Liberty Port


The Right to Life by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

Prof.Life is sacred.It given by God from the specks of creation not visible to the naked eyes to that of a giant size creature including man. For the purpose of the dynamics of the social,economic and political considerations, the essence of peaceful co-existence.
In countries across the world, there are several laws to prevent the unpleasant situations of oppression, cheating,injustice, marginalization and attitudinal aberrations such as murder, rape,incest and other forms of abuses that may threaten the right to life of others.
This is why the justice system goes beyond the instinct of passionate protection that maybe based on tribal links,blood relations ethnic leanings among others.
Several nations today, give room for disputes that could otherwise have been settled amicably to snowball into crises situations.
The right to life that is intended to be protected by the state,may equally result into the waste of lives.

RiiAll must appreciate that in the governance system, the Judiciary has a major role to play in the scheme of things through incorruptible Judges and above average policy makers in the lawmaking arm of government.

The right to life, therefore, is sacrosanct, since it is stated in clear terms in the constitution and for this reason no citizen must be deprived of life, exceptions,however,abound.
Therefore,no individual or group or even constituted authority should take the lives of anyone. Hence, there is a need to control ego and anger by been fair to people and in the dispensation of justice.
Take note any individual or group that escapes the laws of the land on secretly committed offenses or blatant impunity, the law of natural justice or karma is there to take charge.

Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

             -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

             -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

             -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate


Justice Government Governance Prof. Sabitu Olagoke