

Events, People and Places

  • Be Unique

    You have to be unique for you to make headway in your industry.

    You must be creative and extraordinary to come out top in the competition.

    Doing remarkable things in presentations and task delivery puts you ahead of others.

    Ensure that the content of your problem solving is of the same standard as the best in the industry.

    Always identify ways to be different.

  • Illicit Substances and Sustainable Development

    Over time, young people in a crisis have been neglected and this has resulted in an increased rate of drug use, misuse and abuse, in addition to illicit substance intake.

    Sadly, parents and guardians have been found wanting in the examination of behavioral defects in their children and wards, which have become pointers to drug or substance dependence.

    Indeed, different parts of the country are presently in crises which have served as the catalysts for drug use, misuse and illicit substances and enlightenment on the dangers at the lowest ebb.

    An unspecified number of youths have been manipulated to migrate to city centers; today they are now liabilities to society.


    Several communities in Nigeria, particularly the South West geo-political zone, have been overwhelmed with strange faces. These strange faces intimidate, threaten and attack innocent citizens and residents just as illicit substances are now sold openly, as abnormalities are now the trend. Those who facilitated the heavy presence of those strange faces have continued to support their activities revolving around heinous and grievous crimes.

  • Naira Redesign-Government ought to Safeguard Nigerians-Prof. Olagoke

    Prof 3

    Mixed feelings have continued to trail the announcement by the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria(CBN) Mr. Godwin Emefiele that the 200, 500 and 1, 000 Naira notes would be redesigned.

      A sizable number of Nigerians believe that the action of the apex bank has a hidden motive, considering the fact that the head was once a presidential aspirant of the ruling party. Others however argue that the action would sanitize the monetary system in the country. In this piece, Prof. Olagoke warns of the consequences. Excerpt :

    To start with, the reasons given by the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria for the redesigning of the 200, 500, and 1,000 Naira notes must be assessed and evaluated based on present realities. 

    The word redesign becomes an issue because it would involve changes that may not likely go down well with our ethnic, tribal, and religious persuasions.

    Since it had the approval of the presidency various considerations must have been put in place to allay the fears of Nigerians on the suspicion that the symbols might be tampered with. If not let the needful be done, rather than putting the cart before the horse. Indeed, Nigerians had expected these changes in 2015.


    Grocery Super Saver

    Sadly, it is coming at a time when the thoughts of Nigerians have been rumpled by several factors. However, it is better late than left undone because presently the focus of all Nigerians is the high rate of unemployment, hunger, poverty, and most important insecurity in the land.

    The major question now is, this change in the design of the Naira shall it be very effective?

    What would be the effects of this change in design on small and medium businesses? This is the time when the politicians are on top of their game with various antics to buy votes to attain juicy positions while taking advantage of the above-mentioned. The government ought to do the right thing for the overall benefit of Nigerians.

  • Depend on God

    For you to be effective in any endeavor, depend on God for strength, wisdom, and power. 

    John 15: 1-8

    1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. 3 Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. 6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. 8Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.


    Grocery Super Saver

  • Naira Redesign-Government ought to Safeguard Nigerians-Prof. Olagoke

    Prof 3To start with, the reasons given by the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria for the redesigning of the 200, 500, and 1,000 Naira notes must be assessed and evaluated based on present realities. 

    The word redesign becomes an issue because it would involve changes that may not likely go down well with our ethnic, tribal, and religious persuasions.


    Grocery Super Saver

    Since it had the approval of the presidency various considerations must have been put in place to allay the fears of Nigerians on the suspicion that the symbols might be tampered with. If not let the needful be done, rather than putting the cart before the horse. Indeed, Nigerians had expected these changes in 2015. Sadly, it is coming at a time when the thoughts of Nigerians have been rumpled by several factors. However, it is better late than left undone because presently the focus of all Nigerians is the high rate of unemployment, hunger, poverty, and most important insecurity in the land. The major question now is, this change in the design of the Naira shall it be very effective? What would be the effects of this change in design on small and medium businesses? This is the time when the politicians are on top of their game with various antics to buy votes to attain juicy positions while taking advantage of the above-mentioned. The government ought to do the right thing for the overall benefit of Nigerians.

  • Making Difficult Decisions

    Black Friday Treasure Hunt

    Your ability to take difficult decisions would go a long way in determining your survival in business.

    There must be consistency in making decisions considered to be necessary, but unpopular and difficult, timely.

    Decisions such as the shutting down of unproductive branches and the retrenchment of redundant staff should not be allowed to linger for so long.

    Be observant, when you discover that any of your employee is not meeting up to the set standard, it is better to do the needful.

    When you make hard decisions, wrong strategies, the wrong people and the wrong projects are put at bay.

  • Street Trading- The Need for Political Preservation


    Environmental pollution has become part and parcel of daily life in major cities in Nigeria as a result of the lack of political will by the appropriate authorities to enforce relevant laws.

    Street trading and hawking on the main road, road verges, medians, setbacks, drainages, pedestrian bridges and walkways have become permanent features in these cities, since those responsible for the menace are well wishers, supporters and loyalists of political office holders.

    Even though there are designated market locations, Those-in-Charge are very reluctant to wield the big stick because of the urgent need for political preservation. Indeed, pickpocketing thrives in these locations, as it has become a veritable source of income with the covert cooperation of commuters, transporters and law enforcement personnel.

    The free flow of human and vehicular traffic would continue to be hindered in these cities, if the political overlords today fail to facilitate not only the regulation of street trading and hawking, but the enforcement of relevant laws in this respect.

    Note- The conferment of national awards and prize giving have little or no impact on the citizenry, in the face of hunger, poverty, unemployment and insecurity. Those-in-Charge ought to leave behind legacies that would impact positively on impoverished Nigerians

  • People are the First Priority


    To be successful, it is imperative you develop the ability to engage with people, and motivate and inspire them to achieve success.

    Make people the first on your priority list in your line of business. Success and happiness are crucial and intertwined, for the best results in whatever you do.

    However, you must not forget to give adequate attention to your family.

    Interact regularly with your colleagues at the workplace as this brings about the opportunity to discuss prospects, ideas, and suggestions that would put you ahead of competitors.

    Furthermore, interactions serve as forums to set goals and apportion responsibilities and re-emphasize the need for the best practices while on the field.

    The first priority in the workplace is the people. Make yourself always available and accessible to your colleagues and ensure you arrive at decisions collectively.

    Think of immediate solutions to personal problems while ensuring that regular meetings and discussions are held to address challenges. A sustained compassionate leadership would put you at the forefront of your industry. Finally, do not relent to maintain your standard.