Posts by solomon2day
The Dignity of Labor By Prof Sabitu Olagoke
- By solomon2day
- On 29/06/2021
- In The People Talk
The dignity of labor is divine for human sustenance. Every creature has a license to the physiological needs for the upkeep of an individual on earth. For the early part of the individual's life, the individual would be dependent on others, most especially parents.
For the purpose of sufficiency, material resources ought to be evenly distributed to those who may need them to avoid inequality that may bring about insecurity for the purpose of survival among the people. Common senes dictate that needs must be sourced through legitimate means, not to become a victim of the law that regulates human affairs, since stealing, armed robbery, cheating on others, and other criminal acts are not only anti-divine but deviant also if the societal norms on the scale of justice, sins and crimes. Transfer Money with Wise
Putting up god work attitude with the spirit of working harder to meet up with the emerging demands and responsibilities without violating the golden rule of the dignity of labor is, therefore, sacrosanct.
The Holy Quran 11: 6 refers, '' There is no moving creature on earth, but its sustenance dependent on Allah: They knoweth its resting place and its temporary deposit: all is in a clear record.'' This statement implies that every stage of human creation and life cycle would become a rival material of destiny and destination importance starting from the gestation period, child-rearing, and natural nurturing of the cradle/adolescence stage to the ultimate period of adulthood. Ecclesiastes 5: 18-20 in the Holy Bible states ''Behold that which I have seen: it is good and comely for one to eat and to drink, and to enjoy the good of all his labor that he taketh under the sun all the days of his life, which God giveth him: for it is his portion.
19Every man also to whom God hath given riches and wealth, and hath given him the power to eat thereof, and to take his portion, and to rejoice in his labor; this is the gift of God.
20For he shall not much remember the days of his life; because God answereth him in the joy of his heart.''
For these verses, one must realize that the dignity of labor is divine, and through it only can God give a man the necessary tranquility of the mind.
Living beyond one's means is an invitation to chaos! We must all realize, according to the Holy Quran 13: 26 that ''Allah doth enlarge or grant by strict measure the Sustenance which He giveth to whom He pleaseth.......''
Avoid pursuing your goals through blatant impunity.
Let us enjoy the toil and the fruits of our labor through the due process of the fear of God in our daily activities.
Half Salaries Shall have a bandwagon Effect-Ex-Officio TUC
- By solomon2day
- On 29/06/2021
- In News
The percentage payment of salaries to workers by the Ondo State Government shall have a bandwagon effect if it continues.
This assertion was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo State Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former chairman of the union in the state, Comrade Andrew Emelieze. Transfer Money with Wise
''The situation in Ondo state is very dangerous and it could have a bandwagon effect if allowed to fester. Workers are now left to the mercy of the Government suggesting that labor unions are asleep or no longer exist'', Comrade Emelieze stated.
Respect by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke
- By solomon2day
- On 17/06/2021
- In Special Report
The word respect is an attribute that usually manifests in mankind and animals as an attitudinal outburst that has direct bearing with humility.
Between man and God, obedience to the rule of law as dictated by the almighty is a perfect condition under which man's prayer request can be granted. This implies that respect is better appreciated by a superior person when his will is followed.
In all spheres of human endeavor, respect is a common denomination through which we can realize cordial interpersonal relationships which by extension would lead to the realization of one's desire and the creation of peace for the environment to be conducive for all in our day to day activities.
A child carries out the will of its parents to attract their love and readiness to carry out their responsibilities on such children without looking back.
In the traditional setting, age is regarded as topmost for parents and the elderly ones including siblings.
When this is violated, a situation of bad blood is created to generate hatred.
In other of our lifestyles, respect is either commanded or forced through such privileges of wealth, influence, and affluence that make one become a star or superstar or personality worthy of focus in the society.
Respect for the positions of influence such as that of the Kings, parents, Chiefs, and business persons is established naturally when the environment of ethical revolution or practices is identified in such a person's struggle or rising profile to stardom.
Hard work, self-esteem, and other attributes of good conduct always attract respect.
However, when the end cannot justify the means such as in the case of politics with deceit, wealth through foul play, positions of influence through diabolical means, certification through fraudulent means, respect is easily lost because the end must justify the means.
Today, several societies have lost the culture of commanding respect even from the people they serve because of the various diabolical ways through which they achieve their aims.
Rich people are taunted and despised and people are afraid of seeking help from them not to become a perishable material for ritual purposes.
This occurs mainly in such societies where the dignity of labor is lost and acclaimed successes are achieved and recorded through smart practices that lack merit. In this circumstance, armed robbers, ritualists, and other categories of criminals may become Obas, Obis, or Emirs and will be surrounded by charlatans who will be installed and paraded as Chiefs with an overwhelming power of control over the wealth and resources of the society.
Such personalities may be hailed by the people who would ever believe that the material wealth of the personalities is being forced on them, not necessarily as the right choice for the positions they occupy. Proverbially, the Yorubas will say that the world would continue to be in disarray when the elders are not given the accorded respect.
Parents do serve their children, teachers serve their pupils and students to give them the fundamentals of life so that in return after becoming senior citizens, the children when they grow up, would be able to take over the reins of power as regards parenting, teaching, and governance.
For every responsible parent to now have a bequeathable legacy, the children and the youth must learn correctly, to imbibe the value of respect for siblings, peer group, identified and distinguished talents, elders, and constituted authority.
We must not forget that the beauty of teaching and learning lies in our products having respect for all the above mentioned.
Let us all learn to respect ourselves by doing things accordingly based on due process and let us respect the views of others and the talents in them including age and other worthy values for us to be able to create a well-ordered society with accelerated development that is free of corruption to be able to enjoin and promote a bequeathable legacy. Respect and acknowledge others. -
Give Your Children Quality Education-Rwanda First Lady
- By solomon2day
- On 17/06/2021
- In News
The First Lady of Rwanda, The First Lady of Rwanda, Jeannette Kagame has called on parents and other stakeholders to ensure that their children obtain a quality education.
Kagame made this call in a tweet, on Wednesday, June 16, a day set aside as the Day of the African Child.“This year, as Rwanda focuses on the role of the community in promoting ECD, we are calling on parents, partners, employers, and everyone to continue supporting these efforts geared towards ensuring every child’s access to quality education, care, health, and protection,” the First Lady stated.
Follow The Footsteps of Wise men Only By Prof. Sabitu Olagoke
- By solomon2day
- On 15/06/2021
- In The People Talk
In the teaching and learning cycle of education-formal, informal, and non-formal. A teacher's capacity for capability is sacrosanct to the learner's readiness to be rightly taught.
Informal and formal settings are usually driven through the authority's wealth of experience only.Transfer Money with Wise
The danger in this lies in the challenge of attitudinal character which if it is fraught with some elements of arrogance and hidden senes of inferiority that may directly or indirectly affect negatively the service delivery.
This is why we demand that for good parenting, character regulation and adjustment calling for body preservation from crimes as well as soul purification from devilish thought processes must be imbibed as a culture for the parents to be able to effectively deliver in the cause of child-rearing and natural nurturing of the adolescence for non-formal education, apprenticeship will always need, after graduation, proficiency lessons for all artisans in the ever dynamic trend of the world on education and professionalism for ease of attaining best global practices and global market competitiveness, despite the curriculum available in the form of the Scriptures of religious systems, the challenges of poor parenting and poor professional practices by the artisan, respectively still persists in the leadership problem of most religious leaders.
For example, analyses in the Holy Bible, Ecclesiastes 12: 11-12, ''11The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd.
12And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh.''
in the same vein, the Holy Quran shows us the way to teach and the way to learn correctly.
The Holy Quran 16: 123, refers, '' Invite all to the Way of the Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious. For the Lord knowest best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive guidance.''
Our teaching methodology to reform people must, therefore, be all-encompassing through a positive mindset approach.
There must, therefore, be a teacher/learner synergy with provisions for interactive sessions for both to be equally challenged for the purpose of advancing the cause of improvement.
The Holy Quran states that our Lord, the almighty Allah taught humans the use of the pen and inspires a man to know that which he knew not before.
The factor of God, in imparting knowledge must not, therefore, be trivialized with all humanity and less hypocrisy.
Ecclesiastes 12: 13-14 explains the mysteries behind educational impartation. ''Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
14For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.''
In the same manner, the Holy Quran warns seriously every mortal to take the Scripture with all seriousness by implementing the provisions and contents, therein, to regulate individual activities and general human affairs.
The Holy Quran 13: 10-11 refers, ''It is the same to Him whether any of you conceal His speech or declare it openly: Whether he perpetrates evil using the cover of the night or walk forth freely by day for each such person, there are angels in succession before and behind him, they guard him by command of Allah......... just to assess and evaluate him on the compliance level of the Scripture he or she upholds''.
Much as most of us are living in a highly bastardized and filthy environment, people of God must not get involved to further degenerate the situation but follow the footsteps of the wise only.
Take heed to adjust in order to enable knowledge to pride you into a virtuous position of the wise.
The Mortal Nature of Man by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke
- By solomon2day
- On 08/06/2021
- In The People Talk
The design of God on the creation of all living things is that of the gestation period, the period of childhood, the prime age of marriage and career, as well as that of the period of ultimate weakness, when the two legs may become feeble to need another support aided by the hands.
In the period of discipline, integrity, when neighbors matter to everybody usually manifested through sincere caring and sharing, driving our social interactions, the environment was conducive for man to enjoy the longevity of age assisted by a high index of wellness.
However, today, the environment is fraught with fraud with an attendant increase in the number of predators that daily threaten human existence due to our sins and rot that dare all senses of regulation and control. Transfer Money with Wise
It is, therefore, appropriate, this time around to ponder well on the signs of the evening times.
The Holy Quran 22:1-3 refers, ''O mankind fear your Lord for the convulsion of the hour of judgment will be a thing terrible.
The Day ye shall see it, every mother giving suck shall forget her suckling baby, and every pregnant female shall drop her load unformed(miscarriage): Thous shalt see mankind as in a drunken riot yet not drunk. : but dreadful will be the Chastisement of Allah and yet among men, there are such as dispute about Allah, without knowledge, and follow every Satan obstinate in rebellion! (misleading them).''
Is this not the basis of why we have many people dying at unripe ages?
Suffice it now to say that we serve God to receive His light to be able to have immunity against all forms of predators. For every man's successful voyage in life, obstacles must be overcome through the grace of an ever-enduring divine power otherwise predators may terminate the blossoming life with the deadly blow that goes beyond mere thunderstrike.
It is, therefore, imperative that we bear in mind that everybody is bound to taste death as its ultimate end on earth.
Moreso, when nobody knows the second and the hour when the eyes will close without opening again.
Remember that every eye with the milk of kindness and passion does shed tears when their loved ones die.
This is why they warn us that where a blossoming tree falls, a dried one may still stand on its feet implying that every one of us must always prepare as mortals for any eventuality.
Ecclesiastes 12:6-8,'' 6Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel is broken at the cistern.
7Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
8Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher; all is vanity.''
In the same vein, the Holy Quran 30: 55-57 refers, '' On the day that the hour of reckoning would be established, the transgressors will swear that they tarried not but an hour: thus were they used to be deluded!
But those endowed with knowledge and faith will say: indeed he did tarry within Allah decree to the day of resurrection, and this is the day of resurrection: but ye -ye did not know!
So on that Day, no excuse of theirs will avail the transgressors, nor will they be allowed to make amends.''
All successful Holy Prophets in the Scriptures humble themselves to fear God by been Scripture compliant without been unnecessarily rhetorical.
They believe in the last day and walk the talk of self-esteem, good work ethics, and interpersonal relationship.
Above all, they offered just worship devoid of unbelief and hypocrisy. Let us from today, follow their good examples, while alive.
Self-Esteem by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke
- By solomon2day
- On 04/06/2021
- In The People Talk
Self-esteem is an intrinsic worth of values usually demanded by society from every individual because it is fundamental to the culture of integrity which can promote such other values like morality, discipline, and the ability to control anger, to prevent bad blood and the possible breakdown of law and order that may undermine growth and development.
In every sphere of life, where socialization processes are demanded, self-esteem is always found to be Germaine for interpersonal relationships to be productive and symbiotic to aid good team spirit for social services for all agents of socialization to have a breakthrough for a perfect functionality of the system where peace and development are highly essential.
From the perspective of the home, the primary source of self-esteem has to do with the hereditary factor. Transfer money with Wise
This is why every growing youth must undergo appropriate natural nurturing towards having respect for the culture of integrity.
It is equally of great importance that the process of child-rearing must be very much concerned about the child custody environment.
This is because even when the parents can role model virtues, the environment under which a child is been reared must be taken into account so as not to have a negative effect on the innocent child, most especially at a stage of keeping peer group.
however, a careless parent, who is wayward, may find it difficult even to teach morals, not to talk of instilling self-esteem into the child's ego-building.
Self-esteem manifestation may have the double edge of a sword, the extrinsic worth easily manifests well on the body languages of the boy/man or girl/woman which easily makes those in the society form an opinion about him or her: arrogant, pompous, sluggish, scary, scornful, sickly, dull, bright, etc.
The intrinsic worth is usually exhibited for the society to form opinions such as intolerance, thoughtful, spontaneous, patient, perseverance among others. All these components of behavioral characteristics can be classified as negative or positive, as they vary in degrees in the ranking order of disposition measurement that guides people to form opinions about one's personality traits.
There is no art in which one can know the mind's construction on the face except through the gift of clairvoyance or divine attributes.
It is, therefore, very easy for people to misconstrue intentions. Therefore, there is a need for every human to imbibe a positive mindset in the way they appear or behave for people not to misconstrue their perceived actions.
Parents are, therefore, advised not to be bullies in the home and they must have listening ears.
the culture of self-esteem complimented with a good upbringing enables an individual to succeed where others are failing.
Self-esteem always ensures that leaders enjoy the cooperation of their followers because where transparency is the order of the day people's loyalty and trust are naturally enjoyed. -
Our Children are Taught Things beyond Them-Executive Secretary MUSWEN
- By solomon2day
- On 01/06/2021
- In News
The Executive Secretary of the Muslim Ummah of Southwest Nigeria(MUSWEN) Prof. Yahyah Muslih has taken a swipe at those who teach children things beyond their intelligence.
Prof. Muslih gave this condemnation recently at an event organized by the Peacemakers Guide, Nigeria in collaboration with Shafaudeen Center for Religious Cooperation and Tolerance(SCRCT) to commemorate the 20121 United Nations Women's day of Peace and Disarmament in Ibadan, Nigeria.
''What do we see in the world today? Our children, these days, are taught what they should not know, what is beyond their intelligence. We are in this world to live and worship God and not to bring an end to life. Each individual has a role to play to create a situation where we need less and less of arms and ammunition'', he noted.
The program was Chaired by the immediate past Executive Chairman of MUSWEN, Prof. Dawud Noibi, also featured the inauguration of the Founder, Spiritual Head, and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke, his wife, and other members as the Chairman, Chairperson and members of the Board of Trustees of the Guide.
Prof. Noibi, in his remarks, acknowledged the fact that in all parts of the world, women have been the victims of violence rather than the troublemakers
Similarly, the Director-General of the Guide, Prof. Adegbolagun George asserted that gender discrimination among women had over time resulted in gender violence, adding '' when women are involved in diplomacy and governance the world becomes more peaceful''.
The immediate past chairman of the Board of Trustees is Emeritus Archbishop, Methodist Church, Nigeria, Most Revd. Ayo Ladigbolu. -
The Savior
- By solomon2day
- On 27/05/2021
- In Pictures
Luke 1 : 46-47
46 And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord 47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
PMS-Save Poor Nigerians from Hardships
- By solomon2day
- On 24/05/2021
- In Solomon's Column
The body language of the helmsmen at all levels of government indicates nonchalance on their part in governance, deceit, and insensitivity to the plight of the less privileged.
Indeed, Those-in-Charge is only interested in their own selfish interests and convenience, while feigning ignorance about the predicament of the poor, the sick, the aged, the youth, and above all, the absence of basic amenities.
Of worry is the fact that The-Powers-That-Be now engage in scare strategy to justify the removal of the subsidy on the Premium Motor Spirit(PMS),
Even though that those who are proud owners of refining companies across the world are well known.
Nigerians now seek to know what the Gross Domestic Product(GDP), the standard of living, and the wage system are, in comparison with the present cost of the PMS.
To millions of Nigerians, the subsidy is a contrived deception that exists only in the imagination of its creators.
Indeed, the removal of the subsidy without stabilizing the exchange rate shall yield no result.
A responsible and responsive leadership ought to put in place specific ''absorbers'' and measures before the planned removal to save poor Nigerians from avoidable hardships-a Kongo of rice now sells for N900.00, Beans N1,000, and Garri N700.00 among several other edibles which have gone beyond their reach. -
Nigerians should give Thanks to God-Former Oyo Gov.
- By solomon2day
- On 13/05/2021
- In News
A former Oyo State Governor Senator Rashidi Ladoja has called on Nigerians to give thanks to God for His mercies in these perilous times of the coronavirus pandemic.
This call was made by Senator Ladoja in an interaction with newsmen on Thursday at his Ondo Street, Bodija, Ibadan, Nigeria residence.
''we have to thank God for all that is happening. The prediction was that in Africa we would pick dead bodies on the streets during the coronavirus pandemic. We have to thank God. In Africa, the pandemic, we as not hit as the developed countries, where their medical system is very advanced,'' Senator Ladoja declared. -
FG Plans to Sack Workers-Ex-Officio TUC
- By solomon2day
- On 10/05/2021
- In News
An Ex-Officio of the Oyo State Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), Comrade Andrew Emelieze has alerted workers in the Federal Civil Service of the plans to lay off workers on particular grades.
Comrade Emelieze who is also the former Chairman of the TUC in the state made this known in a chat with Poverty Line.
''It should be noted that the idea to cut down the workforce, reduce salaries and merge Ministries, Departments and Agencies is not acceptable, considering what workers are passing through. However, it is the intention of the Federal Government to sack workers in particular grades in the Federal Civil Service.
These policies are been driven by the conditions spelled out in the documents containing the country's indebtedness to the International Monetary Fund(IMF) and the World Bank, in the face of corruption and leakages from the national wealth,'' Comrade Emelieze stated.
God is Faithful
- By solomon2day
- On 07/05/2021
- In Pictures
Psalm 33 : 4
4 For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.
Ramadan Fast(Daily Guide)By Prof.Sabitu Olagoke
- By solomon2day
- On 07/05/2021
- In The People Talk
Saturday, May 8th
The harvesting season for Muslim adherents is expected to make us realize the need to become instruments of change, whose activities will be accepted as an act of Ibaadah under the following conditions stipulated by the Holy Quran 22: 35, '' Humility par excellence with pure hearts driven by the fear of God, the almighty Allah, we must show patient perseverance over any affliction that may come our way without shifting the blame on any mortal and without derailing from the true path of righteousness: Al Islam.
We must keep up regular prayer and spend without adulteration or idolatry. We must equally spend on charity out of what God has bestowed us''.
It is only such people that can receive the grace of God as the dividend of the Ramadan fast. Ramadan Kareem.
Sunday, May 9th
Let us be reminded that the period of retreat or Itikaf must move us close to God, the almighty Allah, without being distracted by the mundane things of life. Equally, be reminded that this is a harvesting period where wishes are converted into prayers, as expressed in the Holy Quran 2: 186,''When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close to them. I respond to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, listen to My call, and believe in Me. That they may walk the right way.''
Let us be Muslim adherents who communicate and consult with God with the preference of a perfect God/man relationship; rather than being a reject in Islam. Ramadan Mubarak.Monday, May 10th
Be reminded of the need to search for the favor of God in the glorious night of Laelatul Quadri regarded as the night of power that is better than a thousand months, when therein come down the angels and the spirits by Allah's permission on every errand, to bring onto the sincere adherents tranquility of the mind and peace on the environment. The Holy Quran 97 refers. Ramadan Mubarak.
Tuesday, May 11th
Be reminded of the command of the almighty Allah on the need to be philanthropic, steeping us up through Jaka or Zakat ul Fitri on the day declared as the end of the Ramadan fast. Let us be prepared for it by taking care of the whole household by contributing to the wellness of the less privileged ones. For the almighty Allah declares in the Holy Quran 92: 5-7, ''So he who gives in charity and fears Allah and in all sincerity testifies to the best, we will indeed make smooth the path to Ease.''
Avoid being selfish and arrogant in daring God for He gives us another challenge in Quran 92: 8-13, ''But he who is greedy miser and thinks himself self-sufficient and gives the lie to the Best, you will indeed make smooth the Path to Mystery nor will his wealth profit him when verily We take Upon us to guide and verily onto us belongs the ned and the beginning.'' Ramadan Mubarak.
Wednesday, May 12th
Look around to appreciate the favor of God the almighty Allah on you for been alive to begin and witness the end of the Ramadan fast for this year. We have all made wishes for God's positive disposition to make it real. The essence of Eid El Fitri, therefore, is to thank God through His much cherished affirmative on walking the talk of our beliefs and the lesson learned within the 29 or 30 days of our abstinence from sins, crimes, and devilish thought processes, be rightly guided through the provisions of the Holy Quran 61: 2-3, '' Oh ye who believe! Why say ye that which ye do not. Grievously hateful is it in the sight of Allah, that ye say that which ye do not.''
Let us all buy into the provision of the Holy Quran 61: 4 as born-again Muslims. ''Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array as if they were a solid cemented structure.''
Let us all become change agents for Ramadan reformation on us to be able to transform our national treasures into a beneficial inclusive society. Ramadan Mubarak. -
Insecurity: Workers are living in Perpetual Fear-Ex-Officio TUC
- By solomon2day
- On 29/04/2021
- In News
The unabating insecurity in Nigeria has caused workers to now live in perpetual fear.
This assertion was made by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo State Council of the Trade Union Congress, who is also a former chairman of the union, Comrade Andrew Emelieze.
''Workers and as a matter of fact, all Nigerians now live in perpetual fear and we are not sure of going back home anytime we set out to work, neither are we also sure of our security at home. Workers are at great risk due to the total collapse of the security architecture in the country.''
Comrade Emelieze wondered why labor leaders have been mute on the worrisome situation saying, ''one would have expected a swift response from labor leaders in the Nigeria Labor Congress and the Trade Union Congress; but the leadership of the labor centers and their affiliate industrial unions have been quiet while lives and properties have been lost. Labor has maintained passivity in the face of kidnappings and killings in Nigeria. The Government is deliberately sacrificing Nigerians and Soldiers for a sinister agenda that still remains unknown, Comrade Emelieze stated.
Ghanaian President Orders Armed Forces to Move Against Illegal Miners
- By solomon2day
- On 29/04/2021
- In News
The President of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has ordered the armed forces to move against all illegal miners in the country's waterways.
This disclosure was made in a statement signed by the country's Minister of Information, Kojo Oppong-Nkrumah.
“President Akufo-Addo has authorized the Ghana Armed Forces to commence an operation to remove all persons and logistics involved in mining from Ghana’s water bodies. The operation which started on the River Pra in the Central and Western regions of Ghana involves 200 officers of the Ghana Armed Forces,” the Minister stated.
The Ghana Water Company and the state water utility board, have both suspended halted operations in some communities as a result of the bad state of the turbidity of raw water in these communities, due to illegal mining activities.
Naira Printing Portends Great Danger-Labor Leader
- By solomon2day
- On 13/04/2021
- In News
The allegation by the Edo State Governor that the Federal Government printed N60 billion to meet its financial obligations portends great danger for the country.
This assertion was made in a Chat with People by an Ex-Officio of the Oyo State Council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC), who is also a former Chairman of the union in the state, Comrade Andrew Emelieze
''What this means is that governance is no longer effective, this portends great danger for Nigeria, it also means that the government is broke. The implication of this is that the Central Bank of Nigeria might be forced to start printing the Niara unnecessarily. This suggests a collapsed economy,'' Comrade Emelieze concluded. -
Ominous Times
- By solomon2day
- On 13/04/2021
- In Solomon's Column
Those in-Charge are increasingly having difficulties resolving the myriad of problems facilitated by their creations, which collectively have put distraught Nigerians in a precarious situation.
Without a doubt, the insecurity in the land is one among their several creations, that have over time defied any meaningful solution in the public domain, while killings, kidnappings, and armed robbery continue unabated.
Terrorists, over the weekend, attacked a United Nations humanitarian aid facility in Borno state, which has created an impression that the country is not humanitarian aid and investment-friendly.
774, 000 Nigerians who were engaged not long ago by Those-in-Charge are already protesting the non-payment of their N20,000 stipends.
Those-in-Charge have resorted to borrowing money from the Apex bank. This is an indication that ominous times are here. Nigerians are well informed.
Ramadan Fast Daily Guide By Prof. Sabitu Olagoke
- By solomon2day
- On 13/04/2021
- In Special Report
Tuesday(13th April)
Every human being needs to realize that all nations or societies are created by God the almighty Allah with the specific purpose of worshipping Him. (Holy Quran 51: 56).
The consciousness of every human being to realize and observe this accordingly is the import of the Ramadan fast exercise in this sacred month.
Wednesday(14th April)
Every nation or society is constituted by God the almighty Allah.
This is to be cultivated and managed by humans for our right habitation.
The need for divine intervention to make the work easy and orderly is through our realization of how best to worship Him for a perfect God/man relationship. The Ramadan fast is, therefore, meant for human spiritual rejuvenation, if rightly observed with the fear of God. (Holy Quran 2:21). Ramadan Kareem.
Thursday(15th April)
The clarion call of the almighty Allah for every human to get closer to Him to enjoy the benefit of life on earth with a great reward of Janat or paradise is yet to be heeded by many. The Ramadan exercise offers us the opportunity to do things according to the wish of God and to realize a safe sojourn on earth and the blessings of the hereafter.
Ensure you imbibe the lessons from various Sermons, Lectures, and Tafsir for the right guidance. (Holy Quran 2: 201-202). Ramadan Kareem.
Friday(16th April)
Be reminded of the fact that Ramadan fast is made compulsory for the living ones who are Muslims just like education is compulsory for all to be wholesome in decision making and taking. Ramadan fast should be for 29 or 30 days, according to the injunctions of God for the training exercises in getting closer to God to be through. Be reasonable, therefore, not to abuse the privileges and the opportunities of been alive. (Holy Quran 3: 102). Ramadan Kareem.
Saturday(17th April)
The whole world is in a state of turmoil, longing to recapture the lost peace among its people. For example, insecurity is the order of the day as the greatest challenge of Nigerians. Let us all embrace the opportunity to gain the mercy of the first 10 days of the Ramadan fast, to be able to use the potential power of the fast for every heart to be touched by God into the keeping of good neighborliness, whereby love replaces hatred. Ramadan Kareem.
Provide for the People-Cleric to Govt
- By solomon2day
- On 01/04/2021
- In News
Government at all levels have been advised to take advantage of the Easter season to redeem their battered images by catering to the needs of downtrodden Nigerians.
This advice was given by a Christian cleric, Pastor Opeyemi Ajayi in a chat with People.
'' The Federal, State and Local governments should make use of the Easter period to regain the confidence of the people by providing for their needs. The economy is in a bad state, there are hunger and poverty in the land. Foodstuff is very expensive and Nigerians are disillusioned. Government should remember the poor when formulating policies. It should also end the spate of kidnappings and killings in different parts of the country,'' Pastor Ajayi stated.