

Events, People and Places

  • Land, Houses and a Compromised System

    Free 4In 1801,1836 and 1854, the General Enclosure Acts were passed.
    The General Enclosure Act of 1845 superseded the Parliamentary committee which examined Enclosure Bills by Enclosure Commissioners, who instead of sitting at Westminister, moved to the scene.

    The Enclosure Commissioner presented their findings to Parliament in the form of GeneralBill for passage into law.
    The Squire expanded his holdings and expanded to the land of ejected tenants, in addition to common land and waste, while the larger freeholders held on to their claims and increased their holdings.
    But this, was, however, not the case for smaller freeholders.
    An Enclosure Bill was not enough to drive a freeholder off the land because he had legal claims to his holding.
    Aspects of the Enclosure which negatively affected the freeholder include:  He had to pay his share of the expenses of the enclosure, which was an expensive process, varying from about 200 Pounds to nearly 500 Pounds. If unable to pay, then he had to sell off the plot of land awarded to him. If he survived, he had to pay for the hedges and fences which every owner was compelled to make round the new fields. If he could not do this, the land would be sold or mortgaged.
    A number of the freeholders became tenant farmers, renting lands instead of farming their own.
    Most were compelled by economic difficulties to do this,  a few thought it profitable to sell their smallholding and rent a large acreage, where rationalized methods could be practiced more economically. Others who sold out abandoned the countryside and channeled the proceeds of the sale into industrial ventures.
    The remaining left opted for none of the above alternatives and was compelled to work as laborers on the lands they had once owned or as ''lands'' in one of the new factories.
    The foregoing in addition to the infringement of the rights of cottagers and squatters based on customs and the cutting short of the sources of livelihood of people who depended on the open-field village resulted in resistance and violence.
    The ruling class rode roughshod of the peasants.
    Laws at this period, favored the ruling class, while the living conditions of the farm laborers deteriorated rapidly.
    Several died out of starvation and the draconian laws of this period. Game laws favored the ruling class and poaching was an offense with very inhuman punishment, even though the unemployed, agricultural laborers, miners, and ribbon weavers depended on poaching for survival.
    Between 1799 and 1800, influenced by the Enclosure Act and industrialization, destitution had become a challenge of dangerous dimension.
    Indeed, the Poor Law, the Law of Settlement, the Game Laws, and the Enclosure Laws, all contributed greatly to the impoverishment of the people who constituted the majority.
    Public attention was attracted to the predicament of the poor by humanity and public interest.
    In Nigeria, today, land and property owners have been and are still been dispossessed of their land and houses by Those-in-Charge, their agents, proxies, and fronts, with the desperate collaboration of a heavily compromised legal and law enforcement system.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach  

                    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

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  • Uganda to Deploy Police Officers based on Performance in Training

    • On 10/09/2021
    • In News

    PoliceThe Uganda Police has declared that the deployment of senior police officers shall be determined by their performances in the ongoing anti-terrorism training program.
    This disclosure was made by Police Public Relations Officer, The Uganda Police has declared that the deployment of senior police officers shall be determined by their performances in the ongoing anti-terrorism training program.
    This disclosure was made by Police Public Relations Officer,The Uganda Police has declared that the deployment of senior police officers shall be determined by their performances in the ongoing anti-terrorism training program.
    This disclosure was made by Police Public Relations Officer(PPRO), Mr. Fred Enanga.

    “It is not going to be automatic that everyone will go back to where he or she was. Their deployment is going to be based on their performance during training. This will be concluded by the end of two weeks,” the PPRO stated.

    A total of  170 District/Division Police Commanders(DPC) on the completion of  a three months refresher course last week were been sent on two weeks leave.

    The late Deputy Inspector General of Police Lt Gen Paul Lokech had sent the commanders to Olilim Counter-Terrorism Police Training School in Katakwi district in May to equip them with new skills in observing human rights during their day-to-day operations, swifter response to emergencies and building community policing.

    However, But before their departure, Lokech had ordered them to hand over their offices to Officers In-charge of the various stations, who, from the time were to serve as acting DPCs.

    Some of the DPCs had already been replaced in the reshuffle issued out by Lokech two weeks before his death
    . The decision to retrain DPCs was concluded during a meeting with DPCs and President Yoweri Museveni at Entebbe State House in April. Museveni reportedly raised a number of issues that rotated around chaotic scenes registered during political party primaries and general elections.

    The issues highlighted included lack of intelligence gathering techniques which saw some political groups successfully organize protests, failure to brief juniors on operation procedures which saw them shooting and injuring civilians during the election period while other DPCs were accused of hobnobbing with groups evicting people.

    President Yoweri Museveni had earlier on ordered the Inspector General of Police Martin Okoth Ochola to draft new operation rules and ensure they are shared with each policeman. Ochola came up with 15 Standard Operating Procedures to address the gaps, and printed 50.000 copies of revised SOPs which were shared with every police officer.

    Police commanders and their juniors were advised to ensure strict adherence to the SOPs in order to minimize operational mistakes and further enable police officers to enforce law and order, to the expectations of the public they serve.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Divine Intervention by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    DownloadThere are three major sources of inspiration which generally we confuse to be the same.
    Religious adherents believe in the supreme being, rather than through intermediaries to the almighty God.
    Adherents, therefore, believe in their creator for divine guidance and direction.
    The Holy Bible, Deuteronomy 6: 4-6, Mark 12: 29-30, and the Holy Quran 16: 51-52 declare God as authoritative and unquestionable with whom believers must not associate with any idols god or goddess, so as not to threaten His oneness in our beliefs.
    Divine intervention has a universal concept on the issue of creation, sustenance, death, and resurrection of every human.
    Conditionally, therefore, at micro and macro, finite and infinite dimensions of existence on earth and other members of the galaxies, divine intervention is a necessity to keep the peace regarded as intra, for the tranquility of the mind and inter for an interpersonal relationship of sociological importance.
    Worshipping God fervently is not negotiable if an individual or a nation wants their activities to be divinely controlled and regulated.
    The historical record of the Israelis is a classical example of how we can appreciate the meaning of divine intervention and the consequences associated with deviation from the stipulated righteous path laid down by God.
    The Israelites were fortified against their enemies when they were on the right path of righteousness, but they were sold out to their enemies when they resorted to idol worship.

    Divine 1
    Another example is that of Elijah, who was highly fortified by God against King Ahab and Jezebel his wife as well as the false prophets of Baal. He singlehandedly with all authority declared that there would be no rain for three years and it was so.
    In the same vein, the war of Badru with 313 inexperienced men win the war against 1,000 well-trained horsemen employed by the enemies to crush Islam under the Hooly Prophet Muhammad, although they nearly lost. When they went for the war of Uhud, in confrontation with supposedly poor enemies acts of deceit, apostasy, and disloyalty to the Prophet were prominent.
    When nations, therefore, do things accordingly, they are better off in the achievement of peace and development, even though they may not profess God, God loves those who are orderly and living without cheating on others. This observation brings us to the fact that the degree of religiosity to measure the seriousness of the people on the issue of God and Godliness is never rated through population density or the number of houses of God but by the number of adherents who are scripture compliant.
    Nations that profess religion without their people been scripture compliant will continue to be bereft of divine intervention because we cannot deceive God, Who believes in quality, standard, and merit.
    In conclusion, divine intervention is God's interference or decisive role to correct a bad or worrisome situation. Spiritual security is what we need most to resolve all conflicts.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

  • The Unwritten Policy

    LandThe value of land in England had political, social and economic undertones.

    Land was mandatory prerequisite for election into Parliament,while in the counties,was a requirement for the right to vote.

    During this period,the landed class had political power and interestingly, Parliament was controlled by landowners.

    Furthermore,in the local sphere, the Justice of Peace-the squire-was the most important personality.He was the largest landowner in the village.

    As Magistrate and leader of the local society,he combined political and social power.

    In addition,the owner of the land made profits by selling its produce or leasing the land for high rents to tenant farmers.

    Land 2

    The foregoing resulted in the the emergence of wealthy traders,who bought land as investments which was converted as a means to political power and social ostentation.

    The House of Commons, influenced by a few big landowners, sponsored bills which became laws.

    These laws were against the wishes of a large number of small farmers.

    Among these bills that were passed into law,was the Bill of Enclosure

    The economically marginalized landowners had inadequate means toward off the desperation and determination of their more substantial neighbors to enclose the land.

    In Nigeria today,land grabbing and dubious estate development by all available means is an unwritten policy by Those-in-Charge at all levels of Government.

    Private properties have been annexed, structures demolished and alternative ones erected in a amazing time frame.

    Indeed,looted funds and funds from doubtful and questionable sources are now channeled to land-grabbing and estate development.

    Sadly, the deliberate compromise of the legal and security system,indeed,encouraged this unwritten policy,while violent crimes have trailed events in the land and property sector.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                  -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                  -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                  -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate


  • My Support for Government has gone beyond Politics and Self-Interest -Eze(Dr.)Anozie

    EzeA cross-section of Igbos in Oyo state have picked holes in the comments credited to the Ezendigbo of Ibadan and Oyo state, Eze(Dr. Alex Anozie. Eze(Dr.) Anozie had in an interview with a monthly local tabloid described the Oyo state Governor as a progressive-minded Governor and among other views including the appointment of  Igbos into political offices by the present administration in Oyo state among related issues. In this interview with People,  the Igbo leader insists that his support for the government goes beyond politics and self-centered interests.
    Excerpts :

    What is your reaction to the reservation expressed by a cross-section of Igbos in Oyo state on your comments revolving around the present administration in Oyo state?

    My response to their reservations as the leader of my people in Ibadan and Oyo state is that any government that comes to power and was duly sworn in accordance with the law must get our support, particularly when that government is doing well.
    We can also criticize and advise maturely when the government is not doing well. So when the All Progressives Congress(APC) was in government in the state, to be sincere to ourselves, they tried, they did not leave the state the way they met it, they improved on the previous government's performance. The Governor then,  late Senator Abiola Ajimobi, may his soul rest in perfect peace, may have had his own fault as a human being, as it is only God that is perfect in everything He does. But he performed, so it is now the turn of the present government under Governor Seyi Makinde. The present administration came in democratically and was duly sworn in accordance with the law, so we must support them because we are law-abiding people living in the state. 

    Self 5
    When we identify that there are shortcomings, we will surely give mature advice, all for the benefit of the peace, progress, and development of our pacesetter state, Oyo state.
    Whatever the number of years that God says the administration will spend in the office, we shall support it, the number of years as stipulated and allowed by the constitution, two terms.  And when this administration finishes and another one comes in democratically and duly sworn in, we are going to support them again. You see, one thing with me is that I so much believe in due process. This is the only way that we can make progress for peace and harmony in the state. So anyone saying anything outside this that I have stated is on his own.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                   -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                   -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach     


  • Only a Godly life brings Happiness by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke.

    DownloadTo be happy adherents, must follow all the essentials revolving around religion and morality. 

    A Godly life could be equated to doing things according to the moral standard of every society which at a universal level could be translated to been scripture compliant.

    The Holy Bible Ecclesiastes 2: 22-26 explains it all, ''22For what hath man of all his labor, and of the vexation of his heart, wherein he hath labored under the sun?

    23For all his days are sorrows, and his travail grief; yea, his heart taketh not rest in the night. This is also vanity.

    24There is zip better for a man, than that he should eat and drink, and that he should make his soul enjoy good in his labor. This also I saw, that it was from the hand of God

    25For who can eat, or who else can hasten hereunto, more than I?

    26For God giveth to a man that is good in his sight wisdom, and knowledge, and joy: but to the sinner he giveth travail, to gather and to heap up, that he may give to him that is good before God. This also is vanity and vexation of spirit.''

    We should shun things that impoverish the body and soul.

    Also read -Legalizing Crime and Criminality God 7

    This is purely the essence of attending religious houses to respect the authority of the almighty Allah for our just worship.

    The Holy Quran 13: 28-29 refers, '' Those who believe and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without that in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. For those who believe and walk righteousness, is every blessedness and beautiful place of final return.''

    Let us also ponder on the '' Holy Quran 55: 26-29, ''All that is on earth will perish: but will abide forever that face thy Lord,-full of majesty, bounty, and honor. Then which of the favors of your Lord will ye deny? Of Him seeks its need, every creature in the heavens and on earth: every day a new splendor doth shine !

    Let us pursue the cause of a Godly life for our happiness to know no bounds.

    Also read-Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach




  • Understanding the Word of God

    God 6Job 38 : 4-7

    4 “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. 5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? 6 On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone— 7 while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?

    Also read- Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                     -Legalizing Crime and Criminality

  • Avoiding Succession Pitfalls

    Leadership 5William the Conqueror and Henry 1 of England were leaders whose authorities were to a large extent personal and not in any way attributable to the dynamic structure of the Government.
    Both of them had the extraordinary force of character with despotic tendencies.
    Interestingly, when Stephen, a man of feeble traits, succeeded Henry, civil war broke out. This was as a result of a succession dispute, which snowballed into a confusion of an unimaginable dimension culminating in the termination of the royal court. After the demise of Henry 1, the Government drifted into anarchy.
    However, the Royal court was restored and extended by Henry 11.
    Henry 11 was the son of Geoffery Plantagenet, Count of Anjou, and Eleanor of Aquitaine.
    His personality impressed those of his time, while his friends and enemies were of the consensus that he was a man of ways, means, and passions beyond the imagination of average men.
    Henry 11 had an eye for details of law and administration and indeed relished legal argument even as he sat in judgment with delight.
    Personalities with similar behavioral attributes abound in the countries of Africa today, Nigeria inclusive.
    The unabating crimes-killings, kidnappings(for ritual purposes inclusive), and armed robbery by criminals, in addition to the sustained underdevelopment, are all pointers to the fact that the leadership has veered off the road as the country makes preparations for the diamond jubilee celebrations.
    It is now the duty of the people to identify such personalities and ensure all is done to avoid the pitfalls of the Norma period.


    Also read-Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                     -Legalizing Crime and Criminality