

Events, People and Places

  • Make a simple Business plan


    When drawing out your business plan, let the actions of customers influence your decision.
    Make your business plan simple, straightforward and workable.
    Adjust your plans to be in line with market feedback.

  • Translating Acclaimed Potentials to Reality

    LootThis has resulted in the sidelining of critical sectors of the economy.
    Nigeria's quest for economic growth and national development, has overtime, been impeded by the absence of broad policy objectives and strategies for achieving the country's vision statement.

    Policy choices all the while have impacted negatively on the economy, which has brought about social and political instability, declining welfare and economic stagnation.
    Of worry is the long term effects of the huge debts of governments at all levels and the weak Naira on the economy.
    This is compounded by the challenges the perpetual absence of credible and focused leadership will bring in its stride.
    Indeed, the possibility of Nigeria translating its acclaimed potential to reality remains foggy, even as the government struggles to improve education and health systems to enhance human capital for development.
    Assets Declaration
    Transparency  in asset declaration is crucial to good governance.
    Political office holders at all levels ought to declare their assets before inauguration into office in a democracy.
    Sadly, the treasury at all levels of government was looted clandestinely, under the guise of ''it is our common wealth''.


  • Monitor your Children and Wards-IGS Old Student to Oyo Parents and Guardians

    • On 01/05/2023
    • In News

    EduParents and Guaridans in Oyo state have been advised to monitor their children and wards.

    This call was made  during the weekend by an Old student of Ibadan Gramar School(IGS), Mr. Adebolu Okikiolu.

    '' The buck stops on the parents and gaurdians. Charity begins at home , each family should nurture their children and wards in the ways of God. They should monitor their activities. In addition, the state government should provide all that is necessary to encourage smooth education. The bad eggs among the teachers should also be dismissed,'' Mr. Okikiolu stated.


  • Give Nigerians Palliatives to Cushion sufferings-Labor Leader

    • On 29/04/2023
    • In News

    Images 4The government at all levels have been called upon to introduce palliatives that will cushion the effects of the sufferings and hardships currently being experienced by millions of Nigerians.
    This call was made by the deputy chairperson of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria(ASCSN)Public Complaints Commission(PCC) unit, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria, Mrs. Omotayo Adebanjo-Adesida.
    ''The Federal Government has tried to do harmonization of salaries, it. It will boost the morale of workers, but I think the government at all levels should introduce palliatives for workers and Nigerians in general, such as staff buses, low-cost housing and controlling the prices of goods and services in the market,m so that it will enable Nigerians on enjoy a good life.''
    She maintained that workers in the country had every reason to celebrate workers' day, saying ''for the fact that we are alive, we have to thank God for the gift of life. In addition, because of the fact that some of us still have our jobs, we still have cause to thank God.''
    In a related development, a former chairman of the Non-Academic Staff Union and Associated Institutions(NASU) in Oyo state, Comrade Fatoki Olusola-Cole  also insisted that the major reason why workers have cause to celebrate was because of lfie, ''I wil say to far so good, we have every cause to celebrate not minding the hardships  and diffuclities the workers have exprienced in the last eight years of the present administration. We thank God that we are surviving. This administration is wicked. All the promises made were not fulfilled. The national minimum wage is nothing to write home about, considering what the cost of living is presently.''
    ''We thank God for seeing another May day. A 40 per cent increase in the allowances of workers is nothing to write home about. 40 per cent has been implemented for some workers. We in university, research institutes, colleges of education and polytechnics were not included. Is it only the core civil service that constitutes federal workers? Do the core civil servants have another market they patronize? We no longer have hope in this government. The government has made life unbearable for Nigerians, Comrade Olusola-Cole stated.


  • The Disturbing Absence of Demographic Planning in Nigeria

    Pop 1The first census in 1962 was cancelled as a result of allegations and counter allegations of over-counting in several geographical locations in the country.
    The figures were rejected by the Eastern and Mid-Western regions based on their arguments that the figures for the Northern region were inflated.
    The result was 29.8 million for the North, 10.3 million for the West, 12.4 million for the East and 2.5 million for the Mid-West.
    Another census held in 1973, by General Yakubu Gowon-led military government fixed Nigeria's population at  79.758 million.
    Controversy trailed the result and it was eventually cancelled by the Murtala Muhammed-led military government in 1975.
    However, in 1988, the National Population Commission(NPC) was established, but failed to minimize the controversies revolving around the result of the census.
    In 1991, the military government of General Ibrahim Babangida conducted yet another  census. The NPC put the country's population at 89.9 million.
    Nigerians  kicked, insisting that the result did not represent the true figure of the country's population.
    In 2006, the civilian administration of former President, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, conducted the most recent census and the result presently serves as the basis for political and economic projections in the country.
    Sadly, it is doubtful if policy makers have been successful in pinpointing the population growth rate for long term planning.
    Of worry, is the fact that uncertainty surrounds the actual figure of the new addition to the population and the available resources in the country.
    Indeed, the absence of proper demographic planning is visible at the three tiers of government, even though the office holders emerged through the ballot box.


    At the Tail End
    The acts of omission and commission must have been well thought out, carefully planned and professionally executed, but at the tail end, The Powerful Today,seeing the handwriting on the wall, have resorted to apologies and pleas for forgiveness.

    The feeling everywhere now, is that there has not been any government in place, at the center and in a specific numbe of states, all this while.

  • Rest on the Lord

    In the time of distress, rest on the Lord, and He will restore peace to your soul.
    PSALM 142

    1(Maschil of David; A Prayer when he was in the cave.) I cried unto the LORD with my voice; with my voice unto the LORD did I make my supplication.

    2 I poured out my complaint before him; I shewed before him my trouble.

    3 When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path. In the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me.

    4 I looked on my right hand, and beheld, but there was no man that would know me: refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul.

    5 I cried unto thee, O LORD: I said, Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the living.

    6 Attend unto my cry; for I am brought very low: deliver me from my persecutors; for they are stronger than I.

    7 Bring my soul out of prison, that I may praise thy name: the righteous shall compass me about; for thou shalt deal bountifully with me.


  • Have an Eye for Good Things

    Develop the habit of watching out for good things.
    Always be on the look out  for good attributes, and you are already on the way to cultivating a positive mindset.
    This frame of mind will not only enhance your happiness and efficiency but that of several others.


  • Non-Indigenes Sympathize with BCOS on Fire Incident

    • On 20/04/2023
    • In News

    Untitled 1Non Indigenes in Oyo state have sympathized with the Broadcasting Corporation of Oyo state(BCOS) over the fire incident that occurred on Wednesday.

    Eze(Dr.) Alex Anozie made this known in a chat with People

    On behalf of myself, my company-Conac Optical NigerIa Limited and Nidgbo in Ibadan and Oyo state, I sympathize with the state government and the management and staff of the Broadcasting Corporation of Oyo state(BCOS) over the fire incident that occured yesterday, Wednesday 19th April, 2023.

    We pray that such this will never happen again. And that God should give them the courage to embark on a very quick replacement of all damaged equipment and carry out all the necessary repairs and even modernize the establishment.
    May I use this opportunity to encourage the electricity distribution companies to do everything possible to minimize these worrisome electricity surge-induced occurrences that have always exposed the public to great danger?
    The fire services should also improve.

    They are doing well, but they can still do better, by making sure they get to fire incidents very quickly.
    Finally,  we really thank  God that no life was lost.

    Eze(Dr.) Anozie is the Eze Ndigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state. He is also the chairman of the Association of Non-Indigenes in Oyo  state