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Coronavirus has exposed the Emptiness of Humanity-Prof. Olagoke

As the corona virus pandemic continues to ravage the Federal republic of Nigeria, Nigerians have expressed worry over the fact that the the President’s speech did not touch on financial palliatives and social welfare packages for the citizenry, even though restriction of movement has commenced in several states, although the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces is yet to declare a State of Emergency, it could put paid to the criminality of Political Office Holders. In this interview, the Founder, Spiritual Head of Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide, Prof. Sabitu Olagoke opines that the leadership has a lot to do for impoverished Nigerians. Excerpts : 

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic the Federal Government has restricted movement in Lagos state, Federal Capital Territory and Ogun state, while a number of states have done same earlier one, without Financial Palliatives and Social Welfare for the citizenry. What are the implications ?

COVID 19 has exposed the emptiness of humanity and the susceptibility to any environmental hazards ,most especially for when severity clause is attached. Leadership is much tested during the period of human travails and capabilities is best measured in the way conflicts are been resolved for Nigeria, it has always been pathetic records of complaints from the governed against the way the affairs of the country has been handled since the period of independence in 1960.

The efforts of Government at all levels is always a case of no proactive measures and fire brigade games of afterthought. The major problem is that ab initio,we lack the desk of the Think Thanks and we respect less the might of our professionals, whose views, directives and instructions would have come earlier to help government proffer appropriate solutions. 


Nigeria Health coronavirus

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