Liberty Port

Religion 1

Are the Scriptures Dead ?

 Prof 1Are the scriptures dead?

This statement becomes a matter of debate even among religious people. This inscription attracts motorists when they are on motion along the Ibadan/Lagos expressway just after the toll gate. LOne should expect reactions from religious people most especially as popular in Nigeria-the Christians and the Muslims-but none of them have so far raised eyebrows. One would first of all think that the silence which may connote agreement must have been as a result of the constitution f the members of the group that disowned God and all religions are constituted by the conglomerate of the Christians, Muslims, and traditionalists, most especially those who are tired of the way Christianity and Islam are been practiced, look for another messiah on earth.
However, a critical study of the Holy Bible of the Christians and the Holy Quran of the Muslims condemn the consent implied by their silence.
If one should go by the provisions of the Holy Quran 2: 62, ''Those who believe in the Quran(that is the true Muslims), and those who follow the Jewish scriptures(that is Judaism) and the Christians and the Serbians(that is true followers of Jesus Chris and the true followers of John the Baptist),-any who believe in Allah(that is God almighty) and the Lats Day, and work with their Lord: on them shall be no fear nor shall they grieve.''
From the biblical point of view, Rev. 22: 18-19,'' I warn every person that hears the word of the prophecy of the book: if a person  adds anything to these words, then God will give that person the troubles written in this book and if any person takes away from the words of this book of prophecy then God will take away that person's share of the tree of life and of the holy city which are written about this book.''
Al these authentic statements of fact are expected to be worked on y operationalizing that provisions of the scriptures even when they seem difficult to follow. This is why the Holy Quran  61:2-4 states that,'' Oh ye who believe! Why say ye that which ye do not? Grievously hateful is it in the sight of Allah that ye say that which ye do not. Truly Allah loves those the cause in battle array(that is consistency in goodness-thoughts, acts, deeds, and words) as if they were a solid cemented structure(concrete reinforcement through fabricated iron or steel)''.
Suffice it now to say that the Muslims and Christians if truly they follow their scriptures would have received the grace of the provisions of 2 Tim. 3: 16-17(that is ''all scripture is given by God. And all Scripture is useful for teaching and for showing the things that are wrong in their lives. I t is useful for correcting faults and teaching how to live right. Using the  Scriptures the person who serves God would be ready and would have everything he or she needs to do every good work(management, administration, governance, credible leadership, sustainable development, etc.)
Church and Mosque goers are expected to be good citizens of their nations with the following moral disciplines characterized by a positive mindset (that is positive self-image). All the glory of being relevant in all facets of global best practices because we are all operating at the global market phase that deserves competition among the people of all races, self-confidence, self-esteem, and all-encompassing core values of integrity as well as a positive mental attitude that are necessary to always be at peace with neighbors with the glorious advantage of taking firm, accurate and precise decisions always. Muslims and Christians are expected to be prime movers with a high level of reliability and dependability factors in those areas of transparency and accountability in the face of probity.
However, all these global qualities are lacking in Nigerian Christians and Muslims, implying that they have failed God and humanity to allow such a derogatory statement to the Scriptures. When observers are 'blind', it does not mean that there is no light during the day, when religious leaders fail all divine tests, it does not mean that the Scriptures are dead. 
Suffice it now to say that the Scriptures must be alive in every adherent because the Bible and the Holy Quran attests with all certainty from the Bible Rev. 22: 20-21,'' Jesus is the one that says that these things are true, Now He says yes I am coming soon.'' Amen come, Lord Jesus,(the grace and kindness) of the Lord Jesus be with all people.
And from the Holy Quran 43: 61, ''  And Jesus shall the sign of the coming of the hour(of judgment): therefore have no doubt about the hour,  but follow ye Me: this is a straightway.''
 For the Scriptures not to die, the Muslims and the Christians must be scripture compliant as good citizens of their nations, with characteristic feasible, viable, and equitable sustainable development that should manifest. On a final note, the Scriptures are not dead.

Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria


Prof. Sabitu Olagoke Religion the Scripture