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Nigeria 12

After Ramadan Fast Nigerians should not Return to What God has Rejected-Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide

Prof sabitu olagoke 3As Muslims enter into the last days of the 30 day Ramadan fast period and prepare for the Ed L Fitri celebrations, the general belief is that the fast period has brought about a new direction for the faithful who must have cleansed themselves of impurities and all that is evil.

In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head and Gran Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke urges Nigerians not to go back to their sinful ways after the Ramadan fast. Excerpts :

What is your message to the Muslim Faithful as they are about to finish the 30 day fasting period ?

The first thing to do for every Muslim who happens to be alive at the end of the 30 day Ramadan fast, is to give thanks to the creator, almighty Allah, who has given us the wherewithal to go about the fast exercise successfully.

This thanksgiving need to reflect on the extent to which we have been able to learn about the culture of fear of God, in order that we may be able to live the expected exemplary lifestyles which society requires to keep the peace with accelerated development.

When one looks at the three major segments of the Ramadan period, as a school period to learn, one would appreciate God for giving and teaching us mercy in the first 10 days, forgiving us our sins, if we go about the exercise rightly with sincerity of purpose. The fast teaches us to forgive our perceived enemies and those who must have offended us.

The third segment is what we can regard as harvesting period, loaded with spiritual re-orientation in which we learn how to be very close to God, by taking to His will.

Besides this, it is a period when prayers are easily answered through sincere supplication to almighty Allah.

This translates to an all encompassing spiritual rejuvenation that transcends the usual mortal sourcing of power or miracles.

We must not lose sight of the fact that before or during the Ramadan fast, that some known colleagues must have passed on, leading us to the question of who is next after the Ramadan ?

However, with the promise of God the Koran 10 : 61–62, the almighty Allah calls us to the following order, that closeness to God is sacrosanct to having insurance against life’s hazards through the following three criteria :

  1. Keeping of good neighborliness to be accepted by the community and society.
  2. Translating the theoretical message to application point of living by the reformative messages of God from the Holy Koran.
  3. This bothers on legitimate earning to live, source and maintain power and influence.

The almighty Allah set this as conditions to be practically observed, in order that one would become a friend of his creator, who will be so much insured against any form of fear or grief.

Fortunately, this is the import of the message of Ramadan, which we are expected to live by.

After Ramadan therefore, the expectation of God and society from the Muslim graduates of the Ramadan school, ranges from as follows ;

  1. Just worship based on holiness for Allah and sincerity of purpose, without derailing from the righteous path in any aspect of life we may find ourselves.
  2. One must be a source of motivation, defense and protection for ourparents who we must ensure are close to God, as well as been clothed, well fed and protectively sheltered, without suffering from any hazards of life.

This is a recompense for the very care they gave us when we were babies or toddlers.

3. As parents , we must be responsive and responsible to the cause of the welfare of the children including their education and healthcare concerns as well as physiological needs.

4. We must preserve our bodies by avoiding sins and crime as well as ensuring that soul purification exercises are achieved.

This will make us rational and disciplined, which are embodiment of moral etiquette, that is not dangerous to the society, but beneficial.

We must refrain from cheating others, breaking of oaths and promises, and infidelity.

Nigeria 11We should engage in philanthropy by accommodating people with disabilities, while also not forgetting the marginalized ones in the society, including the orphans.

Lastly, we must never take laws into our hands and neither must we resort to extra judicial killings without following the due process of law

All these have been taught in the month of Ramadan, for us to be reformed as individuals, into instruments of light that will manifest in our care for others and sense of patriotism, most especially in the scheme of nation building.

Luckily for us in Nigeria, the governments at the Federal and state levels were sworn-in the the glorious month of Ramadan which came up almost after the Lenten season.

To be sincere to God, He has given us the opportunity to institute and establish a new government of Democratic dispensation with bedrock for functionality, dwelling on justice and equity for peace and development to reign supreme under the most perfect conditions of conducive atmosphere provided for us by God through Ramadan.

If we are to be sincerely grateful to God, the sovereignty of Nigeria is been given to the Christians and Muslims to manage as a trial that shall be assessed and evaluated through individual and collective performances.

What we need finally, is a perfect system of leadership and follower ship network, to be able to walk the talk because with education and religion as an advantage, counting the number of Churches and Mosques adherents now in power with additional advantage of been certificated through good education, there won’t be any excuse for anyone of us to fail Nigeria and the state.

However, it is expected that corruption and indiscipline shall be alien to the new political dispensation.

Let us all be gradates of Ramadan on quality and standards in tandem with global best practices.

After the Ramadan fast, Nigerians should not go back to what God has rejected, but allow the revamped core values nurture and nourish our attitude to be best players in running a well ordered society full of peace and development.


Nigeria Prof. Sabitu Olagoke Islam