
women. motherhood

  • Young Mothers in Namibia Establish Factory

    Seven young Namibian mothers have established a mask factory.

    The mothers  made this possible through funding from 'DREAMS'  a United States funded project.

    According to Dorin Gases  who is just  18 : “This has been a life-changing experience. We can become a little bit more independent to look after our kids.

    We are young women with other dreams too, and this can help us afford further education which we couldn't before,”

    DREAMS is a project which aims to prevent new HIV infections in adolescent girls and young women.
    It stands for determined, resilient, empowered, AIDs-free, mentored and safe.

    The other young mothers are  Imerencia Nowases (21), Monica Ipwaakena (24), Julia Elias (24), Ndapewashali Americu (20), Ester Naidila (21) and Enrica Goagoses (21).

    The entrepreneurs are all non-schoolgoing young mothers from disadvantaged backgrounds.