

Events, People and Places

  • Nigerian Children's Place in a Sane Society

    Quote 3MoralityMost public primary and secondary school students learn in environments that are not encouraging in Nigeria.
    The facilities have been stretched to obsolete conditions as a result of improper planning by the government at all levels.
    Considering the dilapidated toilet facilities in several of these schools and the absence of potable and drinkable water, the potential outbreak of an epidemic cannot be rule out.
    Teachers are no longer dedicated to duty due to their nightmarish working conditions.
    Cultism has taken root in most of these schools, while ''armed robbers'' in school uniforms dot the nooks and crannies of every par of the country.
    Of worry, is the lack of sincerity on the part of the government in the implementation of programs and policies.
    On the part of the private schools, moral decadence, which is a major feature in the public schools, the issue, while examination malpractices and fraud are also noticeable signposts.
    Furthermore, the attitude of the government and people in a number of states in the country downplays the reality of the coronavirus pandemic, while the present state of several schools in these states, the non-availability of potable water, and the dilapidated facilities could expose students and teachers alike to serious health hazards, the coronavirus pandemic inclusive.
    Or worry also is the fact that several communities in Nigeria are under siege by various categories of criminals. The sight of young boys, in the midst of adults, smoking Indian hemp is now commonplace, majorly at primary schools without perimeter fencing.
    In addition young girls, have now taken to prostitution on the promptings of their mothers and guardians to make ends meet. A visit to several beer parlors, ''Ogogoro'' joins scattered all over the country shall be instructive. Such include communities Molusi, Solanke, Oyegbami, Oshodi, Olorunsogo, Alko/Barracks, Felele, Scout Camp, and others in Ibadan Oyo state.
    If an urgent step is not taken to salvage the almost hopeless situation, millions of Nigerian children may no longer have a place in a sane society.



  • Religion and People's Hopes

    Prof sabitu olagoke 6The special arrangement of God is that people must be well cultured into the ethos of integrity even at the raw stage of their lives and that they must be well educated through affective, cognitive, and psychomotor domains into the culture of organizational and professional ethics and to the glorious level of understanding the word of God through the Scriptures to the application realm of exemplary lifestyles for them to be able to get to the credence level of leadership credibility that will make them key easily into good management and effective administrative network for good governance in any capacity they may be called upon to serve.

    This is why the Almighty God admonished us to embrace the culture and environment of love for other organs of life to be effectively functional.

    1Cor. 13: 13, refers, ''So these three things continue: Faith, Hope, and Love. And the greatest of these is love.''

    And all these things work for the people as reported by the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible to the outstanding level of realizable objectives for the Holy Prophets in the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible.

    It used to work, even in the old times, in Nigeria, when the number of Churches and Mosques, as well as the number of schools, could easily be counted without any mental task.

    In those glorious days, except that God did not approve of idolizing such objects into gods and goddesses. Miracles were truly wrought and solutions to human problems were easily solved by these three sectors of spiritual importance.

    This was because people loved themselves and kept good neighborliness. There was scanty money in the hands, but the food was in abundance to satisfy the physiological needs of the people.

    Stories of hired killings, armed robberies, insurgency, and other violent crimes were alien to the people, while everyone cared for his neighbor with passion. The absence of care today has resulted in human intolerance, institutional indiscipline, economic sabotage, ritual killings for quick money, the craze for wealth to the level of what is not needed, greed and avarice, self-centeredness, and business as usual in positions of authority are all anti-scriptural and anti-thetical to the society, with this kind of environment, just worship is difficult to be realized even with the population target theory of the Churches and the power-grabbing focus of the Muslims as well as the countless number of Churches, Mosques and other faith-based organizations. Religious leaders and their adherents are now swimming in the viscose of political theater, confused as they are and neither been accepted by the society or trusted as the messengers or people.

    We all need to retrace our steps back into the ordinances of God as scripted in the curricula of religion. It is a matter of regret that today, no religious leaders can with the certainty of authority

    repeat the statement of Jesus Christ without been booed.

    Matthew 11: 28-30, refers, ''Come to me all you people that are tired and have heavy burdens. I will give you rest, accept my work, and learn from me. I am gentle and humble in spirit and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, the work that I ask you to accept is easy, the burden I give you to carry is not heavy.''

    People without exemplary lifestyles and with records of rot in the past cannot be trusted with the above statement, this is because followers may be hoodwinked, but not all of them can be cajoled.

    In the same way, the area of character attestation is emphasized by the Holy Quran, with the reward of relief from heavy burdens from any form of yokes.

    With the submissions of God, the almighty Allah, in the Holy Quran 7: 157 critical surveys on Muslim leaders and in-depth research on their conduct reveal that the beautiful ones are not yet born, most especially in Nigeria.

    This is why we cannot credit reasonable input into the nation-building to these two dominant religions in Nigeria, including the other faith-based organizations because of the lack of been Scripture compliance.

    Quran 7: 157 refers, ''Those who follow the messenger, the unlettered prophet, who they find mentioned in their own Scriptures,-in Taurat and the Gospel;-For he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good and pure, and prohibits them from what is bad and impure: he releases them from their burdens and from the yokes that are upon them: So it is those who believe in him, honor him, help him, and follow the light which is sent down with him,- it is they who will prosper.''

    The analysis of the above quote shows the characteristic feature of the attitudinal building and character attestation], the benefit of been Scripture compliant as a reward of freedom from the devil and divine healing for the adherents to realize their nutrition, health, and wellness needs.

    For such a person to maintain and sustain the lofty

     the reward that cannot be bought with money and that cannot be given by people, they must strictly follow the ideals of the prophets of their chosen religion like Jesus Christ and Prophet Muhammad.

    For us as living souls, let us follow the contents of Quran 4: 59 to meet up.

    Quran 4: 59,''O believers! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. Should you disagree on anything, then refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if you ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and the Last Day. This is the best and fairest resolution.''

    Let us be Scripture compliant for just worship in our chosen religion to be able to have sufficient spiritual endowment to drive our socio-economic and political desires to the point of maximum realization without hitch.

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria

  • Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year


                                                This is wishing you a merry christmas  and a prosperous new year

  • Sycophants Responsible for Nigeria's Worrisome Situation-Prof. Olagoke

    Prof 1Sychophants are present at all levels of Government. Their activities have become a stumbling block to development and economic prosperity.
    A one-time president of Nigeria, the late Alhaji Sheu Shagari while commenting on the reason why Nigerian leaders failed in their office of responsibility, had said ''any leader who wants to succeed must check the activities of sycophants...... sycophants within the corridors of power have to a great extent made it difficult for a leader to be aware of the problem facing their people and what to do to alleviate their suffering.''
    In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head, and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that the negative culture of bastardization, insincerity, and destruction revolving around the activities of sycophants, have already crept into all the Ministries, Departments, and Agencies at all levels of government in Nigeria. Excerpts :

    The insinuation among Nigerians is that sycophancy is the foundation for bad governance in the country. Do you agree?

    Sycophancy is regarded as obsequious behavior towards someone of importance in order to gain an advantage. It is unfortunate that this is what has characterized the general features of our governance style in Nigeria. This has affected our ability to meet up with the standard of governance as propounded by the United Nations Development  Program, that is, people's participation, respect for the rule of law, transparency in governance, responsiveness to people's yearnings and sense of want, equity in the distribution of our commonwealth most especially to the nationalities that constitute Nigeria. Other factors that have been traced to the activities of sycophants include
    efficiency in productivity against the general loss of goodwill leading to our inability to pass the test of corporate governance perception index,
    accountability as against the present records of treasury looting and corruption and strategic vision as against the present fire brigade approach in managing the affairs of the country and 
    lack of good governance due to sycophantic behavior of subordinates most especially those put in positions of responsibilities to feed the presidency or the State Governors has always been a grievous setback in achieving sustainable development in Nigeria.
    Expectedly, democracy must stand on the two legs of justice and equity to give peace a place in the present state of insecurity claiming lives and property as well as impoverishing the people.
    Democracy is expected to make those put in positions of power responsive and responsible in focusing on the wellness of the people.
    Governance and democracy must therefore focus on the well being of the citizens to ensure that the eight-point component are intrinsically present in every person been governed through the following assessed wellness indices: sound mind, physically fit individuals, community participation for progress and development, good work attitude for high efficiency and productivity, safe and secured clean environment, emotional balance, high and pious spiritual state as well as finances that can support and sustain an individual and his dependants.

    Sycophancy, therefore, has to do with bootlicking, trading in lies, deceit, propaganda for the person in charge of leadership, management, or governance to a misleading state of affairs.
    Sycophancy often breeds anti-societal behavior to the amazement of the people in charge of the affairs of the state as could be witnessed in various processes of elections and appointments. 
    Sycophants in government, also constitute fifth columnists, they either work for the government in power or the opposition, without any consideration for the consequences on the development of the nation and the wellness of the people-the cartel and the cabal.
    There is, therefore, the need for a paradigm shift from the culture of sycophancy to that of competence and merit, good work attitude, and appointment for people that would be responsive and responsible, fair and objective. This is because the negative culture of bastardization, insincerity, and destruction revolving around the activities of sycophants, have already crept into all the Ministries, Departments, and Agencies at all levels of government, besides this, it has destroyed the fabric of peaceful co-existence as well as all aspects of the general society, thereby, making sycophancy to be endemic and dangerous enough to pull down the nation.
    Failure of leaders in a democracy to ensure good governance, the provision of functional infrastructure, and basic amenities for the wellness of all Nigerians, irrespective of their economic class will ever create a state of anarchy. Stop sycophantic acts.

  • Richard Gbadebo: Oyo Govt. Reluctant to Ensure Justice for Dead Factory Worker-Barr. Aborishade

    • On 17/12/2020
    • In News

    RicThe Oyo State Government has been accused of working against ensuring justice for the family of a 21-year-old undergraduate who lost his life in a factory incident in Ibadan, Nigeria.
    This accusation was made on Wednesday by Barrister Femi Aborishade at an event in Ibadan.
    ''The Federal and Oyo state Governments have failed a worker who was consumed by the machine he was working with, Richard Gbadebo, an undergraduate of European Languages at the University of Ibadan. We wrote the Governor of Oyo state to prosecute the company, not even a reply to acknowledge the letter, we wrote the Attorney General, not even an acknowledgment came from his office, we wrote the office of the Director of Public Prosecution, they could not even acknowledge our letter. Same for the Commissioner of Environment, there was no acknowledgment, not even a reply. We wrote the Federal Ministry of Labor, the Minister through the Controller of Labor acknowledged our letter, they informed us that they have forwarded our request to look into what went wrong and also assured that the Minister of labor has been informed and we also received a letter that a panel has been set up'', Barrister Abroishade explained.


  • The Uncooperative Attitude of the Leadership

    • On 15/12/2020

    Ka 1Nigerians are worse off than they were six years ago in terms of development and economic empowerment.

    The people are greatly disappointed.
    The three tiers of Government share the problems in varying proportions. What is this democracy all about? This is the question on the lip of most Nigerians.
    The debate revolves around the improper implementation of the annual budget at all levels of governance. Those in charge of the Ministries, Departments, and Agencies have been given money to deliver the dividends of democracy to the people, but this is yet to be visibly done.
    The responsibility of a political party when it comes to governance is to ensure that the Government implements the programs it promised the people during electioneering campaigns. Along this line, the party has done little or nothing.
    Interestingly, the leadership of both arms of the National Assembly and the State Houses of Assembly seem unperturbed.
    This is so because the Executive determines what the Legislature receives. The Legislature has the constitutional duty to call the Executive to order, but sadly as issues of national importance linger, the Legislature is still in ''coma''.
    The abduction of 333 students of the Government Science Secondary School, Kankara, Katsina state,  by gunmen riding in about 150 motorcycles, last week Friday, is just one of several issues of national importance.
    Indeed, political appointees and political office holders, who equip hoodlums masquerading as artisans and petty traders with motorcycles and other equipment, are responsible for the increase in crime and criminality in several communities in the country.
    Such communities include Molusi, Solanke, Oshodi, Olorunsogo, Aluko/Barracks, Felele, Scout Camp, and environs in Ibadan, Oyo state, where okada riders, mechanics, petty traders behind the St. Annes Schools fence, beer parlor owners are daring and brazing committing crimes with impunity. Since law enforcement agencies give them covert support.
    At the Molusi junction,(ASAS) bus stop, Molete, hoodlums who masquerading as okada riders led by one ''Brother Bayo, a  diminutive vulcanizer, and a spare parts seller, daily export, harass, intimidate and attack innocent citizens, despite the fact that a team of the Rapid Response Squad(RSS) fo the state Government is located under the Molete bridge, a stone's throw from the scene of the crime.

  • Moral Decadence, Indiscipline and the Marriage Institution

    ProfThe marriage institution is a blessing to mankind to raise man up to a higher plane of operation above the animals which go about reproductive processes without nay guide, once they are moved into the romantic ecstasy of love affairs, they mate at all costs with their weaker female counterparts even their mothers, except in the known species of the horse which has never been into the practice of incest and the weaver bird which obeys a perfect arrangement of divine importance to go through clean courtship period before they finally go into wedlock. A male weaver bird at the ripe age of puberty stage woos a female counterpart for days and months, during this period they will have nothing to do with mating and illegal sexual experience. The male is charged by the female to build a nest to prepare for the housing need after going into wedlock.

    The female, upon the male's claim of completing the nest, would be invited to examine for acceptability the newly built nest, if it is not acceptable by the female counterpart, the male has two options to rebuild to the female's taste or lose the female to another more serious male elsewhere. When eventually, there is a consensus, they move in immediately to commence their honeymoon as a newly wedded couple.

    The reminiscence of this can be likened to the marriage institution process for mankind, our culture and religion agree on fidelity concept for nay marriage solemnization to take place by the Alfas or Pastors.

    Luckily, for the institutions of culture and religion, the backup Scriptures are there for the perfect guide. For example, the culture of fidelity on the part of the male and female must be upheld, most especially on the premise of virginity of the girl-child and abstinence from promiscuous acts. On these, the following factors of conditions must be ascertained before any marriage solemnization take place-1)mutual consent between the two intending couples to ensure maturity on both sides, absence of forced marriage, and a case of minor marriage to respect the fundamental human rights of the intending couples to feel and realize love in the proposed contract. Secondly, research-based consent of the parents of the male and the female for the marriage to take place with due regards for their children's state for the mind and wellness factor as well as ascertaining the suitability of the intending in-laws to be integrated into both families for a better future of the marriage.

    The third is the factor of weaknesses to the journey of the intending couples to avoid future allegations by people from outside the marriage which is usually revolving around charges of infidelity and cheating which may ultimately lead to disaffection in the newly formed family and possible separation or divorce.

    The fourth is the intending husband's appreciation of winning the hearts of the sweetheart, this is always appreciated through a substantial amount of money for the male winning the love of his heartthrob(Quran 4: 4.'' And give your wives their share of the dowry and then if they willingly participate in it with you, it is not objectionable and is legal for you.'')

     With all these perfect arrangements from God, why is it that many marriages suffer from separation or divorce? Knowing fully well that Jesus Christ condemned the practice outrightly because of its socio-spiritual implications. For example Mathew 5: 31-32 is sufficient to guide to go about marriage and keep it. 

    Mathew 5: 31-32

    31 “It has been said, ‘Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.’

     32 But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.''

    From the perspective of Islam, the Holy Quran 24 : 3 refers to ''A male fornicator would only marry a female fornicator or idolatress. And a female fornicator would only be married to a fornicator or idolater. This is ˹all˺ forbidden to the believers.''

    The fallout of broken homes is separation or divorce which usually make the children or product of the marriage to be vulnerable to various hazards of life.

     The Holy Quran 17: 32 refers to ''And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.'' What a great act of socio-spiritual implication. The counseling factors in the marriage institution is very essential to maintain and sustain it. For example, Ephesians 4: 21-25, ''21 when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

    25 Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.'' This is a counsel for husbands and wives on mutual relationships.''

    In the same way, Quran 4: 34, emphasizes the process of convening, maintaining, and sustaining marriage which usually among human being always goes through the rigor of declining stages in relationships. The courtship period with glowing love region or cosmetic values usually blindfolds the intending couples about the reality of themselves. The wedding night is known to be a honeymoon period, before a year of the marriage, there is a reality check, then after a year, couples expect the following declining stages which must be managed effectively, he nagging period, suspicious management period, threat region and possibly third party intervention, the purple riot decision region metamorphosing into coping dope or separation threat.

    The Holy Quran 4: 34 states that ''Men are the caretakers of women, as men have been provisioned by Allah over women and tasked with supporting them financially. And righteous women are devoutly obedient and, when alone, protective of what Allah has entrusted them with.1And if you sense ill-conduct from your women, advise them ˹first˺, ˹if they persist,˺ do not share their beds, ˹but if they still persist,˺ then discipline them ˹gently˺. But if they change their ways, do not be unjust to them. Surely Allah is Most High, All-Great.'' For the women, their responsibilities in the home must be based '' therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient and guard in the husband's absence what Allah would have them, guard.''

    In the same verse, the almighty Allah says men must be tolerable and super counselors who teach patience through a clear understanding, until there is a change in the character of the woman for good, who the men must not cheat, but rule over them through the fear of God. The marriage institution is sacred and must be revered as such to be able to generate good and reliable homes that would produce good future leaders for the nation to move forward.

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria










  • The LORD Our Righteous Savior

    Jeremiah 23 : 5-6

    5 “The days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, a King who will reign wisely and do what is just and right in the land. 6 In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. This is the name by which he will be called: The LORD Our Righteous Savior.

    Sa 1Sa 2Sa