Liberty Port


Poor Governance and Poverty Responsible for Human Trafficking-Prof. Olagoke

Prof sabitu olagoke 6Child and Human trafficking have become means to an end for several Nigerians who have lost hope in the system under the present administration.

Reports of these ugly trend are recorded on a daily basis, with the law enforcement agencies struggling to stem the tide.

Baby factories are on the increase while mothers, mostly the young ones, sell their new born babies to cushion the effects of the present economic realities.

Teenagers and adults are deceived into traveling abroad, but end up as prostitutes or slaves. This trend in not abating.

In this interview , the Founder, Spiritual Head and Gran Imam of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that poor governance which has brought about poverty is the major cause of child and human trafficking

Child and Human trafficking is what a sizable number of Nigerians engage in these days. Why is this so ?

Nigeria was first a country where discipline, control the fabric of all social spiritual sub systems . It was characterized by very low import index and very high export index. Religious laws were in tandem with the societal norms to create a path of sanity for our interpersonal relationship and our general attitude towards values.

Unfortunately, the Nigerian youth in the mufti of the military killed the geese that laid the golden eggs. Since then, value erosion crept in to destroy all agents of socialization for the nation, to stand with very weak legs.


Nigeria Governance Human Trafficking