is the amount for the change of name after registration and other unspecified fees for the lamination of the registration slip. There are other hidden fees.

    The NIMC officials also instruct people to write their Bank Verification Numbers(BVN) on the form. Nigerians want to know the reason why this is so ?

    Of worry, is the rude behavior exhibited by the NIMC officials in a sizable number of centers, which over time has discouraged several Nigerians from having faith in the project.

    Indeed, NIMC proudly insists that over the years, it has issued out millions of the National Identification Numbers(NIN), even though it has continuously avoided making categorical statements on the Identity Cards.

    Nigerians have the impression that the project is one among several white elephant projects of government.

  • Tanzania Govt Set to Take over 15 Privatized Entities

    • On 04/05/2019
    • In News

    Tanzania 8The Tanzania Government is set to take over 15  privatized enterprises due to non performance.

    According to the  Minister for Industry and Trade Joseph Kakunda, who made this known recently, the government would also take over 33 others this May, if they failed to submit their investment reports.

    The Minister expressed worry over the distress situation of 68 enterprises, amone which some have already closed shop.

    Some time in March, the Deputy Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism, Constantine Kanyasu ,  warned that  the government would take over  some privatized hotels and lodges over alleged mismanagement and poor handling of tourists and visitors.

    "The ownership of the hotels will be shifted to other investors who are ready to manage them in the interest of promoting tourism,"  Kanyasu stated.

    20 years ago, the government privatized 176 public firms under the World Bank-funded Presidential Parastatal Sector Reform Commission (PSRC).




  • Minimum Wage : Nigerian Workers Are Selfish-Prof Olagoke

    Prof sabitu olagoke 1The signing into law of the N30,000 new national minimum wage by President Muhammadu Buhari was received with joy by all Nigerians, especially workers and their dependents. Even though workers are not too comfortable with the consensus method of picking leaders of their unions.

    The leaders who emerged via consensus and the 36 state Governors would in the coming weeks,to a great extent, determine how long this joy will last.

    In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that Nigerian workers think of only themselves at the detriment of retirees and other Nigerians. Excerpts :

    Do you think workers in the states of the federation have any cause to rejoice over the signing into law of the N30,000 new national minimum wage by President Buhari ?

    Generally workers are expected to celebrate the so called N30,000 new national minimum wage in the preciseness of unsustainable economy with poor growth rate, that has no impact on the general lives of the people.

    Workers are expected to be holistic, fighting for the cause of the welfare of the people and the structural effects of our democracy, that is yet to be achieved.

    Injustice and inequality, marginalization and equity challenges are supposed to be in place before Nigeria and its states can have peace and development that may be sustainable and beneficial to all.

    I would have expected that the workers’ unions fight the cause of the retirees and the issue of unpaid salary arrears, before vigorously embarking the satiation for the increase in the minimum wage.

    This is because fighting for an holistic cause is expected to be step wise and developmental, which implies that we expect that no state government should be able to stay in power without been confronted every week with the workers’ agitation on these issues; to force them to reason that it was only through the peoples’ mandate in democracy that they had been able to get into the juicy positions of power.

    Pensioners 1Unfortunately, Nigerian workers became selfish, limiting themselves to the cause of those people in service only, at least ensuring that all states comply rationally with the old minimum wage would have made a good level playing ground to fight for the increase.

    State Governors under our democratic dispensation have only succeeded in impoverishing the people, most especially their children-graduates-majority of whom are made to roam the streets aimlessly thereby becoming nuisances.

    While government officials and the executive live in affluence, the people under them continue to groan under the harshness of abject poverty affecting their fundamental human rights to have access to the very good things of life; that can make them realize the benefit of governance dynamics.

    Now, we are having a change of government come My 29, 2019, derisively, the outgoing Governors may show deceptive friendship, by accepting to pay the N30,00 new national minimum wage, to set a trap for the incoming government, so as to make the new government highly unpopular among the people who gave them the mandate.

    Those who will continue in power, maybe ready to damn the consequence, by not agreeing to pay the new wage.

    It is a known fact that only between two to three states have the capacity to pay the new national minimum wage, even in the face of unabated corruption.

    The government may end up contending with industrial disputes.

    Pensioners 2

    This is not to say that Nigeria is not potentially capable to implement the assented payment of the new national minimum wage of N30,000, but the government failed to back it up with good economic policy and formula.

    The cheapest way to do this, does not lie in increasing the Value Added Tax(VAT), because this would negatively affect the prices of commodities for home consumption as well as inviting increase in inflation, with direct consequence on the impoverished masses, who constitute more than 70 per cent of the population.

    For equity sake, in which the welfare of the masses would be taken care of, there is the need for the downward review of the salaries of the political class, the executive and the Legislature in particular, say by half, so that the upward review of the minimum wage, which is more of a daily token and stipend in the hands of the elite, who constitute less than 10 per cent of the population of Nigeria, would succeed.

    If this had been done, the heavy top would have rolled down to augment the meager amount meant for mass distribution.

    Stomach infrastructure is basically primary and should not be toyed with politically, otherwise the provision of basic amenities, if absent, would rubbish the efforts of government in the areas of transportation, mining, power and other sectors that would aid development.

    Stomach infrastructure has direct link with the ability of government to provide employment and empower all Nigerians, most especially the youth, so that they would be less restive.

    Remember, more than 95 per cent of the small scale industries facilitated industrialization in all the developed countries-the United States of America, United Kingdom, Russia, China and South Korea.

    This very good model is sought after by Malaysia and Singapore, which gained independence in 1965.

    Let this government in the next political dispensation follow suit, by developing the nation and be virile enough to become a strong institution, rather than building strong individuals, who have become untouchable in the face of corruption, destroying equitable legacy for our youth as it is today. God save Nigeria.


  • Governing the States of Nigeria in Filth

    Most state Governments in Nigeria have over the years failed to ensure that the environment is habitable .

    Even though the state governments introduced task forces to enforce environmental regulations and expended large sums of money on sanitation, the environment in most states still remain dirty.

    Interestingly, Waste Management Boards in the states have done little or nothing to improve the worrisome situation.

    Ogunpa riverHowever, the boards have been up beat in seemingly generating revenue for government, despite the poor state of the environment.

    Of worry, is the recycling of quack ideas, which has resulted in the conversion of the multi-billion Naira Ogunpa River Channelization scheme in Ibadan, Oyo state to a major refuse dump.

    No doubt the negative habits of the people have for long been a major factor that has contributed to the poor state of the environment, just as government seeks solace in its feeble efforts to reverse the ugly trend.

    Heaps of refuse at every available space constitute a major feature in most cities.

    RefuseIndeed, the irregular payment of salaries by state Governments, has further encouraged public servants to compromise environmental laws for monetary gains.

    Sadly, environmental mismanagement in all its ramification has resulted in unreported cases of bad health conditions, with origins from identified environmental nuisances.

    It should be noted that most state governments have displayed the lack of political will to decisively enforce policies on the environment.

    Political considerations have, not surprisingly, overwhelmed the governance abilities of a sizable number of political office holders, to the extent that the absurd is now the order of the day.

    For instance, in the Olorunsogo, Molete area of Ibadan a landlady of a two storey building, Mrs. Ajayi and her tenants of №5 Kehinde Aderibigbe street, have for several years converted the building beside theirs(№3) to a refuse dump, where they also deposit excreta.

    Even though the Environmental Health Officers in charge of the community are aware of the ugly development, monetary considerations have beclouded their quest for professionalism.

    Without doubt, governance cannot go on smoothly in a dirty environment, especially when lawlessness and criminality are the trend. This is the situation in most states of the federation.

  • Successive Governments failed to Explore the Opportunities in Agriculture-Prof Olagoke

    Prices of foodstuff in various markets in Nigeria is on the increase, despite the Federal Government’s insistence that it has done a lot to ensure that the agriculture sector is able to provide the food needs of the people and revenue for government.

    Interestingly, the Minister of Agriculture, Chief Audu Ogbeh has declared that 90 per cent of rice in the markets are locally produced, Nigerians, however, dismiss the Minister’s claim, arguing that most of the markets sell imported rice. In this interview, the Founder, Grand Imam and Spiritual Head of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke says that successive governments did not explore the various opportunities in the agriculture sector. Excerpts :

    The prices of foodstuff in the markets are on the increase, what do you think is the cause ?

    Nigeria is overdue for meaningful diversification of the economy.

    Gen. Yakubu Gowon’s regime established the refineries with the hope of satisfying domestic demand for petroleum products. Port harcourt, Warri and Kaduna refineries were established and these refineries functionally produced to the satisfaction of the people of Nigeria.

    The government then, equally had on its agenda, the expansion prospects, this was not to be due to the absence of continuity in governance.

    The export of crude oil gained prominence, while the refining of crude oil abroad for home consumption took center stage.

    Initially, Nigeria enjoyed the domestic production of crude oil, same was the case of imported refined petroleum products.

    The long years of military rule in Nigeria affected policies of government and resulted in the neglect of the refineries. This now made the country to depend heavily on imported petroleum products.


    Also, crude oil as the mainstay of the economy suffered from activities in the international market, such as fluctuations in prices.

    This to a large extent negatively affected the annual budget, since budget performance was hinged on the unstable price of crude oil.

    The cheapest area of diversification of the economy, is agriculture. 

    Animal husbandry , poultry farming and several other aspects of farming make the sector a very attractive potential revenue earner.

    In fact the physiological needs of shelter, clothing and feeding, are the major reasons why the country must focus on agriculture.

    Unfortunately, successive governments have not been able to explore the limitless opportunities in the sector.

    Suffice it now to say that Nigeria needs to embark on phased restructuring process to correct the anomalies in governance.

    For example the Ministers are expected to give bi-annual reports of their performances, rather than be requested to do so at the expiration period of the four year term of government.

    Nigerians deserve the best in terms of governance, but this is not the case.

    Strategic administration and effective management styles that could call for merit is the subject matter to build corporate governance for virile and strong institutions where policies would be made to work effectively.

    Diversification of the economy is long overdue and the agriculture sector based om modern day practice all over the world must be sought in Nigeria.

    Institutions of higher learning starting from technical colleges must be overhauled, to train people with relevant skills, who can manage agriculture beyond subsistence level.Farming 1

    Government must desist from wasting money through paper theory agriculture experts.

    But must train the trainers to identify with the real farmers for the sake of rural integration need for the policy, at the implementation level, can only be realized through using the SWOT analysis on why and how similar projects failed such as DFFRI, OFN, Better Life for Rural Women and Agriculture revolution.

    A critical study of the current one needs to be done, to be able to overhaul where necessary and adapt to compliment the news ideas.

    Above all, democracy is about the people that must be managed to meet up with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs-physiological, sociological, security, self esteem and actualization realm, while government must manage self to be able to achieve with Olagoke hierarchy of attitudinal needs using Maslow’s apex of actualization realm as its foundation-mentor ship for governance and policy continuity, altruism philosophy for culture of philanthropy and total personality target for true spirit of elder statesmen with high sense of forgiveness and service to humanity.

    Imbibing the two as a culture of living would not only put the people to be served into the readiness of supporting government on the culture of patriotism and trust in the face of government’s transparency and accountability.

    When there are successes in agricultural projects, same would manifest in the welfare of the people.

    Don’t let us play rhetoric with the issue of economy and agriculture, but rather let us be decisive and pragmatic in the areas of availability, accessibility, affordability and cost effectiveness to give this government a deserving credit.