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Good Parenting an Antidote to Social Upheaval

Prof 1Why should we allow things to fall apart ? and Why should we keep mute in the face of bad governance? Why should leadership failure characterize governance and home parenting?
The Holy Quran 47: 35 -36 charges all of us to avoid ''siddon look'' attitude, ''Be not weary and faint-hearted, crying for peace when ye are the Uppermost. For Allah is with you, and will never put you in lose for your good deeds. The life of this world is but play and amusement: And if ye believe and guard at this evil, He will grant you your recompense, and will not ask you to give up your possessions.''
For Nigeria and other nations to be restored into a state of sanity, prosperity, and welfare, peace, and development, the voice of God, our creator must be regarded as the giver of life, that must be cherished beyond the mere mortal voice of wisdom, hence there is a need to operationalize the scriptures in running human affairs.
The submission of the Holy Bible for the purpose of genuine restoration needs to be heeded. Prov.10: 15-17,'' Wealth protects the rich person. And poverty destroys a poor person (good governance, hard work, and dignity of labor are desired here). If a person does good, then he is rewarded. Heis has given life. Evil brings only punishment(freedom, liberty, and correctional centers/prison, choose one).
A person who learns from his punishment can help other people to live too. But a person who refuses to learn only leads people the wrong way(true mentorship is desired rather than godfatherism).

To promote good citizenry, for the society, the elders must role model virtue because only a development that is sustainable is bequeathable. What are we putting forward for Nigeria tomorrow?
The Holy Quran 59: 18 admonished, ''O ye who believe! Fear Allah and let every soul look to what provision he has sent forth for the morrow. Ye: Fear Allah: for Allah is well acquainted with all that ye do ''. Doing things accordingly and in an orderly manner is a function of due process
 which a pathway to one's understanding of the fear of Allah.''

Since the product of the home needs to be nature nurtured for the society to enjoy peace and the nation to have credible leaders, heeding the admonition of God must start from the home for the nation to have a strong foundation upon which it has to build for the nation to have good governance and sustainable development.
 Psalm 127 with all affirmation declared that without divine intervention those who labor to build a house will ever labor in vain.
However, divine intervention is beyond the ability to read, write, and sing the provisions of the scripture, it extends strictly to the vitamins of good attitude which is expected to produce good citizens for any nation.
The foundation of God, good parenting, disciplined, responsible, and loyal subordination most especially to parents and one's leader, with good interpersonal relationships to keep good neighborliness, are the essential subject content to keep the home, society, and the nation.
This is the message of the Holy Quran 6: 151-152,'' Say come, I will rehearse what Allah hath really prohibited you from Join not anything with Him: Be good to your parents; Kill not your children on a plea of want;-will provide sustenance for you and for them; come not nigh to indecent deeds whether open or secret; take not life which Allah hath made sacred except by way of justice and law: Thusdothhe command you that ye may learn wisdom. And come not nigh to the orphan's property, except to improve it until he attains the age of full strength; give measure and weight with full justice;-no burden do we place on any soul, but that which it can bear;-whenever ye speak, speak justly even if a near relative is concerned covenant of Allah-thus doth He commands you, that ye may remember. Verily, this is My Way leading straight: follow it: follow not other parts: They will scatter you about from His Path, thus doth He command you that ye may be righteous.
This is a complete guide for a fulfilled life, if we can follow all these steps of admonitions based on justice ethics and the need to be responsive and responsible to the needs of others, the family and neighbors inclusive.

Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria


Prof. Sabitu Olagoke Morality Religion