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Self discipline 1

Self Discipline and Character Molding

Prof sabitu olagoke 6The issue of discipline is divinely recognized to be a significant portion of the ethos of man’s existence. For example from the Islamic perspective, the Holy Prophet Mohammed emphasized that jihad would be empty and satanic if the adherents do not uphold the principle of moral discipline because jihad of self discipline would make the counselor or preacher to be credible and worthy of admonition he or she may want to give his audience or listeners.

From the Christian perspective, Proverbs 25 : 28 asserts that ‘’a person that cannot control himself or herself(that is without self discipline) is like a city without walls to protect it.''

The society equally rests its fabric of harmonious existence on the culture of the core values of integrity starting from self esteem for teachers, clerics and government officials to successfully produce for the society, reliable and dependable goal getters, in terms of successful ventures in the scheme of nation building, the equation of educational goals must be religiously pursued, that is Attitude=Aptitude+Attitude.

Academic credentials must be based on the curriculum for the course or the pursued discipline which must be rationally graded without academic fraud, examination misconduct and examination malpractice for the certificate to be worthy of the accredited grade or class. The use of this certificate would only be meaningfully enjoyed through the in built good character which always forms the basis of interpersonal relation for positive work attitude that would enhance productivity to meet up with the profit making goal of the organization bearing in mind the need for high efficiency.

The attitudinal value must therefore translate to moral discipline .

When the educational institution fails to operate upon the axis of this value, the schools produce troublesome monsters as graduates or alumni for the society. When religious institutions fail to educate, enlighten, admonish and furnish her adherents onto the path of righteousness, the moral discipline essence upon which the fabric of the fear of God rests is lost, for the society to suffer under the misguided elements, who will rather profess profanity in place of the sacredness essence of clean state of piety ; the society will now be at the mercy of wicked people in governance and bad people in business-the cabals and the cartel. Admonition based on moral values and disciplinary measures is therefore a universal tool to promoting good ideals of life, organizational and professional ethics for the society’s moral fabric to be intact, for the purpose of peaceful co-existence, good governance and well divinely sanitized society which would result in peace and development to be achieved under an environment of justice and equity.

From any source talks on moral discipline may come, it is imperative that the people and the society must follow to benefit the nation.

This is why , we must practically recognize and follow divine statements in the holy books to uphold virtues and progressive moves.

Let us therefore meditate on this verse of the Holy Quaran, that emphasizes self discipline as a function of promoting peaceful co-existence and fraud free society. The Holy Quaran 3 : 104 refers ‘’ let there arise out of you, a band of people inviting to all that is good enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong : they are the ones to attain felicity.’’ Let us walk the talk.

Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria


Prof. Sabitu Olagoke Morality Self Discipline Character

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