Events, People and Places
Ugandan Lawmakers Propose Probe of Girls in Slave Camps in Dubai
- On 17/05/2018
- In News
Members of the Ugandan Parliament have proposed the setting up of a special committee to look into the allegations of slave labour involving several girls from the country, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates(UAE).
According to the member representing Butambala in the Parliament, Mr Muhammad Muwanga Kivumbi a visit Dubai by the lawmakers of Budget Committee, exposed a labour recruitment centre, "which for all intent and purpose resembles a well-organised slave market".
Kiyumbi disclosed that when the committee visited Jaira state, it discovered girls from various countries, accommodated in several small buildings, patiently waiting to be sold to buyers with the ''highest bid''.
He also stated that the girls were being maltreated, while lamenting that 16 of them had committed suicide between February and August 2017.
Redeployment of Senior and Junior Staff of Nigerian Universities to Education Ministry Imminent
- On 15/05/2018
- In Special Report
A systematic dismembering of the manpower structure in Nigerian universities has began in earnest.
The plot engineered by some politically exposed Academics, according to investigations is designed to ease out all senior and junior staff in the universities, for the benefit of the academic staff.
If the plot sails through, the affected staff will then become the financial responsibilities of the Federal Ministry of Education.
Carefully contrived by a number of academic staff presently enjoying political patronage from high ranking political office holders, the plot will ensure that only lecturers are on the payroll of the universities.
Well informed sources, insist that senior and junior staff are to be redeployed to the Federal Ministry of Education, while a few of them would be seconded to the universities.
This according to the sources would pave the way for a special salary scale for the academic staff, while salaries of the others would be determined by the government.
However, educationists warn that such a plot could destabilize the university system, just as they insisted that those behind the plot were only promoting their selfish interests.
They berated the President for engaging the services of professionals, who had already led government astray.
Workers Welfare : Michael Imoudu As A Role Model 1
- On 15/05/2018
- In Solomon's Column
The activities of Labour leaders today is the raging debate among workers in Nigeria. Workers express sadness and worry over the way their leaders handle issues concerning them.
While the workers continue to wallow in the vicious cycle of poverty, hunger and worry, their leaders insist that they should be patient and show understanding with the Government.
The agility and activeness of labour leaders of the present time, is determined by the political class and not by the deteriorating condition of workers in the country.
Up till this moment, the name Michael A thokhamien Imoudu, represents a good example of a labour leader with a difference within the Nigerian territory and has continued to serve a s a source of inspiration for the present set of labour leaders. Perhaps.
Imoudu was born on 7, September, 1902, to a Soldier, who had fought in East Africa. His upbringing resulted into his fearless personality. He did not have fear for witches or wizards, master or servant, black or white.
At the age of 14, he began his education at the Government school, Ora. In the course of his education, he received double promotion to standard one. After the death of his Father, the forward looking young Imoudu moved on in his quest for education, at various times at Ontisha, Benin, Sapele, Warri and Agbor.
His adult life revolved on protests against wrong doing by constituted authority. As a student of the Government school, Agbor he staged his first protest.
He led students of the school to protest against the alleged embezzlement of Empire funds by the school’s teachers. This resulted in the manhandling of the Headmaster.
At various times, he worked as linesman in the Department of Post and Telegraph (P and T) in 1928 and an apprentice machinist at the Railway Corporation. He worked tirelessly on three shillings and four pence per day. The work conditions depressed those in the railway and it was noticeable, but the grievances of the railway men were uncoordinated. During the industrial action of the sectional foundery men in 1931, Imoudu spearheaded a platform to fight for the rights of workers. This he made possible by opting to work as journey man at a reduced wage of three shillings per day.
On 20, January, 1940, Imoudu was the only one among his colleagues, who signed the registration document of the Railway workers union and on 7, October, 1940, Imoudu was elected President of Railway men.
Rwandan Govt. Begins ICT Education in Schools
- On 14/05/2018
- In Special Report
The Rwandan Government has introduced Information and Communication Technology(ICT) education in schools in the country.
The policy ''smart class rooms" seeks to incorporate ICT into various aspects of the country's education system and reform teaching and learning systems.
According to the Director General of Rwandan Education Board(REB), Dr Irénée Ndayambaje, who made this known , recently, in a training session for teachers on the use of ICT in schools in Kigali, the policy is also intended to integrate technology in all education processes such as preparation, delivery of lessons, assessments, research among others.
He stressed that the target is to have 1,500 schools equipped with smart classrooms. Presently, only 645 schools are equipped in the country.
Families in East Africa Contend with High Cost of Food Prices
- On 14/05/2018
- In News
Families in East Africa will for sometime contend with high food prices as a result of flooding, pests and diseases.
This is contained in the monthly update by the Food Security Working Group on the Greater Horn.
The update disclosed that families in Rwanda, Karamoja of Uganda, Burundi, Somalia and Sudan which depend on markets for food, will have to put up with the soaring prices of foodstuffs.
"Above average staple food prices will continue eroding the purchasing power of poor market-dependent households in Uganda, Rwanda, Somalia and Sudan, which are heading into a lean season," the report stated.
The past week maize traded at $402.14 per tonne in Kisumu, Kenya, $319 in Ruhuha, Rwanda and $ 271.02 in Kabale town, Uganda.
However, in the last six months a tonne of maize traded at $540.28 in Ruhuha, $279.38 in Uganda and $443.04 in Nairobi. In Burundi, only 60 per cent of households have food.
Families in East Africa Contend with High Cost of Food Prices
- On 14/05/2018
- In The People Talk
Families in East Africa will for sometime contend with high food prices as a result of flooding, pests and diseases.
This is contained in the monthly update by the Food Security Working Group on the Greater Horn.
The update disclosed that families in Rwanda, Karamoja of Uganda, Burundi, Somalia and Sudan which depend on markets for food, will have to put up with the soaring prices of foodstuffs.
"Above average staple food prices will continue eroding the purchasing power of poor market-dependent households in Uganda, Rwanda, Somalia and Sudan, which are heading into a lean season," the report stated.
The past week maize traded at $402.14 per tonne in Kisumu, Kenya, $319 in Ruhuha, Rwanda and $ 271.02 in Kabale town, Uganda.
However, in the last six months a tonne of maize traded at $540.28 in Ruhuha, $279.38 in Uganda and $443.04 in Nairobi. In Burundi, only 60 per cent of households have food.
The Corrupt Class Funded President Muhammadu Buhari's Election-Prof. Olagoke
- On 14/05/2018
- In The People Talk
As Nigerians continue to knock the President Muhammadu Buhari led administration’s elective fight against corruption, the spiritual head and founder of Shafaudeen worldwide, Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke, in this interview with Federationews2day, says that the present administration’s corruption fight, has the traces of the corrupt class who funded its emergence. Excerpts:
Nigerians are expressing worries over the present administration's continued selective corruption war, what do you think is wrong ?
It is unfortunate that the All Progressives Congress(APC) was formed on the basis of looking for credible people, they were able to get that in President Muhammadu Buhari, but how to win the election depended mainly on who could fund the party. Unfortunattely, most of those people, who have the strenght to do it, belong to the corrupt class of the nation. It happened in Singapore, when Lee Kuan Yew wanted to moun the reign of power, he had nothing, but was sponsored by those who had amassed ill gotten wealth. Fortunately for them they were able to have a memorandum of Understnading(MOU) and they agreed with him, to suppor the cause of sanitizing the country in order that Singapore would be great again . That was how they were able to have their way. Singapore today, is a country that competes with the developed world, but in the case of Nigeria, the same scenario of change is not in play. Unfortunately, the big wigs in the pary are not ready to, let go of their ill gotten wealth.
At a time the President became ill, the illness was not natural, it was not, from God. And that is why he cried out. When you fight corruption, corruption may want to fight back. If not for God, the illness would have c onsumed him and that would have been to the advantage of the cabal and cartel, who would have returned to their free meal of ill-gotten wealth,amidst the turbulence surrounding this Government of President Buhari. Despite the fact that he survived the death threat and fire, his manliness began to fail him into mortgaging his conscience.
By now, dily dallying with the cabal, in taking some decisions, most especiallt the delayed ones. It is unfortunate, that his people are not helping him to succeed in the anti-corrution war, because they are damned to many and too powerful. Unfortunately, nobody wants to die again for the antion. A comparative analysis of Nigeria and some other nations, shows Nigeria as a nation that has failed the test of corporate governance, leading us into the stage of building strong individuals, rather than strong institutions.
The Corrupt Class Funded President Muhammadu Buhari's Election-Prof. Olagoke
- On 14/05/2018
As Nigerians continue to knock the President Muhammadu Buhari led administration’s elective fight against corruption, the spiritual head and founder of Shafaudeen worldwide, Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke, in this interview with Federationews2day, says that the present administration’s corruption fight, has the traces of the corrupt class who funded its emergence. Excerpts:
Nigerians are expressing worries over the present administration's continued selective corruption war, what do you think is wrong ?
It is unfortunate that the All Progressives Congress(APC) was formed on the basis of looking for credible people, they were able to get that in President Muhammadu Buhari, but how to win the election depended mainly on who could fund the party. Unfortunattely, most of those people, who have the strenght to do it, belong to the corrupt class of the nation. It happened in Singapore, when Lee Kuan Yew wanted to moun the reign of power, he had nothing, but was sponsored by those who had amassed ill gotten wealth. Fortunately for them they were able to have a memorandum of Understnading(MOU) and they agreed with him, to suppor the cause of sanitizing the country in order that Singapore would be great again . That was how they were able to have their way. Singapore today, is a country that competes with the developed world, but in the case of Nigeria, the same scenario of change is not in play. Unfortunately, the big wigs in the pary are not ready to, let go of their ill gotten wealth.
At a time the President became ill, the illness was not natural, it was not, from God. And that is why he cried out. When you fight corruption, corruption may want to fight back. If not for God, the illness would have c onsumed him and that would have been to the advantage of the cabal and cartel, who would have returned to their free meal of ill-gotten wealth,amidst the turbulence surrounding this Government of President Buhari. Despite the fact that he survived the death threat and fire, his manliness began to fail him into mortgaging his conscience.
By now, dily dallying with the cabal, in taking some decisions, most especiallt the delayed ones. It is unfortunate, that his people are not helping him to succeed in the anti-corrution war, because they are damned to many and too powerful. Unfortunately, nobody wants to die again for the antion. A comparative analysis of Nigeria and some other nations, shows Nigeria as a nation that has failed the test of corporate governance, leading us into the stage of building strong individuals, rather than strong institutions.