Liberty Port

Education 7

The Worrisome State of Education

Education 8The impact by the Federal, State and Local Governments on the acceptable standards of education everywhere, is passive.

Indeed, each school ought to have a life and character of its own and be in touch with the people of its immediate neighborhood.

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Sadly, the quality of teachers recruited to teach in schools has overtime reflected , negatively, in the attitude, behavior and mode of dressing of pupils and students. The role of parents and guardians also feature prominently.

The affected schools lack the necessary amenities and facilitates to aid learning, while most parents and guardians and political representaitives watch helplessly as their children and wards receive fractured education.

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Overcrowding, poor sanitation and the poor conditions of service of teachers which has resulted in the poor quality of teaching and poor quality of products are among the life threatening traits of these schools.

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The menace of secret cults, hard drugs and examination malpractices are now integral parts of the schools, while the government at all levels, which have all the while played significant roles in the worrisome situation, feign ignorance.

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Nigeria Education Government