

Events, People and Places

  • Hardships-Suicide should not be an Option-Oyo TUC Chairman to Workers

    • On 17/09/2022
    • In News

    Workers in Nigeria have been advised not to opt for suicide as a way out of the life-threatening situation in the country. This advice was given by the chairman of the Oyo state council of the Trade Union Congress(TUC),Comrade Emmanuel Ogundiran.

    ''An average Nigerian is undergoing the worst period of life. The economy, the political environment and the social space are getting worse by the day.Nigerians can no longer sleep with their two eyes closed. The galloping inflation has rendered workers' salaries useless. Our religious worship centers which are supposed to be placers of succour have now become points for extortion. Adherents are growing poorer at a rapid rate, while the facilitators of the centers are moving from cars to private jets. All these added together have dampened the morale of workers in Nigeria, but I must be quick in saying that suicide is not an option. Suicide should not be an option,'' Comrade Ogundiran stated.

    He also advised workers to develop an alternative saying, '' whatever your class, think of plan B. After your primary job, what can you do that would bring additional food to your table?

    ''Comrade Ogundiran warned workers to control their temper, while stressing ''stay away from anger. Stay away from people who cannot motivate themselves out of their frustration. No matter how small a fight is, avoid it. Preserve your life and you are sure of seeing the next day. Finally, no matter the situation, no matter what you are facing, if you know that when there is life there is hope, suicide should not be an option.''

  • Justice Department Launches Nationwide Initiative to Combat Unlawful Acts of Hate

    • On 17/09/2022
    • In News

    Sixteen Districts, Including Western Washington, Will Roll Out Programs this Fall WASHINGTON – Attorney General Merrick B. Garland announced today during the White House United We Stand Summit that over the next year, all 94 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices (USAOs) will host a new nationwide initiative to combat unlawful acts of hate. The United Against Hate program is convening local forums that connect community groups to federal, state, and local law enforcement to increase community understanding and reporting of hate crimes; build trust between law enforcement and communities; and create and strengthen alliances between law enforcement and other government partners and community groups to combat unlawful acts of hate. “The Justice Department remains committed to enforcing federal hate crime laws,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “That is why the Justice Department has launched its new United Against Hate program. This initiative brings together community groups, community leaders, and law enforcement at every level to build trust and strengthen coordination to combat unlawful acts of hate.” The first cohort of 16 USAOs rolling out United Against Hate programs this fall includes the following districts: Arizona, Central District of California, Eastern District of California, Connecticut, Idaho, Middle District of Louisiana, Southern District of New York, Western District of New York, Southern District of Ohio, Middle District of Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Southern District of Texas, Eastern District of Virginia, Vermont, Western District of Washington, and Western District of Wisconsin. The Department will expand the United Against Hate program to all 94 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices next year. “It is my hope that this program will help connect our office and federal partners to cities and communities throughout Western Washington, where we can increase awareness and reporting of bias crimes and race-based threats,” said U.S. Attorney Nick Brown. “We all have a role to play in reporting acts of hate or hate speech that may be an early indicator of the troubling violence we are seeing too often in our communities.” “U.S. Attorneys are critical partners in the Justice Department’s efforts to respond to hate crimes in communities across our country,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “The stronger the ties between communities and law enforcement, the more faith that communities will have that their allegations will be investigated and taken seriously. This moment requires an all-hands-on-deck strategy to fully confront unlawful acts of hate. The United Against Hate program brings together the vast network of civil rights, government, faith, and community-based leaders needed to improve reporting, promote prevention strategies and build the resilience needed to confront hate crimes and incidents.” “To effectively reduce hate crimes at the local level, it’s important to garner community buy-in,” said Director Monty Wilkinson of the Justice Department’s Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA). “That means building relationships with community leaders and residents, listening to their description of their community’s needs and priorities, and then effectively communicating how USAOs and other Justice Department efforts can address those issues and help to increase public safety. This program will build bridges among community members and law enforcement, helping them to work together to combat unlawful acts of hate.” Through using hypothetical scenarios and video clips depicting real-life hate crime cases and stories, United Against Hate promotes robust interaction between community members and law enforcement participants. Program topics include: defining hate crimes versus hate incidents; the importance of reporting unlawful acts of hate; providing options for responding to hate incidents when situations do not constitute a federal or state crime; and distinguishing unlawful conduct from protected First Amendment activity, including identifying protected speech versus speech that advocates violence or encourages people to commit hate crimes. The launch follows a successful pilot of the program last spring by three USAOs — New Jersey, Massachusetts, and the Eastern District of Washington. Attorney General Garland announced the conclusion of the pilot for the United Against Hate program at a Justice Department event in May commemorating the one-year anniversary of the Attorney General’s memorandum on improving the Department’s efforts to combat unlawful acts of hate and the enactment of the COVID-19 Hate Crimes and Khalid Jabara-Heather Heyer NO HATE Acts. Development of the United Against Hate program was led by the Civil Rights Division. EOUSA and other components in the Department’s Hate Crimes Enforcement and Prevention Initiative, including the Community Relations Service, the Community Oriented Policing Services Office, the FBI, and the Office of Justice Programs, provided critical assistance in developing the program.


  • Give back to your communities-LG Boss advises Nigerian Youths in Government

    • On 14/09/2022
    • In News

    Nigerian youths who have benefitted from the government at all levels have been advised to give back to their communities that groomed them.

    This advice was given on Wednesday by the Executive Chairman of Ibarapa Central Local Government of Oyo state, Hon. Doyin Adeoye at a public function in Ibadan, Nigeria.

    ''My advice to Nigerian youths who have benefitted from government at all levels is for them to give back to the communities that brought them up. But it should be outside crime and criminality. They should replicate the benefits of serving government at all levels in their communities,'' Hon. Adeoye advised.

  • God is the resource you need

    Psalm 13

    When you trust and obey God in everything, all will be well. Psalm 13 (To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.) ''How long wilt thou forget me, O LORD? for ever? how long wilt thou hide thy face from me? 2 How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart daily? how long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? 3 Consider and hear me, O LORD my God: lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death; 4 Lest mine enemy say, I have prevailed against him; and those that trouble me rejoice when I am moved. 5 But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. 6 I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me.''

  • ASCSN's Accounts Should be Scrutinized-Concerned Members

    • On 08/09/2022
    • In News

    Members of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria in Oyo state have called on relevant authorities to look into the financial records of the association.

    The members made this call in a press statement.

    ''We have reported their conduct to the Inspector General of Police who has promptly directed investigations by FCID, Alagbon Lagos on the matter.The fact of the matter is that, Mr. Alade Bashir Lawal and his partners were reported to the police for suspected fraud of monumental proportion and mismanagement of the union’s finance and resources. On the basis of the complaint the Inspector General of Police directed the Force CID to investigate the criminal allegations and the petition by the union’s President, Comrade Innocent Bola-Audu.The Commissioner of Police Lagos was also directed by the IGP to provide security in the Secretariat to ensure no breakdown of law and order, and in order to prevent the suspects in the case from tampering with evidence materials that may be needed in police investigations. The Union is bleeding and needs immediate resuscitation to survive, because a massive damage has been done to its resources, assets and manpower.Therefore, there is work to be done. As, you may already be aware that some arrests were made in the Union by Federal Criminal Investigation Department (FCID) of the Nigeria Police, Alagbon Lagos on the orders of the Inspector-General of Police on Thursday August 4, 2022,'' the statement concluded.

  • Consultant Pleads Guilty to Providing Bribes to Public Officials to Benefit Clients

    • On 08/09/2022
    • In News

    CHICAGO — A consultant pleaded guilty in federal court today to offering and providing bribes to public officials in an effort to benefit his clients. ROBERTO CALDERO, 69, of Chicago, pleaded guilty to one count of wire fraud. The conviction is punishable by up to 20 years in federal prison. U.S. District Judge Steven C. Seeger set sentencing for Dec. 15, 2022. The guilty plea was announced by John R. Lausch, Jr., United States Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois; and Ashley T. Johnson, Acting Special Agent-in-Charge of the Chicago Field Office of the FBI. The Chicago Public Schools Office of Inspector General participated in the investigation. The government is represented by Assistant U.S. Attorney Michelle Kramer. Caldero admitted in a plea agreement that in 2016 he offered and arranged for bribes to be provided to a City of Chicago alderman and a Chicago Public Schools employee in exchange for them taking official actions to benefit Caldero’s clients, who were seeking a custodial services contract at CPS, an honorary street name designation in Chicago, and the renaming of a parcel of property believed to be a Chicago Park District park. The benefits Caldero offered the CPS employee included the prospect of future employment, champagne, discounted event space for a family event, and admission to an annual benefit for a museum. To influence the alderman, Caldero arranged for campaign contributions to be made to political organizations affiliated with the alderman or his ward. Unbeknownst to Caldero, the alderman was cooperating with the FBI.


  • Power for Development by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof 2Divine power is absolute and incorruptible, it is greater and more valuable than terrestrial and subterranean power, which usually are subject to the control of lesser forces from the created objects of beings. For man to succeed in life as a leader and in governance, he must seek the grace of God as bestowed on King Solomon in the Holy Bible. The substance of divine power are knowledge, wisdom and the power of a discerning mind, which makes man dispense with the power of authority with the fundamental respect-a follow up of due process in power dispensation. The Holy Quran 2 : 269 and the Holy Bible Proverbs 1 : 7 attest to this fact. ''He granteh wisdom to whom He pleaseth : and he to whom wisdom is granted receiveth indeed a benefit overflown ; but none will receive admonition except men of understanding.'' In the same vein, the Holy Bible Proverbs 1 : 7 emphasizes the need to rely on divine power only, most especially sourced through having respect for the dictates of God in the scripture of one's chosen religion. ''The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.'' The above statement of fact stresses the fundamentals of why human beings usually fail in choosing their leaders through the electoral process or appointments through selection. This is because we fail to allow God to truly appoint our leaders for us. The process of election is always fraught with the human factor of fraudulent practices, while appointments are most often culturally biased. However, if we can offer just worship to God, the almighty Allah, with love in our religion and make our houses of God sacred through the concept of puritanism, where adherents are the vanguard of truth only, electoral processes would be free, fair and credible. Nomination would be through the right guide of God, while the appointed or elected leaders would be set to rule by conscience for democratic norms to be meaningfully managed through the ethics of justice and the equity principle to ethrone peace because nobody would have been marignalized in the scheme of community services or nation building through the effective participation of all for sustainable development to bring about the eldorado of prosperity. Suffice it now to say that the 2023 General elections in Nigeria need to involve all stakeholders to play their roles in the fear of God or due process by applying the sense and sensibilities of the culture of integrity, civility and development of the educational system and moral discipline effects of every religious system for the product of the three spheres of life to rpoduce a relaible, sensible, rational patriotic go getters or polticalgladiators that would make the drivers to be passionate about the people they are carrying in governance.





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  • Insecurity and High cost of Agric inputs have driven Farmers out of Business-Ex-Chairman Oyo DOCAN

    • On 19/08/2022
    • In News

    Farm 1An unspecified number of farmers have been forced out of business by the unending insecurity and prohibitive costs of agricultural inputs in Nigeria.

    This assertion was made by the immediate past chairman  of the Oyo state chapter of the Day old Chicks Association of Nigeria(DOCAN), Alhaji Asimiyu Oyetunde.

    ''The insecurity in different parts of the country has forced several farmers out of business, they have abandoned their farms. In addition, most of the inputs such as maize and soya beans are very expensive. Prices keep increasing on a daily basis.  The poultry industry is worse hit as banks are not ready to give us loans,'' Alhaji Oyetunde lamented.

    He posited that once the safety of lives and property can be guaranteed, activities in the agriculture sector should come back to life, while appealing to the government to tackle the security challenges decisively.