

Events, People and Places

  • Ominous Times

    Ni 2Those in-Charge are increasingly having difficulties resolving the myriad of problems facilitated by their creations, which collectively have put distraught Nigerians in a precarious situation.
    Without a doubt, the insecurity in the land is one among their several creations, that have over time defied any meaningful solution in the public domain, while killings, kidnappings, and armed robbery continue unabated.
    Terrorists, over the weekend, attacked a United Nations humanitarian aid facility in Borno state, which has created an impression that the country is not humanitarian aid and investment-friendly.
    774, 000 Nigerians who were engaged not long ago by Those-in-Charge are already protesting the non-payment of their N20,000 stipends.
    Those-in-Charge have resorted to borrowing money from the Apex bank. This is an indication that ominous times are here. Nigerians are well informed.



  • Ramadan Fast Daily Guide By Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    ProfTuesday(13th April)

    Every human being needs to realize that all nations or societies are created by God the almighty Allah with the specific purpose of worshipping Him. (Holy Quran 51: 56).

    The consciousness of every human being to realize and observe this accordingly is the import of the Ramadan fast exercise in this sacred month.

    Wednesday(14th April)

    Every nation or society is constituted by God the almighty Allah.

    This is to be cultivated and managed by humans for our right habitation.

    The need for divine intervention to make the work easy and orderly is through our realization of how best to worship Him for a perfect God/man relationship. The Ramadan fast is, therefore, meant for human spiritual rejuvenation, if rightly observed with the fear of God. (Holy Quran 2:21). Ramadan Kareem.

    Thursday(15th April)

    The clarion call of the almighty Allah for every human to get closer to Him to enjoy the benefit of life on earth with a great reward of Janat or paradise is yet to be heeded by many. The Ramadan exercise offers us the opportunity to do things according to the wish of God and to realize a safe sojourn on earth and the blessings of the hereafter.

    Ensure you imbibe the lessons from various Sermons, Lectures, and Tafsir for the right guidance. (Holy Quran 2: 201-202). Ramadan Kareem.

    Ra 1

    Friday(16th April)

    Be reminded of the fact that Ramadan fast is made compulsory for the living ones who are Muslims just like education is compulsory for all to be wholesome in decision making and taking. Ramadan fast should be for 29 or 30 days, according to the injunctions of God for the training exercises in getting closer to God to be through. Be reasonable, therefore, not to abuse the privileges and the opportunities of been alive. (Holy Quran 3: 102). Ramadan Kareem.

    Saturday(17th April)

    The whole world is in a state of turmoil, longing to recapture the lost peace among its people. For example, insecurity is the order of the day as the greatest challenge of Nigerians. Let us all embrace the opportunity to gain the mercy of the first 10 days of the Ramadan fast, to be able to use the potential power of the fast for every heart to be touched by God into the keeping of good neighborliness, whereby love replaces hatred. Ramadan Kareem.


  • Provide for the People-Cleric to Govt

    • On 01/04/2021
    • In News

    Gov 2Government at all levels have been advised to take advantage of the Easter season to redeem their battered images by catering to the needs of downtrodden  Nigerians.
    This advice was given by a Christian cleric, Pastor Opeyemi Ajayi in a chat with People.
    '' The Federal, State and Local governments should make use of the Easter period to regain the confidence of the people by providing for their needs. The economy is in a bad state, there are hunger and poverty in the land. Foodstuff is very expensive and Nigerians are disillusioned. Government should remember the poor when formulating policies. It should also end the spate of kidnappings and killings in different parts of the country,'' Pastor Ajayi stated.

  • Provide for the People-Cleric to Govt

    • On 01/04/2021
    • In News

    Gov 2Government at all levels have been advised to take advantage of the Easter season to redeem their battered images by catering to the needs of downtrodden  Nigerians.
    This advice was given by a Christian cleric, Pastor Opeyemi Ajayi in a chat with People.
    '' The Federal, State and Local governments should make use of the Easter period to regain the confidence of the people by providing for their needs. The economy is in a bad state, there are hunger and poverty in the land. Foodstuff is very expensive and Nigerians are disillusioned. Government should remember the poor when formulating policies. It should also end the spate of kidnappings and killings in different parts of the country,'' Pastor Ajayi stated.

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  • Obedience

    ProfThe design of God about creation in all spheres-celestial, terrestrial and subterranean is based on a hierarchical order. This is the basis upon which leadership and followership essence is built for system orderliness to be maintained and sustained.
    However, among human beings, several factors define the due process for the realization.
    Age differences within and outside the home is the primary determining factor whereby respect is naturally commanded by the elderly ones by their younger ones. This style of respect allows the elderly ones to give instructions to the younger ones to carry out certain assignments for them.
    In this case, the elderly ones must pay the price for being socially responsible to the younger ones, if the line of respect manifesting in the form of obedience is to be maintained or sustained.
    The husband will continue to be obeyed by his wife, primarily because of the age difference and the responsibilities of protecting and making provisions for the home.
    Among the siblings, the age factor plays a crucial role in maintaining the order of obedience with the characteristic normal line of downflow current of command and upward flow charges of obedience.
    Obedience, therefore, has a divine base that starts with God, the creator, demanding mankind and other creatures to swim in the ocean of obedience to His divine command.
    This is, generally, followed in all systems of human administration whereby all subordinates are expected to carry out the command of instructions from their bosses or leaders.
    Using the perspective of culture, the line of rulership usually follows the hierarchical order of the chiefs been respect by the people while the traditional rulers usually live by the laws of the land for the chiefs and the people to be in obeisance to his instructions.
    Where the line of administration meets with the natural challenges of heterogeneous group components, the system order is always under the threat of disruptions to peaceful co-existence.
    This is why all leaders must be well empowered with the paraphernalia of authority through the right capacity and capability building. to be able to weather the storm of possible rebellious acts from any of the chiefs or people of the underworld, who may hide under the guise of fighting for their rights.
    There is, therefore, the need fr anybody aspiring to ascend to power or positions of authority to follow the path of due process to be able to use power wisely and enjoy the support of the subordinates.
    In any organization or association, there are three major types of challenges for the leader.
    Firstly, the leader must be able to identify the nature and the type of people under his leadership.
    The prime movers, who easily identify with the policies of the leader to walk the talk must not be taken for granted, but with timely attention given the necessary motivation.
    The second group may become a liability because of their lackadaisical attitude which may become a special hindrance factor to the system development because of their attitude of inactivity and passivity.
    This is why the train the trainers' programs are usually needed periodically when such people are noticed in the system for them to be upgraded so that the fold of the prime movers is increased by better and manageable elements.
    The third group is always very few, but usually catalytic to a destructive ned to the system, if not timely identified and rightly cultured through the leaders' sense of maturity and wisdom to resolve conflicts and manage a crisis.
     Suffice it now to say that obedience, from working partners and subordinates, usually moves forward because of advancement to the organization for the aims and objectives including the vision of the leader to be easily accomplished.
    When obedience is lacking there would be voices of dissent which would retard the growth of the organization even to a destructive end, if not timely and rightly checked.

    Obe 1
    Obedience is, therefore a divine substance that is freely given out when leaders can respect the fundamental human rights of the people to have access to any of the good things of life.
    For example, when governance does not meet the wellness standard of the people  through food insecurity, the issue of general insecurity could be likened to the response to the harshness of the time, in terms of poor governance that cannot meet with the expectation of the people's needs, disobedience to social order and the general rules of law snowballing into various crisis is, therefore, best treated and managed through doing the needful by the people in positions of authority.
    Security and law enforcement agents become beasts of burden that are usually overtasked in maintaining law and order in the land when the leaders fail to do the needful on the survival need of the people.
    In our various places of work, charges of insubordination may arise when the official duties are not carried out accordingly and without the show of remorse to make amends and it may lead to various unpleasant sanctions or disciplinary actions.
    Obedience, therefore, is a function of self-respect, right performance, and a conducive environment for individual operations which are expected to be within the confines or ambits of the law.
    Leaders across the board must, therefore, operate on the axis of justice and equity to be able to effect an environment of peace and development to avoid a state of disobedience from the people because it is only in an environment of peace, safe and secured, that we can realize prosperity and development for natural calmness to trigger obedience.

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria

  • US Donates $1.75 million to Zambia for Vaccination

    • On 30/03/2021
    • In News

    Vac 1The United States of America has donated K36.75 million to the Zambian Government as assistance for its COVID 19 vaccination exercise.
    This disclosure was made in a press statement by the country's Minister of Health, Dr. Jonas Chanda.
    “We are grateful for the support of Zambia’s all-weather friend the United States government who have announced a commitment of an additional K36.75 million ($1.75 million) to provide technical assistance to Zambia’s COVID-19 vaccination campaign targeted at providing critical technical and logistical support to the Ministry of Health for planning, coordination, and delivery of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines for Zambians,” Dr. Chanda said.
    The Minister of Health also disclosed that the Interagency Coordinating Committee (ICC) had formulated the National Vaccine Deployment Plan to guide the rollout.
    “The Interagency Coordinating Committee (ICC) met on Friday 26th March 2021 to consider key aspects of the COVID-19 vaccination program. Among the key issues discussed was the consideration of the findings of the report from the Zambian Immunization Technical Advisory Group providing guidance on COVID-19 vaccines being considered for deployment.
    “The ICC formally adopted the National Vaccine Deployment Plan to guide the roll-out, including considerations for the cold chain, in line with Cabinet’s guidance on COVID-19 vaccinations which are critical to controlling the pandemic, slowing the emergence of new variants, and helping to boost the economy. Zambia has also successfully met all the requirements set by GAVI under the COVAX facility,” he concluded.


  • Forgiveness

    For 314 For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.

  • Honesty

    ProfA nation built on the platform of honesty could be likened to a house built on rocky ground, like the Yoruba proverb will say that we must not build our houses using saliva not to experience immediate or untimely collapse. To the professionals in the construction industry, this may transform into the necessity to build, starting from bidding, selection of materials based on quality and standard, and the use of a due process in transactions as well as material purchase.
    Where there is an element of dishonesty, cases of delivering poor jobs that may not last the test of time may result at the end of the exercise.
    Honesty is emphasized in the scriptures to be realizable when understanding of faith is met with the sincerity of purpose in worship in an environment of love.
    In the absence of honesty, a good character would be defrauded into frivolous acts and waywardness thereby missing the goal of the uprightness of character.
    Unfortunately, the goal of democracy is to produce people who will be able to manage the justice system through incorruptible     Judges and would be able to stand firm against all odds to be able to produce deterrence which will always be a reference point that would effectively checkmate others from going into sins and criminalities.
    The Legislative arm is expected to be populated by people of impeccable character with full passion for the people they want to serve by understanding their areas of need that can be regulated and recommended as a template for the government to act upon through sincere and statistically based policies.
    The Executive on their part is supposed to be constituted by people who are honestly reliable with a good track record.
    The electoral body is equally expected to be constituted by people of integrity with a firmness of purpose without any inkling of compromise in going about the business of electing leaders. The million-dollar question is on how far we have been able to have in place the right people in the right places for us to be able to promote the culture of honesty in realizing the goal of democracy.
    Our inability, to be honest, has led us, as if to legalize illegitimacy, into various attitudinal challenges that are rubbishing the essence and the relevance of our culture been managed by traditional rulers, religious houses, and the education sector. This lack is responsible for the dysfunctional state of our Ministries, Parastatals, Departments, and Agencies, in which corruption has eaten deep to the extent of decay, for our democracy to fail in delivering peace and sustainable development, hence the chaotic situation of insecurity, destroying people and their property.
    For every office that is sensitive and that has a direct bearing on the lives of the people, elected or appointed leaders are always made to swear on oath, but this has not brought about the desired results.
    Teaching and learning dominate the entire lives of the people for them to be able to do things right without cheating on others or defrauding the state because they are honest.
    The promotion of honesty is, therefore, sacrosanct to realizing the behavioral objectives of democracy into prosperity, a safe and secured environment with the air of love devoid of any form of discrimination for peace to reign supreme and sustainable development to be realized through the concept of justice and equity.
    Honesty is equally #a bedrock of gaining salvation through the correct spiritual life of every man.

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria