

Events, People and Places

  • Introduce Foreign Languages Policy-Teachers to Uganda Govt

    • On 06/01/2022
    • In News

    Policy 1
    The Association of Teachers of French in Uganda has appealed to the Government to introduce a policy on foreign languages.
    The association made this appeal in a petition to the Ministry of East African Community Affairs.
    The petition lamented the sharp decline in the number of French candidates in different schools in the country while drawing attention to the lack of a clear foreign language policy, lack of sensitization about the importance of international languages, and negative subject choice policy at Advanced level classes continue to impact French negatively.
    It also emphasized the need for teaching French with specific purposes for professional development just as it urged the government to reinforce the National Curriculum Development Centre-NCDC’s policy to enable compulsory integration and learning of French in secondary schools and universities.

    Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality                                -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach                     -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate   

  • 2022 Prediction by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke


    The year 2022 shall witness and people shall experience the following drawbacks which must be prayed against and worked on to save the Nation from harsh effects of:

    → Ravaged economy

    Political cross-carpeting

    → Tides against education

    + Challenges of religious sanctity collapse and structural disintegration + Security beef up need along some porous borders + Sports wavy performance and deeming image for Nigeria stars

    On accidents or disaster:

    Aviation would face some challenges — Rife in road accidents and bridge collapse

    - Needs to pray against fire disaster in the Oil industry

    → Covid 19 new wave dimension shall be on for some months but cleansing solution shall be

    effective towards the end of Year for normal life situation of sanitized environment to be restored and sustained.


    JANUARY 2022

    → Pray against policy fiery on the economy

    → Pray against a sudden collapse of one of the political parties

    → Collapse in the education sector shall create jittery experience

    → Religion dandruff shall peel off

    → Porosity in security network shall aggravate fear

    → Sports management porosity shall be experienced 

    + On accidents/disasters:

    - Pray against accidents in the Aviation sector

    - Be rightly guided against avoidable road accidents + Covid-10 Omicron variant shall be actively on in this month.

    FEBRUARY 2022

    Efforts to revive economy shall be rife + Political saboteurs shall run into trouble + Revival efforts for education shall be on

    + Fraud in some houses of God shall be exposed + Month of security consciousness

    + Efforts to revive sports shall be on in this month + Need to avoid careless driving to avoid accidents must be sensitized

    → Pray against pirate operations on the waterways 

    + Need to be safety conscious at home and work place to avoid fire disaster

    → More effective vaccine may be developed against Covid 19 Omicron variant.

    MARCH 2022

    - Economy revival process shall be rise — An Oba in political involvement shall attract mob action

    + Education shall be visited for a boost

    + Festival season shall face-lift religion

    → Security network shall catch on a big time hoodlum + Sports on trial test in this month

    + Pray against waterways accidents and work on how best to avoid building collapse under construction.

    + The search for effective remedy to prevent epidemic spread  or outbreak of another disease shall take place.

    APRIL, 2022

    Relief for people through economic boost shall be experienced

     + Dividend from political activities shall be on + Education shall receive a boost

     → Disappointment in religion shall be experienced even by adherents

     → Prowess in security networking activities shall be recorded

    Revival efforts for sports shall be rife + Pray and work to avoid fire disaster in road accidents due to over speeding → Pray against bush fire that may affect Agricultural boost → Hope for solution seems to be in sight on Covid 19 Omicron variant

    MAY 2022                                                                                               Read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

    → The Nation shall realize boost in the economy 

    → Pray against a sudden death of a political juggernaut in our political circle 

    → Revival efforts on Education shall be rife 

    + Only few adherents shall triumph in the religion sector 

    + On security network, there shall be active search for hoodlum → Sports revival dividend shall be realized in this month → We need to pray and work against accidents in the Aviation sector and Oil splash

    through road accidents at least, a Petrol Tanker 

    Timely intervention shall be needed to avoid fire disaster 

     Solution/effective remedy is already on with search for sustained state of disease control

    and clean environment.

    JUNE 2022

    Favorable month for economic impact on the people 

    + Politicians must work against dirty and shameful clashes 

    + Sanitation in Education shall be needed in this month 

    → Some religious leaders with dubious character shall be net into the trouble of the law

    enforcement agents + This is favorable month for Sports preparation + Security alert in this surveillance period shall be on + There shall be repair and renovation need in the Aviation sector while people must be

    security conscious on the road. → People panic for safety and solution (Covid 19 Omicron variant) seems to be in sight

    through sensitization on hygiene protocol observation as a way of healthy living.

    JULY 2022                                                         Read-Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

    → Loss of goodwill in politics due to power wrestle without control → Remnants due to paucity of funds and management in the Education sector shall be


     → Diabolical activities in the Religious sector shall attract attention of the people for


    → Pray against loss of grip by the Security outfit on the hoodlum that may throw people

    into disarray 

    → Renovation need of structures in the Sports sector shall be necessary

     → There shall be focus on the safety and security need in the Aviation sector + Pray against fire disaster + Cleansing period seems to be over with heightened hope for sustainable clean environment.

     AUGUST 2022

    + Favorable month of planting season for farmers to boost the economy → Political fisticuffs that may lead to the death of a political big wig must be worked on to

    be avoided → Innovation in the Education sector shall be experienced → Pray against deeming image of Nigeria sports sprinters → Pray against road accidents that may be caused due to carelessness and loosened

    packaging → Pray against fire disaster in the house or workplaces → Effective cleansing brings hope on the allayed fear of Covid 19 Omicron variant upsurge.

                                                                                      -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

    SEPTEMBER 2022

    → Favorable month for economic boost + Avoid political imbroglio which may lead to party collapse and loss of lives → Favorable month for cabinet reshuffle in the Education sector → Fraudulent act in Religious sector need to be checked + Successful venture in the security work on some hoodlum → Rising hope on Nigerian sports → There shall be repair and renovation work in the Aviation sector → Relief from effective epidemic cleansing to be felt by all.

    OCTOBER 2022

    → Economy buoyancy without impact on the people shall be experienced → Some politicians shall fall by the way side + Revival efforts on Education shall be on → Revival efforts for the lost glory of the sacredness of religion shall be rife + There shall be boost on security outfit. New stars in Sports shall emerge (talent

    discovery dividend) → Pray against Petrol Tanker Fire Disaster → Relief from Covid 19 fear dawns on people and felt by all.

    NOVEMBER 2022

    “ There shall be wastage of the Economy through the usual fraud by conduit pipe

    syndrome or pipeline’ leakages > Power wrestling in politics shall be rife

    Education Reform shall be feasible and visible — Avoid the ploy of Satan in the Religious sector not to get into trouble + Avoid security network passivity and decay, not to go into sabotage

    Avoid aircraft accident by ensuring all safety protocols are followed + Avoid road congestion by ensuring vehicle road worthiness + Avoid overloading on the waterways to avoid accidents + Avoid gas explosion by ensuring safety regulatory measures

    Total relief on Covid 19 Omicron variant shall be achieved but hygiene protocol must be observed after achieved cleansing.

                                                                                                                     -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

    DECEMBER 2022

    → Government must regulate spending and fund generation to avoid shambled economy → Backsliding in politics may lead to unstable politicking + Dividend of Education Reform shall begin to yield fruit → Pray that a big time name in Religion does not die → Month of good outing for security networks + Favorable month for sports activities with accompanying freedoms → There shall be repair need on the Aircraft in the Aviation sector to avoid accident → Road repair and maintenance including drainage essence are necessary sites for ease of

    transportation in this month → Avoid waterway accident due to bridge/culvert collapse → Be safety conscious to avoid fire disaster → New lease of life for people with sustained observation of necessary and normal hygiene protocol.


    Divine revelations are predictive for proactive measures in Management and Administration. Therefore, rebranding for proper socialization, correct cultural and ethical value, orientation for promotion of integrity and discipline for all, must be put in place, to allow divine intervention in revamping our economy to promote healthy and stable polity, as well as principle of equity. Good governance is a function of Godly leadership (Q38 vs. 26) and bad governance is a dividend of bad leadership (Daniel 5 vs. 25–28). Therefore, the essence of this revelation is for the political class to imbibe the culture of tolerance and focus on the issue of welfare importance. The religious sector must therefore imbibe the culture of religious harmony to promote peace and be more dedicated to the cause of discipline, love and culture of patriotism to move the Nation forward.

    With these, we may avoid stalemate to save our Democracy.



  • The Right to Private Life by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof.Human beings are highly unpredictable. This is why the Yoruba submitted that even though the stomach is covered with light and thins skin, there is no way you can through it fish out a diabolical worm.

    Another saying infers that you may consider the nose with its sense of smell uniqueness, but it usually fails to detect killer friends.

    The Right to Private Life, therefore, becomes an issue on whether to be guaranteed fully or partially , or not to be guaranteed.

    Private life is personal to an individual and is quite different from public or professional life.

    Generall7y, the Right to Private Life is considered to be violated by States when it interferes or penalizes or prohibit actions which essentially only concern the individual.


    In the civil service or public working places, the Central Administration takes the custody of the files of individual workers with such protection as not to allow other workers to have access because the bio metric will encompass the right of protection of a person’s intimacy, identity, name, gender and other related information that are personal to the person.

    The Right to Private Life is covered by five basic human rights charters.

    Right to Life and Liberty.

    Right to Freedom from Torture.

    Freedom of Opinion and Expression.

    Right to Privacy.

    Right to Equal Treatment.

    The Right to Private and Family life, therefore, protect persons against arbitrary or unlawful interference with their privacy, family, home, correspondence, telephone conversations and other forms of communication.

    The Right to Private life also guarantees the protection of an individual’s honor and reputation. Any undue interference by public authorities can only occur based on the law.

    It is only in an uncivilized nation that the law enforcement agencies intrude into private lives of citizens in the night or at anytime, to probably rope in their victims with false claims.

    The only panacea to ope rationalize the Right to Private Life, is for it to be domesticated from the international instruments and ensure that functional education is properly funded and guided.It is then everybody, irrespective of their social classes would be able to view himself or herself as equal before the law.

    When Nigeria was about to commence democratic rule, several international organizations warned that the country’s leaders must establish the respect for the Fundamental Human Rights of the people.

    This was considered a prerequisite for the creation of an enabling environment for democracy to thrive.

    The country can still maneuver to to achieve the above mentioned.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate



  • Wishful Thinking -A Good Government

    Good 1A good government ought to be able to muster enough strength to enforce obedience, in addition to carrying out the duties of governance efficiently.

    Justice, perhaps, will flourish when the people who are expected to obey the laws express their opinions on these laws.

    A rule of good government, revolves around the fact that aside from the State, nobody else should be equipped to secure obedience and conformity.

    In 1934, Austria was plunged into civil war, partly by the failure of its government to prevent political parties from recruiting armies.

    Political partiers are already recruting non-state actors.

    The prosperity of this country is under the overbearing influence of its natural resources, the politics of its neighbors and the conduct of those in government.

    Take note that the goodness of a Government depends on its fitness to solve the myriad of problems confronting it.

    Sadly, those in Government have set their personal advantage against and above that of the people, shown undeserved favor to particular groups and refused to permit the people to express their desires.

    The foregoing goes against the principles of good government.


    In Olorunsogo, Molete, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria, on Saturday, December 25, Kindergartens below 10 years old, who have been well tutored by their parents, led by one Joshua, a child of disabled white garment church owner(No. 1 Kehinde Aderibigbe street unpainted building by the junction, led his gang members to throw stones at an elderly occupant of 3, Kehinde Aderibigbe street, injuring him, after which they threw fireworks(banger) into his apartment, with the overt support of residents of the community.

    Criminals are trained by their parents

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate   

  • Changes in Nigeria Depends on…… Prof. Olagoke

    • On 20/12/2021
    • In News

    ChildThe Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke has declared that the changes in the fortunes of Nigeria revolves around the change in the mindset of its leaders.

    Prof. Olagoke made this declaration recently, at the 7th Valedictory service of the Shafaudeen Comprehensive College, Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria.

    ‘’We want changes for Nigeria and in the lives of our leaders, so that the future will favor us and our youth. We must not shoot ourselves in the foot’,, he stated.

    In her remarks, the Proprietress of the college, Alhaja Simiat Olagoke urge parents to constantly pray for their children adding, ‘’show them the right way, so that you and your children shall live in peace.’’

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Comatose Economy

    Economy 1The development of infrastructure in Nigeria has over the years been unsuccessful due to the fact that the country is not an infrastructure-conscious space.

    In infrastructure development, the quality of the people is crucial,-initiative, prudence, ingenuity and foresight, all combined to guarantee a nation’s development.

    Indiscriminate taxation would definitely have negative effects on the psyche of the people and certainly not an incentive for higher productivity.

    A close and critical observation of the Nigerian economy exposes the inexperience, ignorance, mediocrity and docility of Those-in-Charge.

    The trial and error policies of government has only worsened the coma state of the economy, regardless of the injury time shuttles abroad by government officials to attract foreign investments.

    The Nigerian economy today, is a patient well over due for surgery.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • The Right to Life by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Prof.Life is sacred.It given by God from the specks of creation not visible to the naked eyes to that of a giant size creature including man. For the purpose of the dynamics of the social,economic and political considerations, the essence of peaceful co-existence.
    In countries across the world, there are several laws to prevent the unpleasant situations of oppression, cheating,injustice, marginalization and attitudinal aberrations such as murder, rape,incest and other forms of abuses that may threaten the right to life of others.
    This is why the justice system goes beyond the instinct of passionate protection that maybe based on tribal links,blood relations ethnic leanings among others.
    Several nations today, give room for disputes that could otherwise have been settled amicably to snowball into crises situations.
    The right to life that is intended to be protected by the state,may equally result into the waste of lives.

    RiiAll must appreciate that in the governance system, the Judiciary has a major role to play in the scheme of things through incorruptible Judges and above average policy makers in the lawmaking arm of government.

    The right to life, therefore, is sacrosanct, since it is stated in clear terms in the constitution and for this reason no citizen must be deprived of life, exceptions,however,abound.
    Therefore,no individual or group or even constituted authority should take the lives of anyone. Hence, there is a need to control ego and anger by been fair to people and in the dispensation of justice.
    Take note any individual or group that escapes the laws of the land on secretly committed offenses or blatant impunity, the law of natural justice or karma is there to take charge.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                 -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                 -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                 -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate

  • Preferable Choices

    Foreign loans obtained for capital expenditure by Governments could be applied for domestic economic development.
    However, this must be in tandem with a well-drawn-out program of action.
    Foreign loans primarily serve the needs of the creditor economy and systematically neglect the domestic economy of the debtor country.
    It is instructive to note that Japan obtained loans between 195 to 1914, externally, and was at liberty to use the funds in accordance with the dominant ideas of national economic development.
    Interestingly, these foreign loans were a relatively minor and not a major source of capital for the Japanese economy as a whole.
    During this period, Japan was able to direct between 12 percent and 17 percent of its national income into capital formation.

    Debt 3
    From the 1920s Japan began to receive some form of direct investments from abroad, while the government borrowing from abroad visibly ceased.
    The same sequence applies to a number of other countries that have attained a substantial degree of development.
    Indeed, foreign loans could be a suitable method of laying the foundation of a country's economic development in the form of public services and social overhead capital.
    In the same vein, it is almost possible to substitute foreign funds for domestic saving to the extent that the country's consumption is increased and little or no addition is made to the rate of accumulation.
    In Nigeria today, the absence of motorable roads, functional waterworks, and regular electricity supply across the states have all combined to hinder direct foreign investments. Political impediments coupled with induced security situations have given prominence to real estate, land grabbing, indiscriminate taxation, the importation of fairly used vehicles, and hard drugs as preferable choices for economic development.

    Also read-Legalizing Crime and Criminality

                    -Landlords and Tenants Associations, Crime and Criminality

                    -Law Enforcement: The Reactionary Approach

                    -Government Workers-A Subject of Debate