Liberty Port

Ramadan 3

Ramadan Fast Daily Guide by Prof. Sabitu Olagoke Thursday, April 14th to Monday, April 18th, 2022

Prof.Thursday, April 14th
The Essence of Ramadan Fast

The essence of the Ramadan fast is to avail us the opportunity to SWOT analyze ourselves, most especially the areas of weaknesses and threats to get fortified socially and spiritually, using our areas of strength, that is, our god health and the Holy Quran to make the necessary adjustment into imbibing the culture of the fear of God through the available opportunities of God and the Holy Quran.
Rise up today to do the needful because tomorrow may be too late. Ramadan Kareem.
Friday, April 15th
Towards being a Goof Islamic Adherent

A critical study of the content of the Holy Quran 33: 35 Xrays the expected characteristics which are 10 that must be possessed by anyone who claims to be Godly.
Xray yourself today, to know the areas of your inadequacy in order that one is able to make the right adjustment through the appropriate nature of nurturing.
The first question is how far have you fared in terms of the total submission to the will of God which is expressed in the Holy Quran 25: 63, ''And the servants of Allah Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth with humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say,' peace'!  
Strive to achieve this exalted level of piety otherwise, you have not yet found your feet in Islam. Ramadan Kareem.
Saturday, April 16th
Membership of Islam

A Muslim is regarded as one who claims to have totally surrendered to the will of Allah.
If it is so with you,  how tenaciously dedicated are the levels of application to good human relations, without violating the purity and oneness of God.
This is because the Holy Quran 22: 32 makes an assertion. '' Being true in faith to Allah, and never assigning partners to Him: if anyone assigns partners to Allah he is as if he had fallen from heaven and being snatched up by birds, or the winds had swooped like a bird from its prey and thrown him into a far distant place. Such is his state and whoever holds in honor that Rites of Allah such honor should come truly from piety of hands.'' Be wise. Ramadan Kareem.

Sunday, April 17th
Are you a Muslim?

If truly you are a Muslim, the Holy Quran 33: 35 expects you to be devotional with all sincerity of purpose.
Against all odds, your body language, words, thoughts, and deeds must always fall in line with the true dictates of the Almighty Allah from the injunctions of Islam, albeit without violence or catalytic reactions use your knowledge to promote peace against all odds. Ramadan Kareem.
Monday, April 18TH
Are you a liar?

If so, this is the greatest disservice to yourself while you claim to be an Islamic adherent. Remember that falsehood is ephemeral and that all liars would ever face the wrath of God. Never indulge in the illegitimate acquisition of wealth or usurpation of power.
The Holy Quran 2: 42-43 refers, ''And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when you know what it is and be steadfast in prayer: Give zakat and bow down your heads with those who bow down in worship.'' Be a vanguard of truth. Ramadan Kareem.


Prof. Sabitu Olagoke Ramadan Fast 2022