Liberty Port


  • Exemplary Lifestyles : An Antidote to Indiscipline

    Prof sabitu olagoke 6The issue of education cuts across the home and the school, while the products still remain as raw materials for the houses of God to process into refined elements thoroughly reformed and guided by knowledge, wisdom and the power of discerning mind, if and only if due process is taken into an environment of love, morality and discipline.

    Graduates of these institutions are expected to feed the society through services in their various specializations, guided by ethics of practices for the right value orientation to be employed in achieving the much desired value, quality and standard expected to be in line with global best practices.

    Almost all the nations of the world, Nigeria in particular, have failed in this respect because of the breakdown of the agents of socialization in the hostile environment of poverty, Timocracy and kleptocracy.

    The underling factors for the restoration of values is to work on the attitudinal challenges emanating from the breakdown of the core values in all spheres of life, as there are no longer role models for the youths to emulate in the present ugly environment of rhetoric.

    What is correct is obvious, but who to correct it, is now the question on every lip. However, for humanity not to go into extinction through ravaging pandemic diseases such as the coronavirus, borne out of human frivolities and waywardness, there is a need to restrategize on the way we impact on the society, the teaching and learning value in the schools and the home through the curriculum that must be practically touched with role modelling illustrations and demonstrations for correct learning that will perfect the ways of the people and the change into fortune the destiny of the society.

    In this respect, everybody is a stakeholder just as religion is all encompassing with universal applications to regulate and control moderately the affairs of the people with overall advantages of the spiritual energy to articulate human social activities into full realization and actualization, there is a need to return to God through the chosen faith based houses of God for unseasoned divine intervention to nurture to fruition human efforts for development.

    References to the scriptures that must be implemented without seizing the advantages of the people’s areas of weaknesses and needs will ever solve our attitudinal challenges on institutional discipline, moral decadence and frictions for corruption against peace and development. 

    Prov. 25 : 28 ‘’ A person that can’t control himself(discipline) is like a city without walls to protect it.’’

    From the sayings of Prophet Mohammed this submission is confirmed to be true, ‘’ the best of Jihad is that of self-discipline.’’

    Suffice now to say that parents, teachers and school heads who are leaders in other areas of functions that are direct to the people and the society, must see themselves as primary stakeholders who must not only teach the creed, but role model the ideals for people to be able to follow without restrictions or any reservations.

    However, the following values must be used as weapons of instructions by the parents and the society and various places of work to benefit because after all, the products of the home are the working class as well as leaders for governance.

    The Holy Quaran 31 : 17 refers, :

    1. The establishment of regular prayers as must be demonstrated by parents who must teach and monitor their children on its importance to be close to their creator and to develop the culture of the fear of God and due process in doing things.
    2. Parents must demonstrate the exemplary lifestyle to be able to admonish their children on the essence of been just with all sincerity of purpose in any place they may find themselves.
    3. Much as we realize that we live in a filthy environment fraught with corruption, transgressions, sins and crimes, parents must not be found wanting or be soaked in the mess, but rather live exemplary lifestyles worthy of emulation by children and others to be able to effect a paradigm shift.
    4. Patience and forbearance in goal getting is highly important for elderly ones to demonstrate and live by, for the younger ones to have a positive mindset of correcting bad situations.

    The society must be able to see this as a culture of child rearing through a counseling strategy that will nurture the nature of the children right from the impressionable age through the adolescent stage to the period of adulthood with all consistency. This will in every way restore us into a state of discipline and value laden exemplary lifestyles free of fraud, but justice based. 

    Prof. Sabitu Olagoke

    Founder, Spiritual Head and Grand Imam Shafaudeen-in-Islam Worldwide,Wakajaiye, Ibadan, Nigeria