Liberty Port

Ramadan 1

Ramadan Fast(Daily Guide)By Prof.Sabitu Olagoke

ProfSaturday, May 8th
The harvesting season for Muslim adherents is expected to make us realize the need to become instruments of change, whose activities will be accepted as an act of Ibaadah under the following conditions stipulated by the Holy Quran 22: 35, '' Humility par excellence with pure hearts driven by the fear of God, the almighty Allah, we must show patient perseverance over any affliction that may come our way without shifting the blame on any mortal and without derailing from the true path of righteousness: Al Islam.
We must keep up regular prayer and spend without adulteration or idolatry. We must equally spend on charity out of what God has bestowed us''.
It is only such people that can receive the grace of God as the dividend of the Ramadan fast. Ramadan Kareem.
Sunday, May 9th
Let us be reminded that the period of retreat or Itikaf must move us close to God, the almighty Allah, without being distracted by the mundane things of life. Equally, be reminded that this is a harvesting period where wishes are converted into prayers, as expressed in the Holy Quran 2: 186,''When My servants ask thee concerning Me, I am indeed close to them. I respond to the prayer of every suppliant when he calleth on Me: Let them also, with a will, listen to My call, and believe in Me. That they may walk the right way.''
Let us be Muslim adherents who communicate and consult with God with the preference of a perfect God/man relationship; rather than being a reject in Islam. Ramadan Mubarak.

Ramadan 2Monday, May 10th
Be reminded of the need to search for the favor of God in the glorious night of Laelatul Quadri regarded as the night of power that is better than a thousand months, when therein come down the angels and the spirits by Allah's permission on every errand, to bring onto the sincere adherents tranquility of the mind and peace on the environment. The Holy Quran 97 refers. Ramadan Mubarak.
Tuesday, May 11th
Be reminded of the command of the almighty Allah on the need to be philanthropic, steeping us up through Jaka or Zakat ul Fitri on the day declared as the end of the Ramadan fast. Let us be prepared for it by taking care of the whole household by contributing to the wellness of the less privileged ones. For the almighty Allah declares in the Holy Quran 92: 5-7, ''So he who gives in charity and fears Allah and in all sincerity testifies to the best, we will indeed make smooth the path to Ease.''
Avoid being selfish and arrogant in daring God for He gives us another challenge in Quran 92: 8-13, ''But he who is greedy miser and thinks himself self-sufficient and gives the lie to the Best, you will indeed make smooth the Path to Mystery nor will his wealth profit him when verily We take Upon us to guide and verily onto us belongs the ned and the beginning.'' Ramadan Mubarak.
Wednesday, May 12th
Look around to appreciate the favor of God the almighty Allah on you for been alive to begin and witness the end of the Ramadan fast for this year. We have all made wishes for God's positive disposition to make it real. The essence of Eid El Fitri, therefore, is to thank God through His much cherished affirmative on walking the talk of our beliefs and the lesson learned within the 29 or 30 days of our abstinence from sins, crimes, and devilish thought processes, be rightly guided through the provisions of the Holy Quran 61: 2-3, '' Oh ye who believe! Why say ye that which ye do not. Grievously hateful is it in the sight of Allah, that ye say that which  ye do not.''
Let us all buy into the provision of the Holy Quran 61: 4 as born-again Muslims. ''Truly Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in battle array as if they were a solid cemented structure.''
Let us all become change agents for Ramadan reformation on us to be able to transform our national treasures into a beneficial inclusive society. Ramadan Mubarak.


Prof. Sabitu Olagoke Ramadan Fast Religion