

Events, People and Places


    Eze 2So many weathered it all and joined I and my family in my country home, Igboukwu in Anambra state,Nigeria, where my late wife was laid to rest on the 28th of July, 2022. So, many again joined me and my family in the outing service on Sunday, 14th of August, 2022 in Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria. God proved once more that He is God. He blessed the whole occasion with good weather, security and journey mercies to everyone who attended the occasion. God bless well-wishers, admirers and friends who joined us physically, financially and prayerfully. My whole family and I are very grateful.


    Eze(Dr.) Alex Anozie(Ezeigbo, Ezechukwujiegosioluebube nala,Ibadan and Oyo state. Chairman Non-indigenous Traditional Heads, Oyo state

  • The Quality of personnel and Insecurity

    MeA large number of law enforcement and security personnel have for long ignored their primary duites and rather become involved wioth happenings in the political sphere in Nigeria.

    The motivating factor revolves around money, influence and greed, even though the authorities are fully aware of this unfortunate development.

    Indeed, the chequered mindset of these set of professionals in uniform has resulted in a major set back in the unending battle to put a stop to insecurity in the land.

    Sadly, over the years, nepotism, favoritism and mediocrity have ensured that unqualified persons infiltrate the law enforcement and security servcies.

    This is reflected in the avoidable acts of commission and ommission in countless number of engagments whioch have defied all known procedures oif professional practice.

    Note- The non-state actors at the center of violnet crimes in Nigeria today are all products of those who are obssessed with power. Those-in-Power ought to have a recipe to end the crimes against humanity.

  • Condition of Primary Health Care (PHC) Delivery in Oyo State by Dr. Raymond Adegboyega

    • On 15/08/2022

    RayNote: The provision of health care at PHC level is largely the responsibility of local
    governments with the support of state ministries of health and within the overall national
    health policy (Nigeria Constitution, 1999).

    Quality health is a fundamental right of all citizens. Primary health care (PHC) which is the first
    level of contact for individuals, the family, and the community to address the main health
    problems in the community, providing health promotion, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative
    services  are not available in all local governments in Oyo State.
    Many people in Oyo State are at risk of falling into poverty due to out-of-pocket health spending
    of more of their household budget. Primary health care, which is supposed to be the bedrock of
    the state and  health care policy is currently catering to a small number of potential patients. While
    most PHC facilities are in various states of disrepair, with equipment and infrastructure being
    either absent or obsolete, the referral system is almost non-existent. The reason is that the
    primary health care system has deteriorated to an unacceptable level coupled with ineffective
    management in Oyo State.
    For universal health coverage (UHC) to be truly universal in Oyo State, a shift is needed from
    health systems designed around diseases and institutions to health systems designed for people,
    with people. PHC requires governments to underscore the importance of action beyond the
    health sector in order to pursue a whole-of-government approach to health, including health-in-
    all-policies, a strong focus on equity, and interventions that encompass the entire life course. The
    health services, based on PHC, include, among other things, education concerning prevailing
    health problems and the methods of preventing and controlling them, promotion of food supply
    and proper nutrition, equipment and child care, including family planning and immunization against the
    major infectious diseases, prevention and control of locally endemic and epidemic diseases and
    provision of essential drugs and supplies. All these features are entirely absent in the context of
    the Oyo State Primary Health Care Delivery.
    One of the major hindrances to the development of PHC is the insufficient number of medical
    personnel as well as their uneven distribution. The solution to this perennial health problem is to
    scale up PHC interventions among target groups across the state in order to save many lives and
    increase average life expectancy.
    In conclusion, there is nothing to show for the huge amount of public funds wasted on the project.

    Dr. Adegboyega is the Governorship candidate of the National Rescue Movement(NRM) in Oyo state

  • Walk The Talk on PWDs by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 2The government at all levels and people must not waste or bury talents, most especially Persons With Disabilities(PWD).

    Let us enact anti-discrimination and other disability-specific laws. All stakeholders must get organized on this-governments, parents, international donors, the media, the JONAPWD, Human Rights Groups, philanthropists, among others.

    It is only through appropriate policy stands that we can raise the hope of the hopeless, mitigate the cause of disabilities and prevent causative factors from increasing the fold of PWDs.

    Nigeria needs to implement all international instruments to which it is a signatory, on the issue of having due respect for the fundamental human rights of the people.

    For example, women's rights through the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women(CEDAW), Child Rights and Inclusion Rights of the PWDs through appropriate domestication for ease of local adaptation.

    We have to walk the talk of the challenges confronting disability, democracy and the rule of law, to be able to raise the hope of the people for realizable prospects of the positive impact of democracy driven by the rule of law.

    This can only be possible through voting in credible leaders who are visionary and selfless in governance with a high passion for the people they are to govern through the promotion of an inclusive society where no one is marginalized, including women and the PWDs.

    Above all, let us integrate the PWDs for them to naturally manage themselves with happiness and hope for destiny realization because there is ability in disability.

  • Be at Peace with your Neighbors-Eze(Dr.)Anozie

    • On 15/08/2022
    • In News

    Eze 1Igbos across Nigeria have been called upon to be at peace with their neighbors. 

    This call was made on Sunday by His Royal Highness Eze(Dr.) Alex Anozie(Ezeigbo, Ezxechukwujiegosioluebube nala), in a reception organized in honor of his late wife, Queen Besty Afulenu Anozie in Ibadan, Oyo state Nigeria,

    ''My special appeal is for all of us to continue to live in peace with our neighbors. Continue to live in peace and God will bless you in Jesus' name. Amen. We are law-abiding people, we follow the rule of law. Let us continue to honor God and God will bless all of us in Jesus' name. Amen, Eze(Dr.)Anozie prayed.

  • Justice and Righteousness

    Better life revolves around justice and righteousness

    Joshua 20

    ''The LORD also spake unto Joshua, saying,

    2 Speak to the children of Israel, saying, Appoint out for you cities of refuge, whereof I spake unto you by the hand of Moses:

    3 That the slayer that killeth any person unawares and unwittingly may flee thither: and they shall be your refuge from the avenger of blood.

    4 And when he that doth flee unto one of those cities shall stand at the entering of the gate of the city, and shall declare his cause in the ears of the elders of that city, they shall take him into the city unto them, and give him a place, that he may dwell among them.

    5 And if the avenger of blood pursue after him, then they shall not deliver the slayer up into his hand; because he smote his neighbour unwittingly, and hated him not beforetime.

    6 And he shall dwell in that city, until he stand before the congregation for judgment, and until the death of the high priest that shall be in those days: then shall the slayer return, and come unto his own city, and unto his own house, unto the city from whence he fled.

    7 And they appointed Kedesh in Galilee in mount Naphtali, and Shechem in mount Ephraim, and Kirjatharba, which is Hebron, in the mountain of Judah.

    8 And on the other side Jordan by Jericho eastward, they assigned Bezer in the wilderness upon the plain out of the tribe of Reuben, and Ramoth in Gilead out of the tribe of Gad, and Golan in Bashan out of the tribe of Manasseh.

    9 These were the cities appointed for all the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them, that whosoever killeth any person at unawares might flee thither, and not die by the hand of the avenger of blood, until he stood before the congregation.''

  • The Infrastructure Legacies

    Infrastructure development is key to the potential economic development of Nigeria.

    This has been proven by advanced countries of the world.

    However, Those-in-Power at all levels of government hide under the guise of promoting infrastructure development to embark on activities that are very far from transparency and accountability.

    Of worry, is the fact that it is doubtful if there exists any legal and regulatory framework for the financing of infrastructure projects at all levels.

    Indeed, the quality of infrastructure in different parts of the country expresses the absence of satisfactory processes of monitoring and evaluation. Of course, the scary infrastructure deficit is a major source of discomfort for Those-in-Power.

    It ought not to be their legacy.Perhaps. Indeed, policy documents highlighting, most of the time, the infrastructure expansion, inter-sectoral integration and environmentally friendly conditions, if in place, may contribute positively to the attraction of urgently needed investments in critical sectors of the economy. Sadly, major investors are already divesting from Nigeria. Note- Agents of destruction are on the prowl everywhere. Watch what you eat and drink. In addition, be cautious of the people you relate with, because the heart of man is desperately wicked.

  • Persons with Disabilities (PWD) : The need for participation in Development by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof.Disability is yet to be seen as a developmental issue in Nigeria because it is grossly under-represented in legislative processes and outcomes.

    Instead, it has become a political weapon of campaign driven by social sympathy rather than empathy in our institutional arranegments.

    The Joint National Associations of Persons with Disabilities(JONAPWD) with many advocayc groups under it has been equally influenced by the usual charity/welfare model approach to disability.

    There is a need for all to develop a cultural oreintation of creating a world where the fundamental human rights of persons with disabilities including that of access is guranteed under the law and the need to create awareness on the promotion of creativity for PWDs to strenghten the voice of Persons With Disabilities through advocacy, capacity building and development networking.

    This will facitiliate their participation in the political process of the nation.

    Records show that some of the PWDs have been actively participating in Voter Education programs-election monitoring and observation.

    They also engage in the  mobilization of people living with disabilities toward participating in partisan politics through dialogue with political parties as well as in the cause of women realizing the 35 per cent affirnmative action on representation in decision making cadre through political appointments as well as having capacity and support through the elective process into positions of power.